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Risker för brand och explosion efter vätskespill i dragskåp

Försöken med förångning från vätskespill av aceton, dietyleter, etanol och metyletylketon och fördelning av brännbara ångor i dragskåp utförda med en inloppshastighet av ca 0.5 m/s visade att: mängden förångad vätska efter spill av olika vätskor vid olika initialtemperaturer kan förutsägas med god noggrannhet med befintliga dataprogram. Vid ett spill stannar den tunga ångan kvar i den nedre delen

Inhibition of germ tube formation by Candida albicans by local anesthetics: an effect related to ionic channel blockade

Formation of germ tubes by Candida albicans has been assumed as a putative virulence factor. Local anesthetics (LAs), e.g., lidocaine and bupivacaine, are known to inhibit germ tube formation. The study confirmed this observation for the novel drug ropivacaine, although it was less potent than the former two drugs. Hypothesizing that the effect is due to blockading ionic channels, we exposed Candi

Application of Ultra-fast Timing Techniques to the Study of Exotic and Weakly Produced Nuclei

Ultra-fast time-delayed techniques have been recently applied in a number of studies where exotic nuclei were identified using advanced selection techniques. These include large Compton-suppressed Ge arrays, in-flight separators or recoil separators. Some of the new results are discussed in this presentation. Besides the results for Mg-32 and Pd-96, they include the first determination of the half

A measurement of the branching fractions of the b-quark into charged and neutral b-hadrons

The production fractions of charged and neutral b-hadrons in b-quark events from Z(0) decays have been measured with the DELPHI detector at LEP. An algorithm has been developed, based on a neural network, to estimate the charge of the weakly-decaying b-hadron by distinguishing its decay products from particles produced at the primary vertex. From the data taken in the years 1994 and 1995, the frac

The Ben Daniel-Duke model in general nanowire structures

A simple computationally effective method is developed for solving the Ben Daniel - Duke equations for nanowire semiconductor heterostructures. The method allows eigenstates and associated energy levels of nanowires with varying cross- sectional shape and/ or varying composition to be obtained, and is based on expanding the envelope function eigenstates on local eigenstates of the corresponding cr

Novel blocker of NFAT activation inhibits IL-6 production in human myometrial arteries and reduces vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation

The calcineurin/nuclear factor of activated T cells ( NFAT) signaling pathway has been found to play a role in regulating growth and differentiation in several cell types. However, the functional significance of NFAT in the vasculature is largely unclear. Here we show that NFATc1, NFATc3, and NFATc4 are expressed in human myometrial arteries. Confocal immunofluorescence and Western blot analysis r

Cytogenetic heterogeneity and clonal evolution in synchronous bilateral breast carcinomas and their lymph node metastases from a male patient without any detectable BRCA2 germline mutation

Two synchronous bilateral breast carcinomas and their matched lymph node metastases from a 70-year-old man were cytogenetically analyzed. All four tumors were near-diploid, and except for the primary tumor from the right breast, had a 45,X,-Y clone in common. The loss of the Y chromosome was, however, common to all four tumors, whereas metaphase cells from peripheral blood lymphocytes showed a nor

Isolation and characterisation of putative adhesins from Helicobacter pylori with affinity for heparan sulphate proteoglycan

A pool of heparan sulphate-binding proteins (HSBPs) from Helicobacter pylori culture supernates was obtained by sequential ammonium sulphate precipitation and affinity chromatography on heparin-Sepharose, The chromatographic procedure yielded one major fraction that contained proteins with heparan sulphate affinity as revealed by inhibition studies of heparan sulphate binding to H. pylori cells. P

Geography and geometry of pre-Caledonian western Baltica: U-Pb geochronology and Palaeomagnetism

