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Long-term data shows increasing dominance of Bombus terrestris with climate warming

While many bumblebee species decline due to climate and land-use changes, others cope well with contemporary conditions. One example is Bombus terrestris, which is common in intensively managed agricultural landscapes. During the 20th century its subgenus, which includes the B. lucorum complex (B. lucorum, B. cryptarum and B. magnus) came to dominate Scandinavian bumblebee communities, but the spe

Method development for multimodal data corpus analysis of expressive instrumental music performance

Musical performance is a multimodal experience, for performers and listeners alike. This paper reports on a pilot study which constitutes the first step toward a comprehensive approach to the experience of music as performed. We aim at bridging the gap between qualitative and quantitative approaches, by combining methods for data collection. The purpose is to build a data corpus containing multimo

The reversal of human phylogeny : Homo left Africa as erectus, came back as sapiens sapiens

Background: The molecular out of Africa hypothesis, OOAH, has been considered as an established fact amid population geneticists for some 25–30 years despite the early concern with it among phylogeneticists with experience beyond that of Homo. The palaeontological support for the hypothesis is also questionable, a circumstance that in the light of expanding Eurasian palaeontological knowledge has

Amyloid Structural Changes Studied by Infrared Microspectroscopy in Bigenic Cellular Models of Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s disease affects millions of lives worldwide. This terminal disease is characterized by the formation of amyloid aggregates, so-called amyloid oligomers. These oligomers are composed of β-sheet structures, which are believed to be neurotoxic. However, the actual secondary structure that contributes most to neurotoxicity remains unknown. This lack of knowledge is due to the challenging n

An analysis of ammonia synthesis by the model of Selective Energy Transfer (SET)

The SET theory implies that energy is transferred from the catalyst system via infrared radiation to the molecules that are supposed to react. In previous investigations it has been demonstrated that the activation of the reacting species-as long as the molecules are infrared active-can occur at low adsorption strength. However, for molecules that are IR inactive, e.g. dinitrogen, this is not poss

Computational methods for querying and sampling the Twitter disinformation datasets

This study attempts to apply computational methods to the Twitter Election Integrity Datasets in order to derive a basic descriptive overview of this disinformation data, and to suggest some possible routes for developing these methods to address future research questions. The results indicate substantial variations in tweet frequency over time and geographical regions, as well as differences in r

Adipocytes Under Obese-Like Conditions Change Cell Cycle Distribution and Phosphorylation Profiles of Breast Cancer Cells : The Adipokine Receptor CAP1 Matters

Background: Obesity and associated metabolic conditions impact adipocyte functionality with potential consequences for breast cancer risk and prognosis, but contributing mechanisms remain to be understood. The adipokine receptor adenylyl cyclase-associated protein-1 (CAP1) has been implicated in the progression of breast cancer, but results are conflicting and the underlying molecular mechanisms a

Distansundervisning – nödläge med guldkant

Tanken på ansikte-mot-ansikte-undervisningens överlägsenhet må ha ett starktfäste, men när vi summerar ett år av distansundervisning på universitetsnivå ärdet tydligt att det gått över förväntan.

Mathematical modelling of post-filter ionized calcium during citrate anticoagulated continuous renal replacement therapy

Background/Aims Post-filter ionized calcium (iCa) measured on a blood gas analyzer (BGA) during regional citrate anticoagulated continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) are needed to control the regime. This increases the workload and requires attention including interpretation of blood analyses. Two algorithms were developed to calculate the post-filter iCa instead. The first algorithm used me

Size structures sensory hierarchy in ocean life

Survival in aquatic environments requires organisms to have effective means of collecting information from their surroundings through various sensing strategies. In this study, we explore how sensing mode and range depend on body size. We find a hierarchy of sensing modes determined by body size. With increasing body size, a larger battery of modes becomes available (chemosensing, mechanosensing,

Treatment of patients with Graves’ disease in Sweden compared to international surveys of an ‘index patient’

Introduction: The treatment strategies for a 42-year-old female index patient with moderate Graves’ disease (GD) vary according to several international surveys. The important question whether surveys of treatment preferences in theoretical patient cases also match how real patients are treated has not yet been addressed. Materials and Methods: From a Swedish cohort of 1186 GD patients (TT-12 coho