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Do BRCA1 mutations affect the ability to breast feed? Significantly shorter length of breast feeding among BRCA1 mutation carriers compared with their unaffected relatives.

The difference in length of breast feeding between women with a BRCA 1 mutation and their unaffected relatives was investigated. Fifty women belonging to a family with a known BRCA1 mutation had themselves undergone testing and each had given birth to at least one child. Women with BRCA1 mutation breast-fed their first infant for a significantly shorter period (P = 0.048) and the second and third

Diversity of dietary patterns observed in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) project

Objective.. To describe the diversity in dietary patterns existing across centres/regions participating in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC). Design and setting.. Single 24-hour dietary recall measurements were obtained by means of standardised face-to-face interviews using the EPIC-SOFT software. These have been used to present a graphic multi-dimensional com

Smoking, healthcare cost, and loss of productivity in Sweden 2001

Aims: Objectives were (a) to estimate healthcare cost and productivity losses due to smoking in Sweden 2001 and (b) to compare the results with studies for Sweden 1980, Canada 1991, Germany 1996, and the USA 1998. Methods: Published estimates on relative risks and Swedish smoking patterns were used to calculate attributable risks for smokers and former smokers. These were applied to cost estimates

Towards a benchmark simulation model for plant-wide control strategy performance evaluation of WWTPs

The COST/IWA benchmark simulation model has been available for seven years. Its primary purpose has been to create a platform for control strategy benchmarking of activated sludge processes. The fact that the benchmark has resulted in more than 100 publications, not only in Europe but also worldwide, demonstrates the interest in such a tool within the research community In this paper, an extension

The MADS-box gene DAL1 is a potential mediator of the juvenile-to-adult transition in Norway spruce (Picea abies)

Progression through the plant life cycle involves change in many essential features, most notably in the capacity to reproduce. The transition from a juvenile vegetative and non-reproductive to an adult reproductive phase is gradual and can take many years; in the conifer Norway spruce, Picea abies, typically 2025 years. We present a detailed analysis of the activities of three regulatory genes wi

Laser spectroscopic analysis of atmospheric gases in scattering media

Popular Abstract in Swedish Doften av blommor och mat förnimmer vi med näsan, vilken är en finurlig gassensor som även känner av mindre trevliga lukter från exempelvis rök och avgaser. Våra ögon ser färger och former hos föremål genom att detektera ljus som har reflekterats, brutits, spridits eller delvis absorberats i vår omgivning. Denna avhandling beskriver i någon mening en sorts konstgjorda Laser spectroscopic techniques for gas analysis under various influences of light scattering are explored in a wide spectral range from the ultraviolet to the infrared. The techniques rely on spectrally narrow-band light sources that are used in differential optical absorption measurements. A DIfferential Absorption Light detection and ranging (DIAL)application for the monitoring of atomic gaseou

Remodeling of the spinal canal deformed by trauma

Computed tomography (CT) examinations and functional scores were evaluated in 28 patients with thoracolumbar fractures with intraspinal fragments, of whom 20 underwent operation. The cross-sectional area and the sagittal and frontal diameters of the spinal canal were measured after the injury, postoperatively, and at follow-up (mean, 6 years). The operative reduction significantly increased both d

Beneficial effects of ACTH on the serum lipoprotein profile and glomerular function in patients with membranous nephropathy

BACKGROUND: Previous studies have shown that short-term treatment with adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) has a strong and rapid lipid-lowering effect. In this long-term study of nephrotic patients with idiopathic membranous nephropathy, the influence of ACTH on the serum lipoprotein profile and glomerular function as well as the dose-effect relationship was investigated. METHODS: Fourteen patien

Growth of inoculated white-rot fungi and their interactions with the bacterial community in soil contaminated with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, as measured by phospholipid fatty acids

The objective of this study was to examine the possibility of measuring the growth of three white-rot fungi in soil contaminated with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), by estimating the soil levels of the phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) 18:2ω6,9. The effect of the fungi on the PAH concentration and on the indigenous bacterial population in the soil was monitored. As shown by visual examinati

