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Estimating faults modes in ball bearing machinery using a sparse reconstruction framework

In this work, we present a computationally efficient algorithm for estimating fault modes in ball bearing systems. The presented method generalizes and improves upon earlier developed sparse reconstruction techniques, allowing for detecting multiple fault modes. The measured signal is corrupted with additive and multiplicative noise, yielding a signal that is highly erratic. Fortunately, the damag

Cisterna Magna Injection in Rats to Study Glymphatic Function

The recently discovered glymphatic system, which supports brain-wide clearance of metabolic waste, has become the subject of intense research within the past few years. Its nomenclature arose due to its functionally analogous nature to the lymphatic system in combination with glial cells that are part of its anatomical boundaries. The influx of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from perivascular spaces in

Caesarean section performed by medical doctors and associate clinicians in Sierra Leone

BACKGROUND: Many countries lack sufficient medical doctors to provide safe and affordable surgical and emergency obstetric care. Task-sharing with associate clinicians (ACs) has been suggested to fill this gap. The aim of this study was to assess maternal and neonatal outcomes of caesarean sections performed by ACs and doctors. METHODS: All nine hospitals in Sierra Leone where both ACs and doctors

Är vi åter vid Volgas stränder? : En jämförelse mellan Maksim Gorkijs noveller och Kristian Lundbergs Yarden

I kapitlet diskuteras vilka litteraturhistoriska föreställningar om arbetarlitteratur som styr dagens svenska arbetarlitteratur. Dagens varianter skildrar i stor utsträckning samhällets trasproletariat och tycks därmed ha mer gemensamt med exempelvis Maksim Gorkijs noveller från 1890-talet än med trettiotalets klassisk-kanoniska svenska arbetarskildringar. Hur kan det komma sig? Vad säger denna li

Limitations on Control System Performance

Abstract in Undetermined This paper deals with limitations on control system performance due to load disturbances, measurement noise, actuator saturation and system dynamics. Simple problems which capture the essence of the problem are formulated and solved. The results make it possible to quickly explore a design problem for preliminary assessment before attempting to do massive computations. TheThis paper deals with limitations on control system performance due to load disturbances, measurement noise, actuator saturation and system dynamics. Simple problems which capture the essence of the problem are formulated and solved. The results make it possible to quickly explore a design problem for preliminary assessment before attempting to do massive computations. They are also useful ingredi

Three-Dimensional Evaluation of Aortic Valve Annular Shape in Children With Bicuspid Aortic Valves and/or Aortic Coarctation Compared With Controls

Bicuspid aortic valve (BAV) is the most common congenital cardiac abnormality, occurring in 1% to 2% of the general population. Adults with degenerative aortic valve (AV) disease have been shown to have an elliptical shaped AV annulus. The goal of this study was to investigate the shape of the aortic annulus in children with BAV, coarctation of the aorta (CoA) with or without BAV, and normal contr

Aortic stiffness and left ventricular diastolic function in children with well-functioning bicuspid aortic valves

AIMS: Aortic stiffness and diastolic function are abnormal in adults with bicuspid aortic valves (BAVs). The goal of this study was to determine the relationship between aortic stiffness and left ventricular (LV) diastolic impairment in children with well-functioning BAV and no associated congenital heart disease.METHODS AND RESULTS: This is a retrospective review of echocardiograms in children wi

Buddhism and Resilience in Post-tsunami Thailand

Religion is particularly important in times of crises and difficulties. After the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami Buddhist monks became of great significance for the survivors in Thailand. They performed cremations, helped the survivors to understand and accept what has happened, provided leadership, conducted important rituals and organized aid. The Buddhist temples became the main venues for people se

Bilateralt bortfall av horisontell vestibulo-okulär reflex - Ett tidigt och specifikt kliniskt tecken vid Wernickes encefalopati

Wernicke encephalopathy is a condition in which thiamine deficiency causes cognitive dysfunction, ataxia and eye motor abnormalities. The condition is potentially reversible if treated with high doses of intravenous thiamine (vitamin B1). The video head impulse test, in which the vestibulo-ocular reflex is tested, can reveal an early specific sign of selective dysfunction in the medial vestibular

Investigating the mechanical characteristics of bone-metal implant interface using in situ synchrotron tomographic imaging

Long-term stability of endosseous implants depends on successful bone formation, ingrowth and adaptation to the implant. Specifically, it will define the mechanical properties of the newly formed bone-implant interface. 3D imaging during mechanical loading tests (in situ loading) can improve the understanding of the local processes leading to bone damage and failure. In this study, titanium screws

Dynamic modelling of weathering rates - The benefit over steady-state modelling

Weathering rates are of considerable importance in estimating the acidification sensitivity and recovery capacity of soil and are thus important in the assessment of the sustainability of forestry in a time of changing climate and growing demands for forestry products. In this study, we modelled rates of weathering in mineral soil at two forested sites in southern Sweden included in a monitoring n

Representing Wine : Sensory perceptions, communication and cultures

Wine culture is a complex phenomenon of increasing importance in modern society, and it combines the joys of wine appreciation with the frustrations of trying to verbally communicate sensory impressions. While wine appreciation is traditionally characterized as joyously convivial in its social dimension, sensory impressions remain eminently private. This contrast explains why the language used to

Production of high energy photons with in vacuum wigglers : From SOLEIL wiggler to MAXIV wiggler

Small gap wigglers become more and more attractive to produce high photon fluxes in the hard X-ray photon range. They use magnet blocks of high magnetization which resists much better to heating (baking, synchrotron radiation) than in the past, produce high magnetic field with numerous periods and are very compact. They also are a very good alternative to superconducting technology which requires

Thermal Reduction of NOx in a Double Compression Expansion Engine by Injection of AAS 25 and AUS 32 in the Exhaust Gases

The double compression expansion engine (DCEE) is a promising concept for high engine efficiency while fulfilling the most stringent European and US emission legislation. The complete thermodynamic cycle of the engine is split among several cylinders. Combustion of fuel occurs in the combustion cylinder and in the expansion cylinder the exhaust gases are over expanded to obtain high efficiency. A