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Your search for "*" yielded 532379 hits

One fork one vote : transition towards a sustainable food system in Austria - a s(l)o(w)cial niche for producers and consumers to reconnect

The globalisation and industrialisation of the agricultural sector made it possible to produce larger amounts of food in a faster and cheaper way than ever before, linking consumers to producers all around the planet. Although industrial food production has provided benefits for humanity in terms of access to food it is also at the root of many negative environmental and social impacts, such as bi

The Compatability of the OECD MNA with EU Fundamental Freedoms and the Case Law on Abuse

The OECD Modified Nexus Approach (MNA) as found in BEPS Action 5 is the preferred method for implementing an IP regime. By linking IP-related expenditures to tax benefits, the approach redefined substance with the aim to prevent tax base erosion which could occur in lenient IP regimes. The approach is implemented in Member States of the European Union. This essay investigates whether the implemen

Pornhubs Coronamarknadsföring - En studie om Pornhubs marknadsföring av kvinnor under covid-19-pandemin2020.

“Stay at home if you can and we’ll keep you entertained (…)”. Nämnda citat kom-mer från Pornhub, den hemsida som har flest pornografiska videos i världen. Citatet publicerades i samband med covid-19-pandemin 2020 och är ett exempel på hur Pornhub utnyttjat en situation där människor är extra sårbara för att locka till sig kunder. Studien undersöker exempel på hur Pornhub marknadsför kvinnor som

Att öppna upp sitt hem för ensamkommande ungdomar : En studie om ideella familjehem, deras motiv och engagemang

Opening up your home to unaccompanied young refugees : A study about voluntary foster parents, their motives and commitment Migration politics in Sweden has shifted to a more restrictive stance in the past few years. Unaccompanied asylum-seeking minors are an especially vulnerable group that has been affected by this. Many of them find themselves in a difficult position when they turn 18, when th

Through the eyes of the 'Other' : Greenlanders' experiences in mediated spaces and places

Greenlanders in Denmark are often overlooked in the spheres of the Danish society. One stereotypical image of the Greenlander has become ingrained to be almost commonsensical in its use in the Danish language and media. That is the Greenlander as the loser in Danish society, someone who is either drunk, homeless, or destitute. Although some Greenlanders suffer from these issues, the majority of th

Passportisation - the new geopolitical strategy? A comparative analysis of Russia’s passportisation policy and its effects on brain drain in the Eastern Neighbourhood

Russia has been issuing passports to Eastern Europe and the South Caucasus since the Soviet dissolution. Most targeted are secessionist regions of former Soviet states, whose populations are now becoming Russian due to passportisation. This has had several effects on the Eastern Neighbourhood, including brain drain, meaning that the highly educated and skilled citizens are emigrating. The brain dr

Let’s See What We Recall - The Regulation of Memory Accessibility by Gaze Direction

Gaze behaviour has previously been shown to support memory retrieval. Looking at the encoding location of a to-be-retrieved object leads to higher retrieval performance. How gaze exerts this function is still unknown. One possibility is that gaze fixations upregulate the activity and accessibility of memories associated with a looked-at location. This study uses an adapted retrieval-practice parad

Gender Equality, Development and Effective Humanitarian Aid: A study of UNHCR’s gender policy from a Human Rights perspective

Väpnade konflikter tvingar ett stort antal människor på flykt varje år. Över 60 miljoner människor beräknas vara på flykt idag på grund av omständigheter utom deras kontroll. Organisationer såsom UNHCR arbetar med att skapa fristäder dit flyktingar kan ta vägen och få sina grundläggande behov tillgodosedda. Under åren har ett större fokus lagts på att erbjuda utbildning och information som ska förArmed conflict displaces a large number of people every year. Today, over 60 million people are estimated to have been forced from their homes because of circumstances beyond their control. Organizations such as UNHCR work to create sanctuaries for them to have their basic needs satisfied. During the years, the focus has expanded and steered towards providing refugees with developmental training a

Det fria skolvalet?

