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Challenges in prosthesis classification.

Accurate prosthesis classification is critical for total joint arthroplasty surveillance and assessment of comparative effectiveness. Historically, prosthesis classification was based solely on the names of the prosthesis manufacturers. As a result, prosthesis designs changed without corresponding name changes, and other prostheses' names changed over time without substantial design modifications.

Spark Assisted Compression Ignition, SACI

The strong focus on decreasing carbon dioxide emissions due to limited natural resources of fossil fuel as well as alarming climate changes drives the research and development of our prime mover, the combustion engine, faster then ever. The minimum requirement is a power source with increased efficiency while emitting ultra low levels of hazardous local and regional emissions. The concept of Homog

An analysis of 1/f2 phase noise in bipolar colpitts oscillators (With a digression on bipolar differential-pair LC oscillators)

This work presents an analysis of phase noise in the 1/f(2) region displayed by both single-ended and differential bipolar Colpitts oscillators. Very accurate and rigorous symbolic phase noise expressions are derived, enabling a deeper insight into the major mechanisms of phase noise generation, and providing new tools for design optimization. Phase noise expressions for the cross-coupled differen

Ultrasound weight estimation of large fetuses.

Objective: To compare the accuracy of fetal weight estimation in large fetuses using four ultrasound formulas. Design: Prospective comparative study. Setting: University Hospital, Lund, Sweden. Population: Large-for-gestational age fetuses (n = 114) at a routine ultrasound examination in the third trimester. Methods: Persson & Weldner two-dimensional formula was compared with Hart et a

Elen är fri. Energianvändning ur ett kulturanalytiskt perspektiv

Studien utgör en del i ett tvärvetenskapligt forskningsprogram, ¯Effekthushållning i byggnader¯, genomfört vid Lunds Universitet. Den här studien har fokuserat energianvändning i bostäder ur ett kulturanalytiskt perspektiv. Detta har inneburit ett åskådliggörande av möten mellan bransch och brukare på den omreglerade elmarknaden. Här har vardagslivet varit en metodisk och analytisk utgångspunkt fö

Immunological systems biology: gene expression analysis of B-cell development in Ramos B-cells.

B-cell development into antibody producing cells is a complex process that relies on the tightly controlled production of hundreds of genes and proteins. A B-cell is activated through the B-cell receptor (BCR) and this activation is modified by different co-stimulatory or inhibitory co-receptors. The concerted action of signals from BCR and from co-receptors decides the fate of the B-cells. The ma

Blood lipids in 75,048 type 2 diabetic patients: a population-based survey from the Swedish National diabetes register

Background: Type 2 diabetes and diabetic dyslipidemia are high-risk conditions for cardiovascular disease. However, the description of the distribution of blood lipids in diabetic patients has not been based on population-based surveys. The aim of this study was to describe diabetic dyslipidemia in a large unselected sample of patients from the Swedish National Diabetes Register. Methods: Blood li

Desirable Skills? Non-Nordic citizens applying for work permits in Sweden, 1947–1950

Sweden’s rapid economic growth after World War II meant that the native labour supply was incapable of meeting the high demand, especially for industrial labourers. Three agreements on organised collective transfers were signed, but a large majority of the labour migrants came on their own initiative. Not all applicants were equally welcomed. In this article, logistic regressions are used to inves

Coreless vortices in rotating two-component quantum droplets

The rotation of a quantum liquid induces vortices to carry angular momentum. When the system is composed of multiple components that are distinguishable from each other, vortex cores in one component may be filled by particles of the other component, and coreless vortices form. Based on evidence from computational methods, here we show that the formation of coreless vortices occurs very similarly

Dispersionless Spin Waves and Underlying Field-Induced Magnetic Order in Gadolinium Gallium Garnet.

We report the results of neutron diffraction and inelastic neutron scattering on a powder sample of Gd_{3}Ga_{5}O_{12} at high magnetic fields. Analysis of the diffraction data shows that in high fields (B≳1.8 T) the spins are not fully aligned, but are canted slightly as a result of the dipolar interaction. The magnetic phase for fields ≲1.8 T is characterized by antiferromagnetic peaks at (210)

Fibre intake and incident colorectal cancer depending on fibre source, sex, tumour location and Tumour, Node, Metastasis stage.

Studies on fibre intake and incident colorectal cancer (CRC) indicate inverse associations. Differences by tumour stage have not been examined. We examined associations between fibre intake and its sources, and incidental CRC. Separate analyses were carried out on the basis of sex, tumour location and the Tumour, Node, Metastasis (TNM) classification. The Malmö Diet and Cancer Study is a populatio