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Tunnel Field-Effect Transistors Based on InP-GaAs Heterostructure Nanowires.

We present tunneling field-effect transistors fabricated from InP-GaAs heterostructure nanowires with an n-i-p doping profile, where the intrinsic InP region is modulated by a top gate. The devices show an inverse subthreshold slope down to 50 mV/dec averaged over two decades with an on/off current ratio of approximately 10(7) for a gate voltage swing (V(GS)) of 1 V and an on-current of 2.2 μA/μm.

Crystal structure of N-glycosylated human glypican-1 core protein: Structure of two loops evolutionarily conserved in vertebrate glypican-1.

Glypicans are a family of cell-surface proteoglycans that regulate Wnt, hedgehog, bone morphogenetic protein and fibroblast growth factor signaling. Loss-of-function mutations in glypican core proteins and in glycosaminoglycan synthezing enzymes have revealed that glypican core proteins and their glycosaminoglycan chains are important in shaping animal development. Glypican core proteins consist o

Benchmarks for Cystic Fibrosis carrier screening: A European consensus document

This paper presents an overview of the conclusions from an international conference convened to address current issues related to the provision of Cystic Fibrosis carrier screening within Europe. Consensus was not aimed at stating whether such a programme should be implemented. Instead the focus was to provide a framework for countries and agencies who are considering or planning its establishment

Search for a Supersymmetric Partner to the Top Quark in Final States with Jets and Missing Transverse Momentum at root s=7 TeV with the ATLAS Detector

A search for direct pair production of supersymmetric top squarks ((t) over tilde (1)) is presented, assuming the (t) over tilde (1) decays into a top quark and the lightest supersymmetric particle, (chi) over tilde (0)(1), and that both top quarks decay to purely hadronic final states. A total of 16 (4) events are observed compared to a predicted standard model background of 13.5(-3.6)(+3.7) (4.4

Wavelet based outlier correction for power controlled turning point detection in surveillance systems Economic Modelling

Detection turning points in unimodel has various applications to time series which have cyclic periods. Related techniques are widely explored in the field of statistical surveillance, that is, on-line turning point detection procedures. This paper will first present a power controlled turning point detection method based on the theory of the likelihood ratio test in statistical surveillance. Next

Model-Based Process Challenge of an Industrial Ion-Exchange Chromatography Step

The separation of one weakly and one strongly binding impurity from a therapeutic protein by ion-exchange chromatography was studied with a mechanistic model. The effect of disturbances in eight potentially critical process parameters on two critical quality attributes was evaluated. It was found that the outgoing concentration of the weakly binding impurity was only affected by the ingoing concen

Non-actual motion: phenomenological analysis and linguistic evidence

Sentences with motion verbs describing static situations have been seen as evidence that language and cognition are geared toward dynamism and change (Talmy in Toward a cognitive semantics, MIT Press, Cambridge, 2000; Langacker in Concept, image, and symbol: the cognitive basis of grammar, Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin and New York, 1990). Different concepts have been used in the literature, e.g., fic

Lack of association between genetic variations in the KALRN region and ischemic stroke

Objectives: To investigate whether KALRN gene variation is associated with ischemic stroke (IS). Design and methods: Associations to overall IS and IS subtypes were investigated in SAHLSIS, which comprises 844 patients with IS and 668 controls. Results: Associations between KALRN SNPs and overall IS and cardioembolic stroke were detected. Associations for overall IS were investigated in two additi

Hard sphere-like glass transition in eye lens α-crystallin solutions.

We study the equilibrium liquid structure and dynamics of dilute and concentrated bovine eye lens α-crystallin solutions, using small-angle X-ray scattering, static and dynamic light scattering, viscometry, molecular dynamics simulations, and mode-coupling theory. We find that a polydisperse Percus-Yevick hard-sphere liquid-structure model accurately reproduces both static light scattering data an

Interprotein Coupling Enhances the Electrocatalytic Efficiency of Tobacco Peroxidase Immobilized at a Graphite Electrode.

Covalent immobilization of enzymes at electrodes via amide bond formation is usually carried out by a two-step protocol, in which surface carboxylic groups are first activated with the corresponding cross-coupling reagents and then reacted with protein amine groups. Herein, it is shown that a modification of the above protocol, involving the simultaneous incubation of tobacco peroxidase and the py

Modelling stable water isotopes in monsoon precipitation during the previous interglacial

Changes in the tropical hydrological cycle have been recorded world wide in speleothem records dating back more than 200,000 years for some areas. Numerous empirical and modelling studies have demonstrated a strong link between the intensity of the northern hemisphere monsoon and the precessional insolation cycle (similar to 23 ka (thousand years)). Here we present simulations of the climate condi

Modeling of a thermomechanical process chain for sheet steels.

The purpose of this work is the development, identification and validation of a model for the simulation of a thermomechanical multistage production process chain for sheet steels. The process of interest consists of forming (in particular deep-drawing) followed by cutting and heat treatment. For the forming and cutting stages, the complete model is based in particular on a model for thermoelastic

New Advances in the One-Dimensional Coordination Polymer Copper(II) Alkanoates Series: Monotropic Polymorphism and Mesomorphism

The polymorphism in the copper(II) alkanoates, recently discovered for one member, has been thoroughly studied for the whole series, from 3 to 16 C atoms. Three polymorphic phases have been found, all of them sharing the same molecular unit, the paddle-wheel, which grows forming a 1D coordination polymer or catena. The three polymorphs are defined by a different packing of these catenae and a spec

Synergies from Combined Pulp&Paper and Fuel Production

Abstract in Undetermined In this paper, the prospect of integrating a combined paper&pulp mill with fuel production via biomass gasification was investigated. In the study, three different types of gasifiers (circulating fluidised bed, entrained flow and indirect gasification) and three fuel processes (dimethyl ether, methanol and Fischer-Tropsch wax synthesis) were investigated using computer

Impact of a National system for waitlist prioritization: the experience with NIKE and cataract surgery in Sweden.

Purpose: To evaluate waiting times for first-eye cataract surgery in Sweden following widespread adoption of the Nationell Indikationsmodell for Kataraktextraktion (NIKE) tool for prioritizing patients for cataract surgery. Methods: Waiting times for all first-eye cataract surgeries in Sweden in 2009-2011 were identified from the Swedish National Cataract Register. Waiting times were compared acco

Costs of care for people with dementia just before and after nursing home placement: primary data from eight European countries

Dementia is the most common cause of functional decline among elderly people and is associated with high costs of national healthcare in European countries. With increasing functional and cognitive decline, it is likely that many people suffering from dementia will receive institutional care in their lifetime. To delay entry to institutional care, many European countries invest in home and communi