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Your search for "*" yielded 526114 hits

Breaking The Fourth Wall : a case study of racial representations in The Bachelor franchise

In 2002, ABC aired the first season of its new reality TV dating show, The Bachelor. Almost 20 years later, The Bachelor franchise has become a cultural phenomenon that is integral to the popular culture zeitgeist. With that popularity came a lot of criticism about many elements of the franchise but one stood out more than others and that is the lack of diversity in casting and the under/misrepres

Nationella intressen i humanitära interventioner - nyckeln till framgång eller katastrof?

Humanitarian interventions are a controversial phenomenon. Many practitioners claim that for a humanitarian intervention to be successful they must not have ulterior self-interested motives - my study aims to test whether this is true. Using the most different systems design I analyze the motives and success in the humanitarians interventions Operation Provide Comfort in Northern Iraq 1991 and INT

Storbrittaniens beslutsfattande under Suezkrisen

Marin conflicts has always been on the agenda for states with a goal to gain more sovereignty in regions that has strategic, economic and political worth. When Suez Canal was constructed in the late 19th-century it became clear for Great Britain the benefits that the canal would bring to the table. Influence in the region would contribute with an economic growth for the states who had stakes and s

To believe or not to believe? : an audience research on the documentary What The Health

This research employs qualitative methods to look at the audience site of veganism documentary What The Health. Through semi-structured interviews with 13 participants (6 non-vegetarians and 7 vegetarians), the thesis attempts to understand the self and individual response to veganism portrayal, truth claims and how viewers learn from the documentary. Exploring audiences’ media practices enables r

Canvas of dissent : a study of visuals and its significance in group formations and communications during the 2019 Hong Kong Anti-ELAB movement

Beginning from June 2019, the streets of Hong Kong have been turned into a theatre of protests. Together with their banners and umbrellas, protesters took to the street to protest against the proposed extradition bill that allows the government to send suspected criminals to mainland China. This ongoing movement is the largest anti-government movement in the city’s history, and it is also the firs

Korruption i Estland och Lettland: Putnams teori om det sociala kapitalet applicerad på Estland och Lettland

Trots att Estland och Lettland är två länder som i nästan alla avseenden liknar varandra råder det en relativt stor skillnad i graden av korruption länderna emellan. Jag vill med denna undersökning försöka bidra med en förklaring till vad detta kan bero på. Jag har valt att undersöka detta med hjälp av Putnams teori om det sociala kapitalet. Jag kommer i min studie gå igenom indikatorer på social

“Returning Home to a Locked City” : a media study of the Wuhanese diaspora during the COVID-19 Pandemic

This research focuses on the extreme case of when the Chinese city of Wuhan was locked down during the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020. Combining media study with a spatial perspective, it aims to reveal how the Wuhanese diaspora use and engage with the media to relate back to Wuhan while they are geographically absent. This study reflects on how they form a sense of place towards both their home

The Common Security and Defence Policy: Normative Power by Military Means? The case of operation EUNAVFORmed SOPHIA

In the year 2015, the European Union launched the military naval operation EUNAVFORmed SOPHIA through its Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP). The aim of this thesis is to contribute to the understanding of the European Union as an international security actor in relation to its use of military means. This thesis investigates the claim that introducing military means into the CSDP toolbox wo

Warmer Arctic, cooler cooperation - A frame analysis about the Arctic Council Ministerial Meetings’ statements 2015 - 2019

Policy conflicts in the multilateral Arctic cooperation have gained more space during the past few years. Once established for cooperation and interaction among the Arctic states and indigenous peoples, along with the promotion of sustainable development and environmental protection, the Arctic Council is now facing some challenges in fulfilling its core doctrines. This development is primarily a

Lärare i kampen mot extremism - en granskning av lärarrollen och de lokala handlingsplanerna i Skåne

Violent political or religious extremism is a threat to both Sweden and other nations, and terror attacks have resulted in casualties and personal injuries. On a less extreme level, extremist conversion impacts individuals negatively and incites conflict within households and families. Youths must be protected from recruitment attempts by violent extremist organisations, whether far right, far lef

Kvinnors upplevelse av diagnostikprocessen vid endometrios

Bakgrund: Endometrios är en sjukdom som en av tio kvinnor lider av. Tidigare forskning visar att det finns en kunskapsbrist kring sjukdomen hos sjukvårdspersonal. Bilddiagnostiska metoder som MR används i allt högre omfattning för att diagnostisera endometrios. För att utföra god holistisk personcentrerad vård måste röntgensjuksköterskan förstå kvinnans upplevelser och ha mer kunskap om sjukdomen

Limited Large-Scale Solidarity: En teoriprövande fallstudie av välfärdsregimers påverkan på asyl- och flyktingpolitik

The purpose of this study is to develop a further understanding of how welfare state institutions affect asylum and refugee policies. It centers on the comprehensive welfare state Sweden and the liberal welfare state United Kingdom, during the refugee crisis 2015. This is a theory testing case study of Frida Boräng’s theory about Large-scale Solidarity. According to Boräng different welfare state

Partisan Gerrymandering and the U.S Supreme Court - What is the Problem Represented to be?

