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Respiratory NAD(P)H dehydrogenases of plants - Gene identity and expression in response to light and cold
Popular Abstract in Swedish Respirationen i både växter och djur kan delas upp i tre delar: glykolysen, citronsyracykeln och elektrontransportkedjan. Glykolysen sker i cytoplasman (cellvätskan), medan citronsyracykeln och elektrontransportkedjan verkar i mitokondrierna. Mitokondrier fungerar som cellernas motorer. De är ungefär lika viktiga för cellen som motorn är för en bil. Mitokondrierna är smThe respiratory chain of plants contains class 2 NAD(P)H dehydrogenases, not present in animals. The functional roles of these enzymes have been elusive for a long time. Two cDNAs, homologous to class 2 NADH dehydrogenase genes of yeast and E. coli, were isolated from potato leaves. The gene products, NDA1 and NDB1, were shown to reside on the internal and external sides of the inner mitochondrial
Världsmaskinen. Emanuel Swedenborgs naturfilosofi
Popular Abstract in Swedish Inledningen syftar till att ge en översikt över Swedenborgs levnadslopp och ge en viss orientering i litteraturen kring honom. Det visar sig att det saknas en grundlig idéhistorisk studie över hans tidiga mekanistiska naturfilosofi. Föreliggande bok kan sägas vara en kognitiv idéhistoria som har siktet inställt på hur han tänkte. I arbetet med Swedenborgs naturfilosofi The Swedish natural philosopher Emanuel Swedenborg (1688–1772) thought in his early scientific career that the world was like a gigantic machine, following the laws of mechanics and geometry. The work presented here is a study of his mechanistic worldview and metaphorical way of thinking up to the year 1734, examining most of his fields of interest, from geometry and metaphysics to technology and
Core components of the international forest regime complex
From the existing full set of international policy instruments on forests, eight core components are identified and submitted to two differing assessments. The first (consistency assessment) uses a policy design approach to match the core components with their goals, policy tools, target group preferences and justifications for the choice of goals and policy tools. The second (compatibility assess
Electron microscopy of oxide catalysis
The accessibility and chemical activity of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soil
Popular Abstract in Swedish Häri avhandlas tesen att bättre insikt i kemisk jordförorening med tjärämnen kan erhållas genom två analytiska begrepp: tillgänglighet och kemisk aktivitet. Tillgänglighet syftar på andelen av den totala mängden PAH som är tillgänglig för processer vilka sker utanför jordpartiklarna. Det andra begreppet, kemisk aktivitet, är termodynamiskt. Den kemiska aktiviteten är häThis thesis proposes the use of two concepts: accessibility and chemical activity. Accessibility describes the mass quantity of PAHs that is or can become available within a given time span and under given conditions. Chemical activity quantifies the energetic state of the PAHs that determines the potential for spontaneous physicochemical processes, such as diffusion and partitioning. Chemical act
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Sverige: Från nationalstat till pluralt samhälle
Multi-pitch Estimation of Inharmonic Signals
A translocal Sufi movement: Developments among Naqshbandi-Haqqani in London
The developments and activities among the attendees to a Naqshbandi-Haqqani Sufi priory in north London in recent years have come to raise a number of issues regarding Sufism in Western Europe. The relationship between shaykh and murid, "disciple", has been developed into a complex interaction where ongoing negotiations concerning the content and form of the tariqa’s activities continuously take p
Fädernas fränder : Viktor Rydbergs berättelse om vikingar
Ultimate upgrade for synchrotron particle accelerator at national lab
Varför skall vi minnas våra beslut?
Firing the boss
Optimisation and modelling of aroma recovery by pervaporation
Popular Abstract in Swedish Vid framställning av koncentrerade fruktjuicer utsätts produkten för värmebehandling i form av indunstning och pastörisering. Värme-behandlingen försämrar produktens sensoriska kvalitet, dels eftersom aromerna är flyktiga och snabbt avdunstar, och dels eftersom värmen påskyndar kemiska förändringar av aromämnena. Några viktiga fördelar uppnås dock genom tillverkning av During production of concentrated fruit juices, both physical and chemical losses of aroma compounds occur due to heat treatment such as pasteurisation and evaporation. This leads to an inferior quality of the final product. By recovering the aroma complex from fresh juice and then adding it back to the processed juice, heat treatment can be avoided. Hydrophobic pervaporation is an emerging membr
The loss of a spirit: Metaphor and practice in Aymara decolonization
This paper explores the bearing had by Aymara notions of spirit loss on contemporary indigenous discourses of colonialism and decolonization and discusses the dynamics of cross-fertilization between “traditional” curing practices and cosmology on the one hand and indigenous ethnopolitical activism and discourse on the other.
Knitter and the Poor as a Hermeneutical Key
Fördelning av organ
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Conceptual Scoring of Lexical Organization in Bilingual Children With Language Impairment
The aim was to evaluate conceptual scoring of lexical organization in bilingual children with language impairment (BLI) and to compare BLI performance with monolingual children with language impairment (MLI). Word associations were assessed in 15 BLI and 9 MLI children. BLI were assessed in Arabic and Swedish, MLI in Swedish only. A number of syntagmatic (semantic link, different word class) and p