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Slow cities
Att skola för delaktighet
När facket försvagas
Handlingsoffentlighet och sekretess, 12 uppl
"Until the Lamb of God Appears....". What Happened in the 1991 Parliamentary Elections?
Prevalence of Clostridium botulinum type B, E and F in faecal samples from Swedish pigs
Om filmkanonbildningens praxis
Lönsamhetskalkylering av projekt
Comparing Foci in Picture Viewing and Picture Description.
Social and environmental aspects of urban transformation.
De okända förhandlingarna. Statens förhandlingsråd och regeringens MBL-förhandlingar
Abstract is not available
Med våldsam hand : hustrumisshandel i 1800-talets Sverige. En studie av rättsliga, kyrkliga och politiska sammanhang
Organisationer, ledning och processer
Capacity of MIMO systems based on measured wireless channels
We measure the capacity of multiple-input multiple- output radio systems in microcellular environments.We use a new data evaluation method that allows to evaluate the cumulative distribution function of the capacity from a single measurement. This method is based on an extraction of the parameters of the multipath components and, thereafter, a synthetic variation of their phases. In the analyzed e
Nutritional Properties of Liquid Oats as Affected by Processing and Storage
The cholesterol-lowering effects of oats have led to an increasing interest in them on the food market. Liquid oats has emerged as a new way of consuming oats and has become a commercial product. To produce liquid oats, steam-heated dehulled oat groats are subjected to flaking, wet-milling, enzyme hydrolysis, decanting, formulation, and ultra-high-temperature (UHT) treatment, the resulting beverag