Popular Abstract in Swedish Den kontinent Skandinavien idag tillhör kallas Eurasia, men den kontinent vi ser idag har inte alltid funnits. Kontinenterna var inte bara sammanfogade på andra sätt, de har också rört sig över jordens yta (de långsamma med samma hastighet som naglar växer!), i platt-tektoniska processer. Innan uppkomsten av Eurasia har Skandinavien i omgångar tillhört andra konstellatiIn an attempt to reconstruct the pre-Caledonian cratonic margin of Fennoscandia, U-Pb geochronological and geochemical investigations have been performed on allochthonous orthogneisses in the northern Swedish Caledonides. The crystalline basement of the nappes have also been examined to further constrain the continuation of various chronologically defined orogenic belts. To constrain the global pa

Relations between N-representable n-particle densities

We show that the convex set that determines which n-particle densities can arise from an N-particle wavefunction becomes smaller when N increases. We also show that their boundaries have empty intersection for fermions (but not for bosons). The N-representability conditions thus become more constraining for more particles. Finally, we show that it is impossible, in a combinatorial way, to determin

Characteristics of aerosol particles formed during grate combustion of moist forest residue

The characteristics of aerosol particles formed during combustion of moist forest residue were studied as a function of load in a I MW moving grate boiler and at almost full load in a similar larger 6 MW boiler. The coarse (1 mum < d(ae) < 10 mum) particle number and mass concentration increased by more than one order of magnitude and the fine particle mean diameter, total volume and mass decrease

Transient properties of many-server queues and related QBDs

The time tau(n) of first passage from queue length x to queue lengthn > x in a many-server queue with both the arrival process and service intensities governed by a finite Markov process is considered. The mean and the Laplace transform are computed as solutions of systems of linear equations coming out by optional stopping of a martingale obtained as a stochastic integral of the exponential Wald

The Demand for Health and the Contingent Valuation Method

The theoretical part develops Michael Grossman’s dynamic demand-for-health model by (a) letting the depreciation rate depend upon the level of health, (b) allowing a continuous set of health states, (c) introducing uncertainty (by letting health be a stochastic variable), (d) introducing social and private insurance and (e) releasing the assumption of an isoperimetric budget constraint. Beside the

Conventional and metal-directed synthesis of homodinuclear and heterotrinuclear complexes of homoditopic and heteroditopic ligands incorporating bpy and tpy metal-binding domains

Strategies for the preparation of multinuclear complexes containing homoditopic and heteroditopic ligands based upon 2,2$-bipyridine (bpy) and 2,2:6$,2$$-terpyridine metal binding domains are presented. Both conventional approaches based upon preparation of a free ligand and subsequent coordination and metal-directed reactions of coordinated ligands are utilized in the various strategies. A repres

FOXC2 and CAPN10 as candidate genes for obesity, insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes

Popular Abstract in Swedish Förekomsten av fetma ökar lavinartat över hela världen, Sverige inte undantaget, och detta är en stor bidragande orsak till att antalet fall av typ 2 diabetes tilltar på ett liknande sätt. Både fetma och typ 2 diabetes är sjukdomar med ett komplicerat mönster av samverkande genetiska och miljömässiga faktorer. Drabbade individer har en klart ökad risk att drabbas av hjäThe worldwide prevalence of obesity and type 2 diabetes is increasing rapidly. Both disorders depend on genetic and environmental factors. The studies included in this thesis investigated the possible association of the FOXC2 and CAPN10 genes with obesity, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, and related phenotypes. FOXC2 encodes a forkhead transcription factor, which was identified as a key regul

Specific floater home ranges and prospective behaviour in the European starling, Sturnus vulgaris

In many bird species, floaters are present on the breeding grounds in one or more years before they breed. There is increasing evidence that they have specific home ranges in which they search for information about current and future breeding opportunities. We investigated the role of prospecting in a migratory European starling (Sturnus vulgaris) population. Radio-tracking showed that male starli

Influence of ATP, ADP and AMPPNP on the energetics of contraction in skinned smooth muscle

The contraction of smooth muscle is influenced by the substrate MgATP and the product MgADP. The effects on force, shortening velocity and ATP-turnover, are consistent with an influence on the kinetics of cross-bridge cycling. Part of these effects are mediated via an influence on the regulation of contraction by myosin light chain phosphorylation. Results from preparations activated by thiophosph