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Your search for "*" yielded 533524 hits

Retrofitting the electric lighting and daylighting systems to reduce energy use in buildings: a literature review

This paper presents a literature review about energy-efficient retrofit of electric lighting and daylighting systems in buildings. The review, which covers around 160 research articles, addresses the following themes: 1) retrofitting electric lighting in buildings, 2) electric lighting energy use and saving potential and 3) lighting retrofit strategies. The retrofit strategies covered in the revie

Advancing Software Development Efficiency in an Open Source Software Context

Open source software has been gaining popularity, especially among commercial organizations. The broad industry acceptance is in large part due to the demonstrated ability of open source solutions to compete with proprietary alternatives. Using open source software components enables companies to reduce their own development costs, and thus improve software development efficiency. Many open source

Experiments with Self-Organizing Systems for Texture and Hardness Perception

We have experimented with different SOM-based architectures for bio-inspired self-organizing texture and hardness perception systems. To this end we have developed a microphone based texture sensor and a hardness sensor that measures the compression of the material at a constant pressure. We have implemented and successfully tested both monomodal systems for texture and hardness perception, bimoda


Popular Abstract in Swedish De senaste 150 åren har erbjudit en dramatisk utveckling av vår förmåga att sprida både njutningar och smärta, både i form av upptäckter av ämnen såsom TNT och dynamit och framställningen av heroin och Viagra. Denna utveckling har följts av teknologiska framsteg som tillåter studier av dessa kemikalier genom deras interaktion med till exempel radiosignaler eller laser. Modern spectroscopic techniques, such as nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), and Raman spectroscopy, rely heavily on statistical signal processing systems for decision making and information extraction. The first part of this thesis introduces novel robust algorithms for detection, estimation, and classification of signals obtained through these spectroscopic tech

Corporate governance and IPO underpricing in a cross-national sample: A multilevel knowledge-based view

Prior studies of IPO underpricing, mostly using agency theory and single-country samples, have generally fallen short. In this study, we employ the knowledge-based view (KBV) to explore underpricing across 17 countries. We find that agency indicators are insignificant predictors, board of director knowledge limits underpricing, and external knowledge both substitutes for and complements internal b

Defending Fundamental Requirements of Practical Reason: A Constitutivist Framework

Abstract in UndeterminedIn this paper I offer a partial defense of a constitutivist view according to which it is possible to defend fundamental requirements of practical reason by appeal to facts about what is constitutive of rational agency. I show how it is possible for that approach to circumvent the 'is'/'ought' problem as well as the requirement that it be possible to act contrary to practic

The timing of birds' breeding seasons: a review of experiments that manipulated timing of breeding

Reproductive success usually declines in the course of the season, which may be a direct effect of breeding time, an effect of quality (individuals with high phenotypic or environmental quality breeding early), or a combination of the two. Being able to distinguish between these possibilities is crucial when trying to understand individual variation in annual routines, for instance when to breed,

Distribution of CGRP and CGRP receptor in the trigeminovascular system and CNS

Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) has a key role in the pathophysiology of migraine and is associated with activation of the trigeminovascular system. Recently, CGRP receptor antagonists have been developed with clinical efficacy. The present thesis aimed therefore to investigate the distribution of CGRP and the CGRP receptor in the trigeminovascular system and in parts of the CNS. In the tri

Ultrasound features of human carotid plaques

Popular Abstract in Swedish Ultraljud kan avslöja farliga plack Stroke orsakas ofta av att en blodpropp, som utvecklats i de områden av blodkärlen som drabbats av åderförkalkning, täpper till ett blodkärl som försörjer hjärnan med blod. Genom att med ultraljud studera de plack som utgör åderförkalkningen, kan man få ytterligare information för att bedöma en individs risk att drabbas av stroke. HjäAtherosclerotic plaques in the carotid arteries are common in a middle-aged population. When a carotid plaque ruptures it may result in a cerebrovascular event. However, only a minor part of carotid plaques will eventually rupture. Finding those plaques is essential to decide the most appropriate treatment strategy. With non-invasive ultrasound the carotid plaques can be visualized for assessment

Exploring the possibility of a systematic and generic approach to social sustainability

There is a growing need to understand how existing concepts and tools for sustainability relate to each other and to a robust, trans-disciplinary systems perspective for sustainability. As a response, a group of scientists, including some of the authors, have developed a framework based on backcasting from sustainability principles over the last 20 years the Framework for Strategic Sustainable Dev

Core-level shifts of the c(8 x 2)-reconstructed InAs(100) and InSb(100) surfaces

We have studied In-stabilized c(8 2)-reconstructed InAs(1 0 0) and InSb(1 0 0) semiconductor surfaces, which play a key role in growing improved III-V interfaces for electronics devices, by core-level photoelectron spectroscopy and first-principles calculations. The calculated surface core-level shifts (SCLSs) for the zeta and zeta a models, which have been previously established to describe the a

Plant-wide utility disturbance management in the process industry

Utilities, such as steam and cooling water, are often shared between production areas at large-scale sites. A disturbance in the supply of a utility is therefore likely to affect a large part of a site, and cause great loss of revenue. This study focuses on identifying disturbances in utilities and estimating the economical effects of such disturbances. A general method for reducing the loss of re

Characterisation of de novo mutations in the C-terminal domain of proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9.

Proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 (PCSK9) promotes the degradation of the hepatic low-density lipoprotein receptor (LDL-R) and is therefore a prominent therapeutic target for reducing LDL-cholesterol. The C-terminal domain of PCSK9 is unlikely to be involved in a direct extracellular interaction with the LDL-R. We probed the importance of the C-terminus for the degradation of the LDL-R

Automatic Intrinsic Calibration of Double-sided Silicon Strip Detectors

Abstract A reliable and simple-to-use algorithm was developed for the energy-calibration of double-sided silicon strip detectors (DSSSDs). It works by enforcing mutual consistency of p-side and n-side information for every detected event. The procedure does not rely on a dedicated data set for calibration and is robust enough to work fully automated without human supervision. The method was develo

Transport and interaction blockade of cold bosonic atoms in a triple-well potential

We theoretically investigate the transport properties of cold bosonic atoms in a quasi-one-dimensional (1D) triple-well potential that consists of two large outer wells, which act as microscopic source and drain reservoirs, and a small inner well, which represents a quantum-dot-like scattering region. Bias and gate 'voltages' introduce a time-dependent tilt of the triple-well configuration, and ar