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A new low mass for the Hercules dSph: The end of a common mass scale for the dwarfs?
From teleology to eschatology: The katechon and the political theology of the international law of belligerent occupation
While contemporary international law is often understood as teleological, encompassing notions such as progress, development, and prosperity for all of human kind, in this essay the field of the international law of belligerent occupation is read as katechonic, as embodying the figure of the katechon within international law’s eschatology. The essay considers Carl Schmitt’s political theology thro
Abstract in Undetermined Att skriva kandidatuppsats innebär en stor och spännande utmaning för de flesta studenter. Det är under arbetet med denna som man förväntas ta det sista steget till att bli en självständig kunskapsproducent och belönas med en filosofie kan- didatexamen. Därmed framstår den såväl som det mest krävande som lärorika momentet på grundutbildningen. I den här boken görs en grun
In the best interest of the child: dispute solving mechanisms or collaboration?
Laser-induced thermal stress and the heat shock response in neural cells
Background The Ho: YAG laser is used extensively in orthopedic surgery. It offers a minimally invasive method of ablating tissue with precision. Previous studies have explored the effects of laser use on temperature during experimental foraminoplasty. To date, there has been limited work on the effects of thermal stress on cells in this context. Material and methods Cells were exposed either to h
Economic Perspective on Migration
Socionomer mitt i livet
The cosmic origin of fluorine and sulphur: Infrared spectroscopic studies of red giants
Popular Abstract in Swedish I Big Bang, då vårt Universum skapades, bildades i princip endast de två lättaste grundämnena, väte och helium. Alla andra grundämnen har skapats, och skapas fortfarande, i olika typer av stjärnor under olika utvecklingsfaser. Detta betyder att precis alla atomer, förutom väte och helium, som bygger upp alla saker, växter, djur och människor i vår omgivning, har bildatsDisregarding the small primordial traces of the lightest elements, all metals have been formed in stellar processes, which means that the relative amount of metals in the Universe increases for every stellar generation. This build-up of elements is called chemical evolution and might be used both to constrain stellar models as well as understanding the formation and evolution of stellar population
Professional desire, competence and engagement in IS context
This paper attempts to address the failings of a predominant paradigm in IS research and practice that emphasises technological determinism. This paradigm makes use of a false belief in the power of rationality in organizational decision-making, and a mythology in which organizational actors can be viewed as passive ‘users’ of technology. We wish to create a discussion of the nature and role of pr
Introduktionskurs: Kinesiska på 100 ord
Lärande och kunskapsöverföring genom migration
Statistical analysis of measured short-term impulse response functions of 1.88 GHz radio channels in Stockholm with corresponding channel model
Approaches to Treatment of Children with Advanced Neuroblastoma
Children with advanced neuroblastoma are at high risk for relapse of multidrug resistant disease, despite initial response to intensive multimodality treatment. Neuroblastomas have similarities with immature neuroblasts seen during embryonic development of the sympathetic nervous system (the origin of these tumors). Chemotherapeutic drugs have various mechanisms of action and successfully treated
Inflammation and Pre-atherosclerotic Changes in the Coronary Arteries of Children
Trade and Growth : Models and Methods
Optimal strategies and information in foraging theory
Popular Abstract in Swedish I den här avhandlingen presenterar jag ett antal empiriska och teoretiska arbeten där vi har studerat hur både människor och djur använder information. Vi har funnit att mängden information, och det sätt på vilket informationen presenteras, har betydelse för hur väl människans beslut anpassas till de förhållanden som råder. Vi har också funnit att människor verkar ha enIn this thesis, I present both theoretical and empirical work where we have studied how humans and animals use information in situations where they need to continually update their information on the density of a resource. We have found that the amount of information, and the way the information is presented, are important factors for how well decisions are adapted to current circumstances. In an
Accelerator Mass Spectrometry and its Applications
Bakgrund och syfte. Den svenska riksdagen har som ambition att till år 2020 lämna över ett samhälle till nästageneration där de stora miljöproblemen är lösta. Därför antog riksdagen år 1999 femtonnationella miljökvalitetsmål som anger vilket miljötillstånd som ska ha uppnåtts inom engeneration. Miljömålssystemet har senare kompletterats med ett sextonde miljömål samt ettantal delmål som är tidssat
Nature and the Environment as Trans-Boundary Business Strategies
From a paradigmatic understanding of tourism, the thing about tourism experiences is that they differ from everyday life. You experience different places, see different people, get to know different ways of doing things, and so on. To do tourism, then, is to experience a series of changes from the ordinary. Several things change in the course of the making and consumption of a tourism product. For