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Moving Target Classification with Radar Point-Clouds and Supervised Contrastive Learning

This thesis deals with radar data for the purpose of moving target classification in the context of surveillance. The radar data in question comes in the form of point-clouds represented as frame-wise histograms with several channels and we seek to improve upon an existing cross-entropy based deep learning classifier using supervised contrastive loss. We find that the embeddings output by supervi

Using AR gaze-based interaction to control IoT devices

Förstärkt verklighet (AR), augmented reality på engelska, har på sistone fått stor uppmärksamhet från kända applikationer som Pokémon Go och Snapchat. AR har dessutom blivit alltmer populärt som dels mätverktyg men också för att instruera och hjälpa användare som jobbar med komplexa arbetsuppgifter. Huvud-burna AR-glasögon kan dessutom ha stor potential att assistera människor vars händer är upptaAugmented Reality (AR) has lately gained a lot of momentum with popular applications such as Pokémon Go and Snapchat. Also, AR is becoming increasingly popular as a supportive tool for measuring objects and instructing users who are struggling with complex tasks. Moreover, head-worn AR glasses can have the potential of assisting people who needs their hands elsewhere or are unable to use their han

Authentication of Swipe Gestures in Smartphones using Sensor Data

Smartphones are an increasingly important part of our lives. As services that treat sensitive information are found on most modern phones, there is a growing need for security. The common approaches of entering a PIN-code or some pattern when accessing an application on the phone is not necessarily sufficient, as they are vulnerable to different types of attacks. The embedded sensors of modern sma

Renewable Energy Communities - Exploring behavioral and motivational factors behind the willingness to participate in Renewable Energy Communities in Germany

Several studies and actors have emphasized the role of Renewable Energy Communities as collective citizen initiatives enhancing the decentralized, low-carbon energy transition. Despite the social, environmental, and economic benefits, several changes in the energy policies in Germany have led to a decrease of newly registered Renewable Energy Communities. Previous financial measures have failed to

Konsekvenser i Pandemins spår - Har efterfrågan på kontorslokaler förändrats?

Utbrottet av den globala pandemin våren 2020, inneburit omvälvande förändringar för i stort sett alla människor och verksamheter. Privilegier som fri rörlighet och mötesfrihet har sedan utbrottet bytts ut mot strikta restriktioner i de flesta länder vilket drivit många branscher in i krisläge och därmed förändringsarbete. Fastighetsbranschen är inget undantag. Sedan folkhälsomyndigheten rekommenSince the outbreak of the pandemic early 2020, the world has experienced disruptive change in many of its foundations. Privileges as free movement, the freedom of assembly and simply being able to go to the movies have been replaced by strict local and national policies, limiting humans and companies. The Covid-19 agenda has forced a lot of businesses into crisis mode with transformation as a cons

Electricity supply chain adaption to distributed solar PV sources: electricity suppliers and prosumers. Sweden Case study based on UK framework.

Background The Paris Agreement has forced the European Parliament to set a target of 35% renewable energies by 2030. In Sweden, the adaptation of the electricity supply chain to renewable energy production has created new opportunities for the electricity supply chain member. New business models between prosumers and electricity suppliers are currently being developed while the whole management of

An Act of Translation

Malmö is an expanding, globalised and multicultural city with the aim to be sustainable and green. Throughout this aim, there is the actuality of negotiating space: space for housing, space for activity and green space for nature. Many different preferences of when, how and why to use public space meet and friction is inevitable. Within this debate of urbanization and nature following the western

Slutet för EU-interna investeringstvister? - En utredning av rättsläget efter EU-domstolens dom C-284/16 Achmea

År 2018 meddelade EU-domstolen förhandsavgörandet C-284/16 Achmea som kom att göra investeringstvister mellan en investerare från en EU-medlemsstat mot en annan EU-medlemsstat osäker. I domslutet konstate-rade EU-domstolen att artiklarna 267 och 344 Fördraget om Europeiska unionens funktionssätt utgjorde hinder mot en sådan skiljeklausul som fanns i ett bilateralt investeringsavtal mellan SlovakieIn 2018, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) rendered its preliminary ruling C-284/16 Achmea, making the future of investment treaty arbitration between an investor from one EU member state and another EU member state uncertain. In the judgement’s operative part, the CJEU con-cluded that articles 267 and 344 Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union precludes arbitration clause

”Jazz chose me”? En kvantitativ och kvalitativ studie om saxofonisters genretillhörigheter

Syftet med denna studie är att få en bredare förståelse för de faktorer som påverkar valet av genretillhörighet bland saxofonister utifrån två breda genrekategorier: jazz/afroamerikansk musik och klassisk musik. Studiens fokus går att sammanfatta i följande frågeställningar: • När och hur brukar en saxofonist välja genretillhörighet, om det ens är ett aktivt val? • Finns det några korrelationer meThe purpose of this study is to get a broader understanding of the factors surrounding the choice of genre affiliations among saxophonists based on two primary umbrella terms: the jazz/black American music genre and the classical genre. The focus of the study can be boiled down to these research questions: • When and how does a saxophonist usually pick their genre affiliation, if it even is an ac

Climatic variability as a driver of spring moult phenology in a population of arctic foxes in Norway

Arctic environments are subject to high seasonal variability. For the species inhabiting these latitudes, adaptation to both harsh winters and milder summers is necessary. Among the few mammals capable of sustaining such variable circannual conditions, the arctic fox (Vulpes lagopus) shows remarkable morphological and physiological traits that enable individuals to remain in the Fennoscandian tund

