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Mera mat: Att brödföda en växande befolkning

Ökar världens befolkning snabbare än tillgången på mat? Är lösningen på världens livsmedelsproblem att omfördela maten mellan fattiga och rika länder? Göran Djurfeldt svarar nej på båda frågorna. Mera mat handlar om produktionen snarare än om fördelningen av livsmedel: världens jordbruk måste bli effektivare för att kunna mätta en växande befolkning. Boken analyserar jordbruket i ett globalt pers

Improving regression testing transparency and efficiency with history-based prioritization – an industrial case study

Abstract—Background: History based regression testing was proposed as a basis for automating regression test selection, for the purpose of improving transparency and test efficiency, at the function test level in a large scale software development organization. Aim: The study aims at investigating the current manual regression testing process as well as adopting, implementing and evaluating the ef

Spatial and temporal dynamics of subarctic birch forest carbon exchange

Popular Abstract in English The long-term stability of the global terrestrial carbon sink has been a matter of concern in that a weakening would have serious consequences for atmospheric CO2 concentrations and, hence, for further changes in climate. High northern latitudes are of special importance for the global carbon budget as they store large amounts of organic matter in the soil and are expecHigh northern latitudes are of special importance for the global carbon budget as they store large amounts of organic matter in the soil and are expected to be the most strongly affected by climate change. Here we investigate carbon exchange in the subarctic mountain birch forest growing on the limit where tree growth is possible. The study sites are located close to the Abisko village in norther

IP security – a disruptive or sustaining technology shift?

The shift towards IP-based security products and systems is often touted as an example of a disruptive technology that have had – and will continue to have – profound consequences for the electronic security industry as a whole. Based on Clayton Christensen’s theories on disruptive innovation, this document argues that the in- troduction of IP-based technology has different effects depending on th

Parametric Study of Emissions from Low Calorific Value Syngas Combustion, with Variation of Fuel Distribution, in a Prototype Three Sector Burner

The emission composition is measured for a prototype burner while varying the equivalence ratio in discrete portions of the burner. The burner is a three sector system, consisting of a separate igniter, pilot/stabilizer and main burner. The design allows for discrete control of equivalence ratio in each of the three sectors. The ignition sector, designated RPL (Rich- Pilot-Lean), operates from ric

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Abstract in Spanish En aquellas operaciones robóticas en las que un robotmanipulador interactúa con su entorno resulta de extremadaimportancia poder controlar la fuerza que ésterealiza. Normalmente, para poder llevar a cabo este control,se suele colocar un sensor de fuerza en la muñeca delmanipulador, cerrando de esta forma el lazo de control.En lo que se refiere a estos sensores, uno de los princ

Study of a Large Deformable Mirror Concept

Popular Abstract in Swedish Deformerbara speglar som används i teleskop är förhållandevis små med en diameter på 10-30 cm, med undantag av ett fåtal. Den största deformerbara spegeln som är integrerad i ett teleskop idag, har en diameter på 911 mm och återfinns i Large Binocular Telescope. I designen för E-ELT har en deformerbar spegel med en diameter på dryga 2 m inkluderats och GMT har ett antalIt is attractive to integrate a large deformable mirror for adaptive optics into an astronomical telescope rather than using relay optics within an auxiliary instrument. However, the resulting large deformable mirror can be expensive, particularly for extremely large telescopes. We have pursued a low-cost approach using force actuators connected to the back of the deformable mirror through suction