Regulation of MUC5AC mucin secretion by depletion of AQP5 in SPC-A1 cells

Airway mucus is regulated by many inflammatory mediators such as ILs, TNF-alpha, EGF, PGF2 alpha, LT, and so on. Recently, the relationship between membrane ion channel and Mucus production has been under investigation. The present study aimed to examine whether AQP5 was involved in modulation of mucin expression and secretion in airway submucosal gland cells (SPC-Al). A recombinant plasmid (pShAQ

MR-undersökning av hjärnan vid 3 tesla. Högre magnetfältsstyrka ger bättre morfologisk och funktionell bild

Magnetresonansundersökning med magnetfältsstyrka 3 tesla (3T-MR) ger förbättrade morfologiska och funktionella undersökningar av hjärnan jämfört med de mer vanligt förekommande MR-utrustningarna med fältstyrkan 1,5T eller lägre. Fördelarna med 3T dominerar enligt vår mening markant över vissa nackdelar som den högre fältstyrkan också medför. Kombination med ett kraftfullt gradientsystem ger optima3T MRI offers improved morphological and functional studies of the brain compared with the more commonly used field strength 1.5T. Clinical 3T MRI of the brain is beneficial for high resolution morphological imaging, MR angiography, diffusion-MRI including diffusion tensor imaging, perfusion-MRI, functional MRI (fMRI), and MR spectroscopy. The performance is enhanced by the combination with powerf

Significant impact of 5 alpha-reductase type 2 polymorphisms on sperm concentration and motility

Androgens, including 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone (DHT), are known to play a role for spermatogenesis and accessory sex gland function. The enzyme 5 alpha-reductase (SRD5A) catalyses the conversion of testosterone to DHT. Our objective was to investigate whether polymorphisms in the SRD5A2 gene influence semen parameters in the general population. DNA from 182 Swedish military conscripts was examin

Combining Keystroke Logging with Eye Tracking

This chapter describes the successful development of a new methodology for studying on-line writing. The text-logging tool ScriptLog has been combined with the eyetracking technology iView X HED HT, in order to enhance the study of the interplay between writing, monitoring and revision. Data on the distribution of visual attention during writing help determining to what extent pauses are used for

HCV genotypes in Swedish blood donors as correlated to epidemiology, liver disease and hepatitis C virus antibody profile

Abstract in German 62 anti-HCV und HCV-RNA-positive schwedische Blutspender (44 Männer, 18 Frauen, Alter im Median 34 Jahre) wurden untersucht. Die HCV-Genotypen wurden in Korrelation gesetzt zu parenteralen Risikofaktoren, Lebermorphologie, Serum-Alanin-Aminotransferase (ALAT)-Spiegeln und HCV-Antikörperprofil. 40% der Spender waren mit dem HCV-Genotyp 1a infiziert, 10% mit 1b, 21% mit 2b und 29%Sixty-two anti-HCV and HCV-RNA positive Swedish blood donors (44 men, 18 women; median age 34 years) were studied. HCV genotypes were correlated to parenteral risk factors, liver morphology, serum alanine aminotransferase (ALAT) levels and HCV antibody profile. Forty percent of the donors were infected with HCV genotype 1a, 10% with 1b, 21% with 2b, and 29% with 3a. Intravenous drug use (IVDU) was

A Middle–Upper Miocene fluvial-lacustrine rift-sequence in the Song Ba Rift, Vietnam: an analogue to oil-prone, small-scale continental rift-basins

The small Neogene Krong Pa graben is situated within the continental Song Ba Rift, which is bounded by strike-slip faults that were reactivated as extensional faults in Middle Miocene time. The 500 m thick graben-fill shows an overall depositional development reflecting the structural evolution, which is very similar to much larger and longer-lived graben. The basal graben-fill consists of thin fl