Digital Twin - an Exploratory Study on its Opportunities and Challenges from a Supply Chain Perspective

At the forefront of the fourth industrial revolution, technologies such as digital twin seek to shift the way industrial companies operate. A digital twin is a virtual replica of a product, system or process. Historically, the focus has been on representing single objects but it is now shifting to interconnected processes, such as supply chains. Advanced versions of a supply chain digital twin can

Befriande klang och laddad tystnad: Prepareringar i pianoimprovisation som en väg till kreativ didaktik

Befriande klang och laddad tystnad – prepareringar i pianoimprovisation som en väg till kreativ didaktik av Rui Hallvares Andrade Paes. Detta arbete syftar till att erbjuda ny kunskap om användningsmöjligheter av prepareringar i improvisation, övning och pianoundervisning. Den metodiska utgångspunkten är tredelad, och innefattar (i) en personlig processtudie av prepareringar i musicerande och impLiberating Timbre and Charged Silence – Preparations in Piano Improvisation as a Way Leading to Creative Didactics by Rui Hallvares Andrade Paes. This essay aims to present new knowledge regarding the possibilities to apply the use of preparations when improvising, practicing and teaching piano. The method used in this essay is based on three parts, including (i) a personal process study of prepa

Aligning ownership and control

Abstrakt Titel Aligning ownership and control Datum för seminarium 15 Januari 2021 Kurs Kandidatuppsats i Finansiering (FEKH89) Författare Alexander Bjarte, Jakob Gerby, Melker Melin Handledare Anamaria Cociorva Nyckelord Insiderägande, Finansiell prestation, ROA, Tobin’s Q, Tillgångsallokering, Besultsfattande Syfte Studien ämnar att undersöka om det finns ett samband mellan aktieägarsAbstract Title Aligning ownership and control Seminar date 15 January 2021 Course Bachelor's Thesis in Corporate Finance (FEKH89) Authors Alexander Bjarte, Jakob Gerby, Melker Melin Thesis Advisor Anamaria Cociorva Key words Insider Ownership, Financial Performance, ROA, Tobin’s Q, Asset Allocation, Decision Making Purpose The aim of this study is to investigate whether equity own

Demokratisk tillbakagång - en kvantitativ studie om den politiska kulturens påverkan

The essay examines the cause and effects of political culture, a political family consisting of socioeconomic factors, that may aim to challenge the state of democracy. The aim of the study is to understand and examine the rising trend of democractic backsliding in which contributing factors from the theories of political culture may have led to today's global fall of democracy. The main mater

Analytical Exponential-6 Equation of State Based on Monte Carlo Simulations

The exponential-6 (exp-6) potential is an intermolecular pair potential that is widely used to model fluids at high densities. The path from molecular interaction to equation of state (EOS) for a gas is not straightforward however. Monte Carlo methods and molecular dynamics give accurate results but are too slow for demanding applications like detonation modelling or numerical simulations of react

Terrorist men på vilka grunder? – En granskning av EU:s sanktioner mot terrorisms förhållande till rättssäkerhet

Uppsatsen behandlar frågan kring huruvida EU:s sanktionsförfarande mot personer och enheter i syfte att bekämpa terrorism är förenligt med grundläggande rättssäkerhetskrav med fokus på förutsebarhetskravet och processuella rättigheter. Internationella sanktioner är ett instrument för att skapa fred och säkerhet samt främja demokrati och mänskliga rättigheter. Användningen av sanktionsåtgärder har This thesis addresses the question of whether EU sanctions against certain persons and entities to combat terrorism are compatible with fundamental principles of legal certainty, concentrating on predictability and procedural rights. International sanctions are coercive political and legal measures imposed to ensure peace and stability and promote democracy and human rights. The use of sanctions h

Dolda makthavare? En explorativ intervjustudie av kommunala politiska sekreterares roll i demokratin

In the 1980s, it became possible for municipalities to establish political secretarial services. Since then, there has been a significant expansion of the professional group. But despite the fact that political secretaries today occupy a central position in the political landscape, there is limited knowledge about how their work is conducted. This bachelor’s thesis investigates the role of munici

Den liberale barbaren Leopold II - Narrativ kring civilisationsstandard i Kongofristaten

Invasion, mass warfare, foreign hordes, slaughter and pure evil. When pondering these words one will usually attribute them to the traditional conception of the barbarian, and not to something as seemingly distant as Western civilization. In this paper I aim to discuss the rare combination of liberal European civilization and its relation with barbarism in general, specifically focusing on the ca

The gendered impact of COVID-19 state response in the West Bank and Gaza Strip

As in many parts of the world, state response to COVID-19 in the occupied Palestinian territories (oPt) has included far-reaching measures such as restrictions of movement and the closure of schools, businesses and borders. The response has in itself caused substantive secondary impact to people’s health, well-being and livelihoods, which has in turn exacerbated preexisting vulnerabilities and gen

En analys av Armeniens och Azerbajdzjans twitteranvändande om konflikten över Nagorno-Karabach

Denna artikeln behandlar Armeniens och Azerbajdzjans twitteranvändande kring konflikten över Nagorno-Karabach. Syftet med artikeln är att utifrån strukturell realism som den teoretiska basen, analysera Armenien och Azerbajdzjans tweets. Metoderna som används är en kvantitativ innehållsanalys av tweets från tre likvärdiga offentliga twitterkonton tillhörande länderna och dess ledare och analysera o