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LC-QTOF/MS metabolomic profiles in human plasma after a 5-week high dietary fiber intake.

The objective was to investigate the alterations of plasma metabolome profiles to identify exposure and effect markers of dietary fiber intake. Subjects (n = 25) aged 58.6 (1.1) years (mean and SD) with a body mass index of 26.6 (0.5) kg/m(2) were given a high fiber (HF) and a low fiber (LF) diet, in a 5-week randomized controlled crossover intervention. The HF diet consisted of oat bran, rye bran

Structure of apolipoprotein A-I's N-terminus on nascent high density lipoprotein.

Apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) is the major protein component of high density lipoproteins (HDL) and a critical element of cholesterol metabolism. To better elucidate the role of apoA-I structure-function in cholesterol metabolism, the conformation of apoA-I's N-terminus (residues 6-98) on nascent HDL was examined by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopic analysis. A series of 93 apoA-I

Rheological and rheo-SALS investigation of the multi-lamellar vesicle formation in the C12E3/D2O system

Usually in nonionic surfactant aqueous systems of the CnEm type, a lamellar phase occurs over a wide temperature and concentration range. For some CnEm surfactants, multi-lamellar vesicle (MLV) formation has been observed when the lamellar phase is subjected to shear flow. This communication reports the shear flow behavior at different shear rate values of a CnEm (where "n" is 12 and "m" is 3) aqu

Precise U-Pb ages and geochemistry of Palaeoproterozoic mafic dykes from southern West Greenland: Linking the North Atlantic and the Dharwar cratons

Palaeoproterozoic magmatism throughout the North Atlantic Craton (NAC) has produced dyke swarms of diverse orientations and emplacement ages. In southern West Greenland, previously identified swarms include the ca. 2500 Ma Kilarsaarfik dykes, ca. 2215 Ma boninitic norite (BN) dykes, and the abundant ca. 2040 Ma Kangamiut and coeval 2050-2030 Ma MD3 dykes. Additional insight into the distribution o

Achrysocharoides Girault (Hymenoptera, Eulophidae) new to tropical America, with eight new species

The genus Achrysocharoides Girault is here reported for the first time from tropical America. Included are ten species, eight newly described: A. asperulus, A. callisetosus, A. cuspidatus, A. foveatus, A. infuscus, A. mediocarinatus, A. purpureus, A. sulcatus, and two already known: A. ecuadorensis (Hansson) and A. gliricidiae (Hansson & Cave). All species are included in an identification key

Are test cases needed? Replicated comparison between exploratory and test-case-based software testing

Manual software testing is a widely practiced verification and validation method that is unlikely to fade away despite the advances in test automation. In the domain of manual testing, many practitioners advocate exploratory testing (ET), i.e., creative, experience-based testing without predesigned test cases, and they claim that it is more efficient than testing with detailed test cases. This pap

The Future of Criteria in Historical Jesus Research

Recent discussions of method in historical Jesus research have called into question the use of criteria for evaluating the authenticity of Gospel material. The present article lays out the reasons why a number of scholars call for an abandonment of the so-called criteria approach and then criticizes the allegation that this approach is genetically and logically dependent on form criticism. By anal

Male sex and vascular risk factors affect cystatin C-derived renal function in older people without diabetes or overt vascular disease.

Background/objectives: to explore the effect of ageing on renal function with cystatin C as the marker of glomerular filtration rate (GFR) in the general population without vascular disease or diabetes.Design: a cross-sectional analysis of a healthy subset from the Good Aging in Skåne-cohort study representative of the Swedish general population.Subjects: 1252 participants without vascular disease

Physiotherapy as a disciplinary institution in modern society - a Foucauldian perspective on physiotherapy in Danish private practice.

In many Western countries, physiotherapy in a private context is practiced and managed within a neoliberal ideology. Little is known about how private physiotherapeutic practice functions, which is why this study aims to explore how physiotherapy is practiced from the perspective of physiotherapists in Danish private practice, within a Foucauldian perspective. This study consisted of 21 interviews

Functional characterization of two novel non-synonymous alterations in CD46 and a Q950H change in factor H found in atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome patients.

Atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome (aHUS) is a disease of complement dysregulation, characterized by hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia and acute renal failure. Mutations in complement inhibitors are major risk factors for development of aHUS. The three aHUS patients reported in this study had several previously identified alterations in complement inhibitors; e.g. risk haplotypes in CD46 and fact

Action orientation overcomes the ego depletion effect

Abstract in UndeterminedIt has been consistently demonstrated that initial exertion of self-control had negative influence on people's performance on subsequent self-control tasks. This phenomenon is referred to as the ego depletion effect. Based on action control theory, the current research investigated whether the ego depletion effect could be moderated by individuals' action versus state orien

Exogenously Administered Bombesin and Gastrin Releasing Peptide Contract the Female Rat Urethra In Vivo and In Vitro

Background: Bombesin (BOM) and gastrin releasing peptide (GRP) have been located to the lower urinary tract (LUT). However, there is a paucity of data demonstrating the impact of these endogenous peptides. Objectives: The aim of the present study was to investigate the contractile actions of BOM and GRP on the female rat urethra in vitro and in vivo. Female Sprague-Dawley rats (n = 37) weighing ap

Biotic dynamics and carbonate microfacies of the conspicuous Darriwilian (Middle Ordovician) 'Taljsten' interval, south-central Sweden

Enclosed in the Darriwilian (Middle Ordovician) part of the reddish 'orthoceratite limestone' of Baltoscandia is a conspicuous c. 1.5 m thick unit colloquially known as the 'Taljsten' interval. It has a wide geographical distribution in the Baltoscandian paleocontinent but is particularly well exposed in south-central Sweden. The unit is characterized by its deviant gray color and beds with a mass