I uppsatsens bakgrund beskrivs framväxten av det fria skolvalet, genom decentraliseringen av skolan, införandet av friskolereformen och skolpengen. Uppsatsens syfte är således att beskriva de bakomliggande faktorer som kan tros bi-dra till elevens val av skola, samt de konsekvenser valet kan innefatta. Uppsatsen skrivs utifrån en systematisk litteraturundersökning, där vetenskapliga artiklar och a

Searching for a link between AID-mediated mutations and patterns of transcription initiation and pausing in activated B cells

Activation-induced cytidine deaminase (AID) is an enzyme and key component of both 15 class-switch recombination and somatic hypermutation, two mechanisms used by activated B 16 cells to diversify their antigen repertoire, as it catalyzes the deamination of deoxycytidines turning 17 them into deoxyuridines, introducing mutations in immunoglobulin genes. AID, however, can also 18 target enhancer re

Exploring the Formation and Representationof Destination Images in Travel Vlogs on Social Media

This paper is an exploratory study of how destination images are projected in online travel vlogs. Destination image plays a significant role in influencing tourists’ purchase decision, therefore building and maintaining a desired image is important for destination marketing organizations (DMO). However, with the prevalence of social media, tourists’ perceived destination image is largely affected

Efficient Discovery Of Binary Stars

Purpose: even in the era of exponential increase in the amount of stellar data gathered, binaries are still often overlooked in observational data due to the special handling they require. The goal of this work is to develop a method capable of automatically and efficiently identifying and extract double-lined spectroscopic binaries (SB2) from a spectroscopic survey, while being scalable and techn

Socialt stöd i arbetet med barn och unga : En kvalitativ studie av ideella organisationer i Barcelona, Spanien

This work aims to examine the strategies that social workers at non-profit organizations in Barcelona work with in meeting children who are in need of social support. The study was conducted qualitatively, with the method semi-structured interviews. The respondents were selected through a snowball selection and were all employees of non-profit organizations located in Barcelona, Spain. After the e

Trees for bees – How well do the urban trees in Malmö provide pollinators with food resources?

Hur bra förser de urbana träden i Malmö pollinerare med mat? Antalet pollinerande insekter minskar. En av de främsta anledningarna till detta är förlust av blomresurser till följd av ett ändrat användande av landskap. I jämförelse med allt mer homogena jordbrukslandskap kan städer potentiellt bidra med mer födoresurser för vilda bin och andra pollinerare. Träd, som utgör en stor komponent av urbPollinating insects are declining due to several threats, one being a loss of flower resources because of a change of land use. With rural agricultural areas becoming more homogenous, urban areas might provide refuge for pollinating insects. The main aim of this study was to investigate how the trees in the city of Malmö, Sweden, contribute with food resources, i.e. nectar and pollen, both spatial

The possibilities of recycling wash water at Vidinge

Vatten är en ständigt viktig resurs och med torrare väder runt om i världen, även i Sverige, finns en risk att för låga vattennivåer för att tillfredsställa behoven för bland annat hushåll, djur och industrier i framtiden. Industrier som producerar färsk frukt och grönsaker har hög vattenförbrukning och nästan allt processvatten används i sköljningsprocessen. För att minska vattenförbrukningen harWater is a resource of importance and with drier weather around the world, including Swe-den, there is a risk of too low levels of water to satisfy for instance households, animals and industries in the future. Fresh-cut fruit and vegetable industries are water intense and almost all process water is used in the washing process. To decrease the water consumption recircu-lation of wastewater has be

Europeanization of Social Policy - A Case of Parental Leave in Denmark and EU

This paper examines social policy in the European Union with a specific focus on parental leave, in-cluding earmarked paternity leave. It traces the process of how the legislation of parental leave has gone through a process of Europeanization and through the decision-making process of the European Union, resulted in the Directive 2019/1158. Moreover, it aims at examining the Danish knowledge of t

"Det är lite ge och ta" : Google och folkbibliotekarieuppdraget

The purpose of this master’s thesis is to gain a better understanding of how public librarians describe their interactions with Google Search, as well as their opinions on both the company and the search engine Google. The main focus of interest is the information seeking process that public librarians perform in response to questions from library users, and the alternatives and choices, such as d

The Swedish gasoline tax - A battlefield between the people and the elite? : A cultural performative analysis of the antagonisms in the Swedish gasoline tax debate.

The focus of this thesis is the debate regarding gasoline taxes in Sweden which is an example of a polarised sustainability debate. The aim is to get an in-depth understanding of the antagonisms of the debate by looking into how the pro and contra sides create and maintain cultural legitimacy and societal resonance through discursive struggles. Moreover, this thesis explores the framing struggles

Barriärer för Digital Medborgardialog: En kvalitativ studie av IT-stödd medborgardialog

Denna uppsats ämnar utforska vad för barriärer som finns för digital medborgardialog i Sverige. Till att börja med redogörs för litteratur om e-government/e-governance samt olika modeller för att förstå barriärer för medborgardialog och utvärdering av digital medborgardialog. Detta sammanställs till ett ramverk med tre perspektiv; projekt, socio-tekniskt och demokratiskt, de två områdena medborgar