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On the Consistency of Line-Drawings, Obtained by Projections of Piecewise Planar Objects

This paper deals with line-drawings, obtained from images of piecewise planar objects after edge detection. Such images are used, e.g., for navigation and recognition. In order to be a possible image of a three dimensional piecewise planar object, it has to obey some projective conditions. Criteria for a line-drawing to be correct is given in this paper, along with methods to find possible interpr


Popular Abstract in Swedish Det övergripande syftet med denna avhandling var att hos individer med kvarstående muskelsvaghet efter stroke utvärdera effekterna av progressiv styrketräning (PRT) av knäledens sträck- och böjmuskler på muskelstyrka och muskelspänning, men även att analysera om en förbättrad muskelstyrka påverkar gångförmåga och upplevd delaktighet (individens egen upplevelse av hur maThe overall aim of this thesis was to evaluate the effects of strength training on muscle function, gait performance and perceived participation in subjects with chronic mild to moderate post-stroke hemiparesis. A main impairment after stroke is reduced muscle strength. This post-stroke weakness is a major contributor to mobility limitations, which can prevent the resumption of activities of dail

Dictyostelium discoideum salvages purine deoxyribonucleosides by highly specific bacterial-like deoxyribonucleoside kinases

The salvage of deoxyribonucleosides in the social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum, which has an extremely A + T-rich genome, was investigated. All native deoxyribonucleosides were phosphorylated by D. discoideum cell extracts and we subcloned three deoxyribonucleoside kinase (dNK) encoding genes. D. discoideum thymidine kinase was similar to the human thymidine kinase 1 and was specific for thymid

Petrographic classification of middle ordovician fossil meteorites from Sweden

The maximum diameter of chromite (FeCr2O4) grains within L chondrites reflects the petrographic type of the sample. On the basis of our measurements of nine recent L chondrites, L3 chromite D-mac = 34-50 mu m, L4 = 87-150 mu m, L5 = 76-158 mu m, and L6 = 253-638 mu m. This variation reflects the crystallization of the chromite grains during parent body thermal metamorphism.We use this calibration

Predictions of pulsed field gradient NMR echo-decays for molecules diffusing in various restrictive geometries. Simulations of diffusion propagators based on a finite element method

Pulsed field gradient NMR diffusometry is a promising tool for investigating structures of porous material through determinations of dynamic displacements of molecules in porous systems. A problem with this approach is the lack of closed analytical expressions for echo-decays in anything but idealized pore geometries. We present here an approach based on calculating the appropriate diffusion propa

Overactive bladder: prevalence, risk factors and relation to stress incontinence in middle-aged women.

Objective To investigate the prevalence of and factors associated with overactive bladder in middle-aged women. Design Cross sectional population-based study. Setting Southern Sweden and the Women's Health in the Lund Area study (WHILA 1995-2000) where 6917 (64% of the invited) women, 50-59 years old in 1995, participated. Population From the WHILA study, 1500 women reporting troublesome urinar

Comparison of automatic reduction procedures for ignition chemistry

In this paper, we present a comparison between the reduced mechanisms obtained through a computational singular perturbation method (CSP) and the reduced mechanisms obtained through a lifetime analysis based only on the diagonal elements of the Jacobian matrix and a species sensitivity The two methods are used for the analysis of autoignition, which is an interesting test situation because of the

Heavy quark production at the Fermilab Tevatron and DESY ep collider HERA using k(t) factorization with the CCFM evolution approach

The application of k(t) factorization supplemented with the Ciafaloni-Catani-Fiorani-Marchesini (CCFM) small-x evolution equation to heavy quark production at the Fermilab Tevatron and at DESY HERA is discussed. The b (b) over bar production cross sections at the Tevatron can be consistently described using the k(t)-factorization formalism together with the unintegrated gluon density obtained with

A novel approach to monoclonal antibody separation using high performance liquid affinity chromatography (HPLAC) with SelectiSpher-10 protein G

Protein G, a bacterial cell wall protein extracted from strains of Streptococci, has been employed as a ligand in high performance liquid affinity chromatography (HPLAC) for separation of monoclonal antibodies. Examples are given of rapid high-resolution separations of rat and mouse monoclonal antibodies belonging to various subclasses. In comparison with protein A chromatography, we were able to

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A published investigation in 1961 of the vegetation on 10 burial mounds in southern Zealand was repeated in 2000. The burial mounds were situated as islands in the intensively used arable landscape. It is likely that such small fragments receive great inputs of Nitrogen by wet deposition and spill-over of artificial fertiliser from the surrounding fields. It was hypothesised that burial mounds in

Evaluating Numerical ODE/DAE Methods, Algorithms and Software

Until recently, the testing of ODE/DAE software has been limited to simple comparisons and benchmarking. The process of developing software from a mathematically specified method is complex: it entails constructing control structures and objectives, selecting iterative methods and termination criteria, choosing norms and many more decisions. Most software constructors have taken a heuristic approa

Demokrati i EU. Demokratirådets rapport 2003.

Europa är i dag platsen för ett stort politiskt experiment. Frågan är om det går att skapa ett medborgarnas Europa. Uppgiften är att samtidigt demokratisera, konstitutionalisera och effektivisera Europeiska unionen. 2003 års rapport från Demokratirådet diskuterar med utgångspunkt från EU:s framtidskonvent den pågående reformprocessen och Sveriges bidrag till denna europeiska framtidsdebatt.

Addition of cultured Schwann cells to tendon autografts and freeze-thawed muscle grafts improves peripheral nerve regeneration

The effects of addition of Schwann cells on peripheral nerve regeneration through a novel graft material-the tendon autograft-and a conventional freeze-thawed muscle graft, were studied in the rat sciatic nerve. Adult Schwann cell cultures were established from predegenerated nerves. The Schwann cells were added to the autologous grafts by coculture (tendon autograft) or injection (freeze-thawed m