A verdict in 2019 from the U.S Supreme Court that resulted in the withdrawal of the power of lower federal courts to judge in cases of partisan gerrymandering was a contested and debated one, both inside and outside the courtroom. Two different blocs out of the nine judges could be seen in the vote, one that voted for and one that voted against this decision, with the former bloc winning five to f

Att gräva där man står - en etnologisk studie om upplevelser av landsbygdsbaserad självhushållning

This paper explores the process of transitioning to a rural, self-sustainable lifestyle in terms of ecological sustainability and geographical place, while focusing on how these concepts serve to motivate change and create a sense of purpose. It further analyzes how aspects of structural power may facilitate or impede the transition into self-sufficiency. The study consists of ethnographically ga

Grammatiska och didaktiska perspektiv på partikeln le i rikskinesiska – en jämförande studie

The recent addition of Modern Standard Chinese (MSC) as an elective language in Swedish elementary and high school ('Moderna Språk') has brought the teaching of MSC particle le to the fore. Le occurs either affixed to a verb (le1) or as a sentence-final particle (le2) and is a frequently used grammatical device in MSC with a great number of various functions. At the same time, coexistent a

Targeting SphK2 in hypertension-induced neurodegeneration

Does treating high blood pressure improve neurodegeneration High blood pressure, also called hypertension could damage the brain. Our research tries to understand how lowering blood pressure affects the hypertensive brain. Hypertension is the disease that people have abnormally high blood pressure. Nowadays, 1 in 5 people worldwide have hypertension, accounting for 1.13 billion people. This cause

Utvidgat ansvar för kommunfullmäktige - Till vilken grad ska fullmäktige hållas ansvarig?

Bestämmelsen om tjänstefel återfinns i 20 kap. 1 § Brottsbalken vilket innebär att den som vid myndighetsutövning, uppsåtligen eller av oaktsamhet, åsidosätter vad som gäller för uppgiften genom handling eller underlåtenhet kan ställas till svars. Idag omfattas inte de kommunalt förtroendevalda i den högre beslutande förvaltningen av detta ansvar då de besitter ett partiellt ämbetsansvar. Detta paThe regulation on misuse of office can be found in chapter 20 § 1 of the Swedish Penal Code which means that a person who in the exercise of public authority, by act or by commission, intentionally or through carelessness, disregards the duties of his office can be held liable. Today, elected representatives cannot be held accountable for their decisions as they hold a partial responsibility. This

A comparative study on “the Right of Access” under the GDPR and the CCPA

En studie testade den registrerades rätt till information enligt artikel 15 i dataskyddsförordningen. Resultatet av studien visade att många företag som testades i studien hade otillräckliga säkerhetsåtgärder för att verifiera den registrerades identitet. Genom att endast använda sig av publik data lyckades forskarna erhålla känslig information såsom personnummer och lösenord. I denna uppsats kommA study conducted showed that the many companies subject to the study had insufficient safeguards for verifying subject access requests under article 15. The researchers were able to obtain copies of the research subjects’ personal data. The personal information obtained varied in sensitivity from public records to Social Security numbers and account passwords. In this thesis I will examine differ

Har golare några polare? - En rättsvetenskaplig undersökning av bevisvärdet av en kronvittnesutsaga

I november 2019 tillsattes en särskild utredare som fått i uppdrag att analysera om det finns ett behov och är lämpligt att införa ett så kallat kronvittnessystem. Med kronvittne avses en misstänkt som genom att medverka i utredningen av annans brottslighet går fri från straff eller får en mildare påföljd. Ett av de största argumenten mot ett kronvittnessystem är svårigheterna vid bevisvärderingenIn November 2019, a special investigator was given the assignment to analyze if there is a need to introduce a so called crown witness system in Sweden. A crown witness is a suspect that receives a reduced sentence for participating in the investigation or testifying of another´s criminal act. One of the biggest arguments against such a system is the difficulty to evaluate the credibility of a tes