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Beslutsstödssystem - Tillförlitligheten till beslutsstödssystem vid statiskt beslutsfattande

Beslutsfattande utgör en stor del av vardagen för ledare och chefer i organisationer. Eftersom informationsmängden ständigt ökar väljer många att implementera beslutsstödssystem, vilket är datoriserade system som hjälper till att sortera ut och presentera relevant information för beslutsfattaren i den ständigt växande informationsmängden. Statiska beslut förutsätter att all information ska finnas

Best living neighbourhood in the city : a GIS based multi criteria evaluation of ArRiyadh City

Popular science ArRiyadh, the capital city of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is one of the fastest growing cities in the world. During the last decade the population of the city has been increased to five million due to heavy migration towards the city. Due to this population pressure, the living conditions in the different neighborhoods of the city are different. The residents in any city are mainly

En analys av heterosexuella pars åldersskillnader

Författare: Gustav Kallin Titel: En analys av heterosexuella pars åldersskillnader Masteruppsats SOCM02, 30 hp Handledare: Johanna Esseveld Sociologiska institutionen, vårterminen 2012 Syfte: Ändamålet med denna uppsats är att undersöka tesen om heterosexuella parrelationers åldersförhållanden rimligen kan tänkas problematiseras utifrån ett genusperspektiv. Detta är något som analyseras genom en

Societal Beliefs- the expression of societal beliefs through documentaries

The Israel-Palestinian conflict has always had the interest of many academic fields. We will in this thesis look into some of the social-psychological mechanisms that can occur in, what we address as, an intractable ethnonational conflict. We will use theories of societal beliefs, clash of narratives, irretraceable ethnonational conflicts and identity. Through two documentary films, “Promises” and

Enforcement of Maritime Claims: Russian and Latvian Perspective

This thesis is a comparative legal research of the enforcement of maritime claims in two countries of the Baltic sea region - Russia and Latvia. It focuses on substantive and procedural aspects of enforcement of maritime claims. Thorough analysis of the ship arrest possibilities provided under Russian and Latvian law and of encumbrances of maritime property (maritime liens and ship mortgages) is s

What’s in it for me? Food packaging and consumer responses in a focus group study

Purpose – This study has three broad objectives: (1) to explore consumer views on different dimensions of consumer packaging when it comes to a common staple food; (2) to discuss the role of different packaging features in consumer choice; (3) to compare consumer views on purchasing a common staple food either as an undifferentiated anonymous commodity or as a differentiated product.Design/methodo

Nanoplasma Formation by High Intensity Hard X-rays.

Using electron spectroscopy, we have investigated nanoplasma formation from noble gas clusters exposed to high-intensity hard-x-ray pulses at ~5 keV. Our experiment was carried out at the SPring-8 Angstrom Compact free electron LAser (SACLA) facility in Japan. Dedicated theoretical simulations were performed with the molecular dynamics tool XMDYN. We found that in this unprecedented wavelength reg

Trends in the quality of human-intensive software engineering experiments – A quasi-experiment.

Context: Several text books and articles published between 2000 and 2002 have attempted to introduce experimental design and statistical methods to software engineers undertaking empirical studies. Objective: This paper investigates whether there has been an increase in the quality of human-centric experimental and quasi-experimental journal papers over the time period 1993 to 2010. Method: 70 exp

A combined theoretical and experimental study of simple terminal group 6 nitride and phosphide N MX3 and P MX3 molecules

Organometallic complexes containing terminal metal nitrides and phosphides are important synthetic reagents. Laser-ablated group 6 metal atoms react with NF3, PF3, and PCl3 to form the simple lowest energy N MF3, and P MX3 products following insertion and halogen transfer, with the exception of P CrF3, which is a higher energy species and is not observed. The E MX3 pnictide metal trihalide molecul

A mutated xylose reductase increases bioethanol production more than a glucose/xylose facilitator in simultaneous fermentation and co-fermentation of wheat straw.

ABSTRACT: Genetically engineered Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains are able to ferment xylose present in lignocellulosic biomass. However, better xylose fermenting strains are required to reach complete xylose uptake in simultaneous saccharification and co-fermentation (SSCF) of lignocellulosic hydrolyzates. In the current study, haploid Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains expressing a heterologous xy

Bacteriophage Receptors, Mechanisms of Phage Adsorption and Penetration into Host Cell

Bacteriophages are an attractive tool for application in the therapy of bacterial infections, for biological control of bacterial contamination of foodstuffs in the alimentary industry, in plant protection, for control of water-borne pathogens, and control of environmental microflora. This review is mainly focused on structures governing phage recognition of host cell and mechanisms of phage adsor

Cost-effectiveness analysis of solifenacin flexible dosing in patients with overactive bladder symptoms in four Nordic countries

Objective. The purpose of the present analysis was to analyze and compare the cost-effectiveness of solifenacin flexible dosing (5-10 mg) with tolterodine 4 mg sustained release (SR) or placebo (assumed to be comparable to no treatment) for patients with overactive bladder (OAB) symptoms. Design. A decision-analytic model was constructed. Methods. Costs and effects were evaluated for the three tre

Population-based prediction of atrial fibrillation

På senare år har sjukdomspanoramat för hjärtsjukdomar förändrats, med sjunkande insjuknande och dödlighet i hjärtinfarkt men stigande insjuknande i förmaksflimmer och hjärtsvikt. Förmaksflimmer är den vanligaste hjärtrytmrubbningen och medför ökad risk för uppkomst av blodproppar i hjärtat som kan resultera i stroke, demens och förtida död. Symptom på förmaksflimmer är hjärtklappning, trötthet, anBackground: Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common sustained cardiac arrhythmia and increases in prevalence. As AF confers increased risk of morbidity, stroke, dementia and mortality, a major objective of cardiovascular epidemiology today is the development of tools for prediction and prevention of AF and its consequences. Although AF has traditionally been considered a non-heritable disease,

Konflikthantering i ungdomsvård ur ett sociologiskt perspektiv

Ett bråk passerar sällan obemärkt, tvärtom väcker det människors intresse och engagemang. Men vad innebär uppmärksamheten för bråkets utveckling? Hur hanteras en mellanmänsklig konflikt? Denna rapport berättar om bråkets betydelse, varierande förlopp och hantering i ungdomsvården utifrån etnografiskt material (observationer och intervjuer) från framför allt en institution, här kallad Silverbäcken.

NARX-based multi-step ahead response time prediction for database servers

Advanced telecommunication applications are often based on a multi-tier architecture, with application servers and database servers. With a rapidly increasing development of cloud computing and data centers, characterizations of the dynamics for database servers during changing workloads will be a key factor for analysis and performance improvements in these applications. We propose a multi-step a

Variable Message Signs for road tunnel emergency evacuations

This paper investigates the design of Variable Message Signs (VMS) as a way-finding aid for road tunnel emergency evacuations. The use of the Theory of Affordances is suggested to provide recommendations on the design of VMS. A preliminary evaluation of 11 selected VMS systems was performed and 6 of them were further evaluated using an affordance-based within subject stated-preference questionnair

The Effect of Muscle Loading on Skeletal Muscle Regenerative Potential An Update of Current Research Findings Relating to Aging and Neuromuscular Pathology

Skeletal muscle is a dynamic tissue with a remarkable ability to continuously respond to environmental stimuli. Among its adaptive responses is the widely investigated ability of skeletal muscle to regenerate after loading or injury or both. Although significant basic science efforts have been dedicated to better understand the underlying mechanism controlling skeletal muscle regeneration, there h