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Glycoside hydrolases from extremophiles isolated in Iceland. alpha-L-Rhamnosidases and pectin degrading enzymes

Extreme environments (high and low temperature, high and low pH, etc.) are inhabited by a vast and diverse flora of microorganisms, which are adapted to these environments (extremophiles). The enzymes produced by extremophiles are active under these harsh conditions and are thus applicable in processes, where conditions are outside the working range of enzymes originating from mesophiles. In this

Practical approaches to channel estimation and interference suppression for OFDM based UWB communications

Ultra-wideband (UWB) communication is a potential technique for future high-speed networks. In this paper, we investigate low complexity signal detection approaches for OFDM based UWB systems. In particular, we develop practical approaches for channel estimation and interference suppression. Computer simulation results show that these techniques can be effectively used in OFDM based UWB systems fo

Organisationsförändring - hur, vad och varför?

Boken handlar om att fördjupa förståelsen av förändringsprocesser och problematisera den gängse bilden av förändring som något nödvändigt. Ett tekniskt perspektiv på förändring – hur man gör – är enligt oss otillräckligt. Centralt är också att förstå vad förändring betyder hos dem som engageras och vilken social dynamik – relationer och interaktioner – som präglar förändringsprocesser. Ambitionen

A monotonic property of the optimal admission control to an M/M/1 queue under periodic observations with average cost criterion

We consider the problem of admission control to an M/M/1 queue under periodic observations with average cost criterion. The admission controller receives the system state information every ø :th second and can accordingly adjust the acceptance probability for customers who arrive before the next state information update instance. For a period of ø seconds, the cost is a linear function of the time

Species interactions and community structure

In this theses I have focused on how the mechanisms of species interactions affect community structure. It is well known that certain species may have a particularly strong influence on the structure of a community. What is not fully understood is how to characterize these species that have such a strong impact on community structure. In my work, I have work tried to find out what makes such speci

A first encounter with faster-than-Nyquist signaling on the MIMO channel

In this paper we investigate MIMO systems where faster-than-Nyquist (FTN) signaling is used as modulation. On the AWGN channel, the main characteristic of FTN is the so called Mazo limit; it is possible to signal considerably faster than conventional without loss in minimum Euclidean distance. We show that MIMO-FTN systems inherit this property from the AWGN-FTN systems. Moreover, not only does it

Occlusion Horizons for Driving Through Urban Scenery

We present a rapid occlusion culling algorithm specifically designed for urban environments. For each frame, an occlusion horizon is being built on-the-fly during a hierarchical front-to-back traversal of the scene. All conservatively hidden objects are culled, while all the occluding impostors of all conservatively visible objects are added to the 2½D occlusion horizon. Our framework also support

Phonetics and phonology of the Swedish dialects - a project presentation and a database demonstrator

A searchable database of speech samples from more than 100 Swedish dialects is being established for use in research and education. Each dialect is represented by at least 12 speakers. Recordings are made of spontaneous speech as well as words and phrases elicited with a number of specific research goals in mind. This paper summarizes one of these goals, a prosodic typology for the Swedish dialect

Changing minds by tracking eyes: Dynamical systems, gaze and moral decisions

Decision making is a dynamic process. Alternatives compete over time, and this competition plays out in sensorimotor processes. This is true not just for perceptual decisions or simple categorisation tasks, but also for moral decisions, which are the outcome of a complex interplay of intuition, emotion and reasoning. In this experiment, we first establish a descriptive and causal link between gaze