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Your search for "*" yielded 532216 hits

Robustness of preferential attachment under deletion of edges

The effect of deletion of old edges in the preferential attachment model introduced by Barabasi and Alberti([1]) is studied. We consider a model where every edge is deleted after a time Delta. The resulting graph has only Delta edges and with a high probability (1 + c)Delta nodes for some positive c. However its structure don't resemble the structure of the former model even for large Delta. In pa

Image cytometric DNA analysis in human breast cancer analysis may add prognostic information in diploid cases with low S-phase fraction by flow cytometry

Measurements of DNA ploidy can be performed either with image cytometry (ICM) or flow cytometry (FCM); both methods provide independent prognostic information in primary breast cancer. The aim of the present investigation was to compare the two methods and to relate the findings to prognosis (median follow-up 42 months). Concordance in ploidy status (diploid, tetraploid, aneuploid) was obtained in

A New Type of Band Crossing at Large Deformation

A detailed study of the positive parity yrast and yrare rotational bands in Rb-77 is presented. Using the reaction Ca-40(Ca-40,3p) and the EUROGAM I spectrometer, gamma gamma gamma coincidences enabled us to follow both bands over a large spin range and to measure many E2 strengths. The moments of inertia and transition quadrupole moments indicate that a more deformed band (epsilon(2) approximate

Nerve injury induced by vibration: Prevention of the effect of a conditioning lesion by D600, a Ca2+ channel blocker

OBJECTIVES: Exposing a hind leg of a rat to vibration induces an injury to the sciatic nerve--a so called conditioning lesion. After such injury induced by vibration the regenerative capacity of the nerve is improved and can be detected as an increased axonal outgrowth from a test crush lesion to the same nerve. The purpose was to study whether the effect of a conditioning lesion induced by vibrat

Regional innovation systems: The integration of local 'sticky' and global 'ubiquitous' knowledge

The paper examines how firms in three regional clusters in Norway dominated by shipbuilding, mechanical engineering and electronics industry, respectively exploit both place-specific local resources as well as external, world-class knowledge to strengthen their competitiveness. From these case-studies we make four points: (1) ideal-typical regional innovation systems, i.e., regional clusters "surr

European process for the assessment of scientific support for claims on foods (PASSCLAIM)

Much attention is now being paid to health and nutrition claims for foods. There are already many food products on the market with claims appealing to consumers about health effects beyond provision of basic nutrients. One important basis for claims is the increasingly documented effect of dietary components on body functions. There are three main reasons for assessing the scientific substantiatio

Preventative environmental strategies in the service sector

Popular Abstract in Swedish Förebyggande miljöskyddslösningar har under flera år tillämpats med stor framgång i den tillverkande industrin. Den har dock används i mycket i liten omfattning i service sektorn. I takt med att tjänstesektorns ekonomiska betydelse ökat, har även miljöaspekten av ett ökat tjänsteutbud kommit i fokus. Denna avhandling förklarar hur förebyggande miljöskydd som ett strategPreventative environmental approaches (e.g. Cleaner Production and Pollution Prevention) have been successfully implemented in the manufacturing industry. They are, however, far from being fully adopted by all society actors. It has, for instance, not been fully embraced by the service sector. When this research project started, the initial question was whether it was possible to adopt experiences

Transition probabilities and lifetimes in gold (Au I and Au II)

Radiative lifetimes of three odd-parity levels of neutral gold (Au I) and one odd-parity level of singly ionized gold (Au II), measured using the time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence technique, have allowed the testing of the reliability of a relativistic Hartree-Fock model of the atomic structure taking configuration interaction and core-polarization effects into account. The importance of th

Demonstrating stratification in a European American population

Population stratification occurs in case-control association studies when allele frequencies differ between cases and controls because of ancestry. Stratification may lead to false positive associations, although this issue remains controversial(1-4). Empirical studies have found little evidence of stratification in European-derived populations, but potentially significant levels of stratification

Practices for preparing children for clinical examinations and procedures in Swedish pediatric wards.

This study sought to elucidate Swedish pediatric wards concerning the practice of informing children and their parents about clinical examinations and procedures. A semi-structured questionnaire was distributed to all 36 pediatric departments in Sweden, comprising of 83 wards. Fifty-eight (70%) of the wards responded. The results showed that 55 (95%) of the wards provided regular planned informati

Measured and predicted behaviour of steel beams and columns in fire

Analytical predictions of mechanical behaviour of fire-exposed steel structures are compared to experimental results obtained from three different research laboratories. Comparisons are made to axially free and restrained steel columns fire tested in Metz in France 1973-74, to simply supported steel beams fire tested in Germany and published in Stahlbau 1/1983 and to axially free and restrained st

Low body mass of juvenile Ross's gulls Rhodostethia rosea in the Laptev Sea

Four juvenile Ross's gulls Rhodostethia rosea were trapped on the New Siberian Islands in the Laptev Sea in early August 1994, allowing data collection on body mass and morphometrics from a poorly known part of the species' annual cycle. The wings of juvenile birds were shorter than those previously reported for adults, but their bill length and tarsus length were similar. Their average body mass

Arkitekten Hans Westman, funktionalismen och den regionala särarten

Popular Abstract in Swedish Arkitekten Hans Westman var verksam i Skåne från 1932 till 1983. Hans rika och mångskiftande produktion har satt sin prägel på den moderna skånska arkitekturen, särskilt i Lund där han hade sitt arkitektkontor. Westmans arkitektur spänner över ett brett fält från bostadshus, offentliga byggnader, kraftverk till kyrkor och kloster. Flera verk är välkända, t ex radhusområThis thesis deals with the regional aspects of Swedish modernism exemplified by the architecture of Hans Westman (1905-1991). The main purpose of the dissertation has been to make a survey of what is perceived as particularly regional in Westman's buildings and if we can really talk about modern regional architecture. Modernism's breakthrough brought about the introduction of an architecture which

Tissue transglutaminase autoantibodies in childhood celiac disease

Popular Abstract in Swedish Bakgrund - Glutenintolerans (celiaki) är en vanlig kronisk tunntarmssjukdom som drabbar 1% av befolkningen och beror på att man inte tål ämnet gluten som förekommer i vete, korn och råg. Celiaki är delvis ärftligt och förekommer i alla åldrar, men upptäcks framför allt hos barn. Intoleransen mot gluten orsakas av en immunologisk reaktion mot tunntarmens slemhinna som efCeliac disease is a prevalent small bowel disease in children caused by permanent intolerance against gliadin, which is the alcohol-soluble fraction of the cereal protein gluten in wheat, rye and barley. Celiac disease is characterized by an inflammatory infiltrate of CD4+ T lymphocytes in the intestinal mucosa leading to damage of villous structure and loss of absorptive surface. As a consequence