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Contrasting energy pathways at the community level as a consequence of regime shifts

Ecological regime shifts typically result in abrupt changes in ecosystem structure through several trophic levels, which leads to rapid ecosystem reconfiguration between regimes. An interesting aspect of the impact of regime shift is that alternative regimes may induce distinct shifts in energy pathways; these have been less tested than structural changes. This paper addresses this by using stable

The natural course of spontaneous osteonecrosis of the knee (SPONK) A 1-to 27-year follow-up of 40 patients

Background and purpose Spontaneous osteonecrosis of the knee (SPONK) is a painful lesion in the elderly, frequently leading to osteoarthritis and subsequent knee surgery. We evaluated the natural course and long-term consequences of SPONK in terms of need for major knee surgery. Methods Between 1982 and 1988, 40 consecutive patients were diagnosed with SPONK. The short-term outcome has been report

Kostnad-Nytta av Industrins Brandskyddsåtgärder- En pilotstudie av beslutsanalysens faktiska förutsättningar

The aim of this report has been to investigate weather the decision analysis methodology fulfils the demands from the industrial decision-makers concerning the most cost-effective fire protection alternative. The report also contains a sensitivity analysis to demonstrate which parameters that has great importance to the validity of the model. A fictive example has been defined; Termoplast AB. A d

Sarcoidosis and Autoimmunity: Evidence of Differential Associations with HLA Class II Markers

A high frequency of endocrine autoimmunity and gastrointestinal immune reactivity has been reported in sarcoidosis. The aim of the present study was to determine the immunogenetic background of sarcoidosis focusing on the associated autoimmune manifestations. Materials and Methods: A total of 66 (38 males, 28 females) and /65 (37 males, 28 females) Caucasian patients with documented sarcoidosis di

Remembered Parental Bonding in Adult Twins: Genetic and Environmental Influences

One common assumption in psychology is the impact of parenting and parent-child relationships on the child's adjustment throughout the life span. Studies have indicated that there are genetic influences on memories of parenting, but how these influences are mediated has not typically been investigated. A sample of 150 pairs of monozygotic and 176 pairs of dizygotic Swedish twin women reported on p

Interactions between the Greenland Ice Sheet and the Liverpool Land coastal ice cap during the last two glaciation cycles

The sedimentary record from the Ugleelv Valley on central Jameson Land, East Greenland, adds new information about terrestrial palaeoenvironments and glaciations to the glacial history of the Scoresby Sund fjord area. A western extension of a coastal ice cap on Liverpool Land reached eastern Jameson Land during the early Scoresby Sund glaciation (approximate to the Saalian). During the following g

Cell survival after Auger electron emission from stable intracellular indium exposed to monochromatic synchrotron radiation

The biological effect of Auger electrons emitted from indium in V79 cells was investigated. K-shell vacancies were induced by synchrotron x-rays. Two energies, 100 eV above and below the K-edge of indium, were used. The cell survival for controls was similar to that which has been reported by others, with D37 = 4.4 Gy. Indium-oxine-labelled cells exhibited a survival clearly below that of the cont

Rare earth elements (REE) and other trace element concentrations in proximal Chicxulub ejecta deposits from northern Belize – support for a single-impact scenario

Four exposures of Chicxulub impact ejecta along the Mexico-Belize border have been sampled and analyzed for major and trace element abundances. The ejecta deposits consist of a lower spheroid bed, containing clay and dolomite spheroids, and an upper diamictite bed with boulders and clasts of limestone and dolomite. The matrix of both beds is composed of clay and micritic dolomite. The rare earth

NMR diffusometry and the short gradient pulse limit approximation

In NMR diffusometry, one often uses the short gradient pulse (SGP) limit approximation in the interpretation of data from systems with restricted diffusion. The SGP limit approximation means that the gradient pulse length, delta, is so short that the spins do not diffuse during the pulse duration, but this condition is rarely met. If the length scale of the pores corresponds to the molecular mean

A contribution to the phylogeny and taxonomy of Xanthoparmelia (Ascomycota, Parmeliaceae)

Various aspects of the lichen genus Xanthoparmelia have been investigated using ITS rDNA sequences. The delimitation of the genus and phylogeographic trends within the genus are reviewed. Three south African genera, Almbornia, Namakwa and Xanthomaculina, are synonymized with Xanthoparmelia. The transfer of Xanthoparmelia peruviensis to Psiloparmelia is strongly supported by a bootstrap analysis. T

Childhood depression: teachers' and children's perceptions of the symptoms and causes of depression in Jordan

Popular Abstract in Swedish Det övergripande syftet med denna avhandling är att fokusera på barndepressioner i Jordanien, och specifikt vad gäller förekomst, symptom och orsaker. En jordansk översättning av Children’s Depression Inventory (CDI) har använts och resultatet visar att av 534 barn i åldrarna 11-12 år lider 33 av svår depression. I intervjuer med både lärare och de identifierade depressThe purpose of this thesis is to scrutinise the situation of children with depression in Jordan. The Jordanian translation of the Children’s Depression Inventory (CDI) is used in this study. The original sample on which the study tools were applied consisted of 534 children. The data was analysed according to the SPSS programme. The results of the study show that the Jordanian translation of the C

The LKB1-salt-inducible kinase pathway functions as a key gluconeogenic suppressor in the liver.

LKB1 is a master kinase that regulates metabolism and growth through adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK) and 12 other closely related kinases. Liver-specific ablation of LKB1 causes increased glucose production in hepatocytes in vitro and hyperglycaemia in fasting mice in vivo. Here we report that the salt-inducible kinases (SIK1, 2 and 3), members of the AMPK-related kinase fa

Tautomerism in cytosine and uracil: an experimental and theoretical core level spectroscopic study

The O, N, and C 1s core level photoemission spectra of the nucleobases cytosine and uracil have been measured in the vapor phase, and the results have been interpreted via theoretical calculations. Our calculations accurately predict the relative binding energies of the core level features observed in the experimental photoemission results and provide a full assignment. In agreement with previous

Quantifying Bulk Electrode Strain and Material Displacement within Lithium Batteries via High-Speed Operando Tomography and Digital Volume Correlation

Tracking the dynamic morphology of active materials during operation of lithium batteries is essential for identifying causes of performance loss. Digital volume correlation (DVC) is applied to high-speed operando synchrotron X-ray computed tomography of a commercial Li/MnO2 primary battery during discharge. Real-time electrode material displacement is captured in 3D allowing degradation mechanism

Rho-GTPases in Morphogenesis and Differentiation of the Developing Pancreas

Branched tubular networks constitute the basic structure of many organs to increase surface area and to transport fluids and gases. Glandular organs such as the pancreas arise from multilayered epithelium, which undergoes de novo lumen formation and extensive remodeling and branching. Endocrine cells originate from endocrine progenitors within the ductal epithelium. Upon differentiation into hormo

The role of the law enforcement agencies in transport security, a survey with Swedish operators

Transport security, that is, the protection against antagonistic attacks in form of terrorism, theft, counterfeiting, piracy etc. has become a major concern for managers during the last years. The consequences of security incidents include economic losses for industries, but in case of terror attacks may also affect society in general. If transport networks are not adequately protected, consumable