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Äcklig mat och (o)tacksamma repatriander : Mat, hygien, och normalitet i svenska flyktingläger 1945
Artikeln undersöker, med blicken fäst på mat och äckel, mötet mellan de överlevande som kom till Sverige från nazistiska koncentrationsläger 1945 och de lägerinstitutioner som tog emot dem. Syftet är att genom utsagor om mat undersöka lägerlivets vardagliga förhandlingar och maktrelationer. De sätt varpå ätande knutits till äckel åskådliggör den villkorade relationen mellan ”värd” och ”gäst” och fWith a focus on food and disgust, this article examines the meeting between survivors who came to Sweden from Nazi concentration camps in 1945 so called “repatriates”, and the camp institutions that received them. The purpose is to examine the everyday negotiations and power relations of camp life through statements about food. The ways in which eating is linked to disgust illustrate the unequal a
Anti-Spike Mucosal IgA Protection against SARS-CoV-2 Omicron Infection
The Origins of the Swedish Wage Bargaining Model
This paper revisits the development of the canonical Swedish wage bargaining model, from the 1930s to the 1950s. The question at the core of the debate is: how did Sweden achieve “good” wage bargaining institutions -- good, in the sense of facilitating investment, employment, and controlled inflation? The conventional account focuses on the actions of employers and trade unions in export industry,This paper revisits the development of the canonical Swedish wage bargaining model, from the 1930s to the 1950s. The question at the core of the debate is: how did Sweden achieve “good” wage bargaining institutions -- good, in the sense of facilitating investment, employment, and controlled inflation? The conventional account focuses on the actions of employers and trade unions in export industry,
Simulation of periodic counter-current chromatography purification of monoclonal antibodies with column degradation
Uppreningsprocessen av monoklonala antikroppar (mAbs) är dyr, speciellt det kromatografisteg där antikropparna separeras från andra protein och celler i lösningen från tidigare steg i processen. Antikropparna separeras från lösningen med hjälp av affinitetskromatografi, där det endast är antikropparna som interagerar med innehåller i kolonnen och stannar kvar, medan resten passerar obehindrat. AntThe purification process of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) for therapeutic drugs is expensive, especially the chromatography step in which the mAbs are separated from other proteins and cells present in the feed. The antibodies are separated from the feed using affinity chromatography, where only the antibodies interact with active sites within the column, whereas the rest passes through the column
Så påverkar a-kassan uppsägningstvister i nya LAS
Utilization of industrial and agricultural by-products in blended cement mortars – creating an effort of circular economy in Indian cement industry
India stands in second place as a manufacturer of cement in the world, accounting for over 8 % of the worldwide mounted capacity until the end of the year 2018. It is estimated that the production of the cement will touch 550 Mt by the year 2020 and will reach more than 600 Mt by 2025. Up to the year 2015, the total emissions of CO2 from cement sector in India have touched the level of around 150
Ecosystem services for urban destination development : Potential for sustainability
This chapter addresses opportunities and challenges in urban planning by implementing the concept of ecosystem services in an urban tourism and destination development context. In analysing ecosystem services in urban tourism, we contribute to an emerging literature focusing on urban ecosystem services. An important research gap is also addressed; despite the importance of tourism for cities, ther
Networks from Markets: The Co-construction of Social and Economic Ties in a Swedish Alternative Food Network
Full counting statistics of the photocurrent through a double quantum dot embedded in a driven microwave resonator
Detection of single, itinerant microwave photons is an important functionality for emerging quantum technology applications as well as of fundamental interest in quantum thermodynamics experiments on heat transport. In a recent experiment [W. Khan et al., Nat. Commun. 12, 5130 (2021)], it was demonstrated that a double quantum dot (DQD) coupled to a microwave resonator can act as an efficient and
Homonationalism across borders. Exploring cross-border exchange and strategic homonationalism in the construction of progressive nationalism
While scholars have shown the significance of transnational exchanges for shaping feminist and LGBTI+ connectivities across borders to challenge national exclusions and global divides, less attention has been directed at exploring the complex and ambiguous ways in which transnational collaborations and cross-border exchanges also may facilitate and support national agendas. That is what this artic
Nondestructive Testing Using mm-Wave Sparse Imaging Verified for Singly Curved Composite Panels
Nondestructive testing of composite materials is important in aerospace applications, and mm-wave imaging has been increasingly used for this purpose. Imaging is traditionally performed using Fourier methods, with inverse methods being an alternative. This communication presents a mm-wave imaging method with an inverse approach intended for nondestructive testing of singly curved composite panels
Comparison of Cobalt-Iron and Silicon-Iron Laminations for a Wave Energy Application
This paper evaluates an electric generator manufactured of cobalt-iron laminations used for a wave energy application. The properties of the two cobalt-iron designs are compared with a reference machine, which employs conventional electric steel laminations. Operation trajectories and machine losses, as well as the annual energy production and the losses are obtained through finite element analysi
Superintelligent socialtjänst?
Tema:Förändrade arbetssätt : Introduktion
Clinically relevant treatment of PDX models reveals patterns of neuroblastoma chemoresistance
Chemotherapy resistance and relapses are common in high-risk neuroblastoma (NB). Here, we developed a clinically relevant in vivo treatment protocol mimicking the first-line five-chemotherapy treatment regimen of high-risk NB and applied this protocol to mice with MYCN-amplified NB patient-derived xenografts (PDXs). Genomic and transcriptomic analyses were used to reveal NB chemoresistance mechan
Reversibility of alcohol‐induced immune depression
Alcohol abusers have suppressed cellular immune function. The aim of the study was to investigate the time of sobriety required to normalize immune function. Delayed hypersensitivity was investigated during disulfiram controlled abstinence in ten heavy alcoholics and in seven moderate drinkers without liver diseases. For comparison a control group of eight previous drinkers was tested. The skin te
RoSym: Robust Symmetric Key Based IoT Software Upgrade Over-the-Air
Internet of Things (IoT) firmware upgrade has turned out to be a challenging task with respect to security. While Over-The-Air (OTA) software upgrade possibility is an essential feature to achieve security, it is also most sensitive to attacks and lots of different firmware upgrade attacks have been presented in the literature. Several security solutions exist to tackle these problems. We observe
Interventionsforskning som en dialog mellan intellectus och ratio
När vi söker kunskap rör vi oss längs horisonter av icke-vetande. I en sådan bildningsresa slår vi i det här kapitlet följe med filosofen Jonna Bornemark. Den sociala barnavården är ett fält där alltmer kunskap bildas. Men hur går det till? Den här texten handlar om kunskapssökande inom socialt arbete, närmare bestämt familjehemsvård. Att söka kunskap är att göra en mängd val och överväganden. Med
Groundwater Extraction Reduction within an Irrigation District by Enhancing the Surface Water Distribution
Today, in developing countries, the low surface water distribution efficiency and the lack of supplying water needs of farmers by surface water resources are compensated by excessive aquifer water withdrawal. This mismanagement has caused a sharp drop in the groundwater level in many countries. On the other hand, climate change and drought have intensified the pressure on water resources. This stu