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Indigenous peoples’ self-determination - Market-inclusion or not? The case of indigenous designs in the international fashion industry

In recent years the focus on indigenous peoples’ self-determination has been increasing. However, the debate on how to achieve this is rather divided. This study examines whether Slowey’s (2008) theoretical assumption, that market-inclusion leads to increased self-determination, holds in a different context. In the study, the theory is applied to indigenous peoples’ market-inclusion through intell

Multinodal High Throughput Acoustic Trapping

En ny akustisk infångningsenhet med kraftigt ökad kapacitet kan anrika nanopartiklar från kroppsvätskor. Det finns otroligt mycket information att utvinna ur biologiska vätskor som blod och urin. Biomolekyler som proteiner, blodkroppar och RNA kan säga väldigt mycket om en patients hälsa. Denna information är därför väldigt användbar för läkare när de ska sätta diagnoser, men för att få ut någonThis thesis outlines the design and construction of an acoustophoretic trapping device with greatly increased capacity and throughput, compared to current commercial systems. In acoustic trapping, a strong, localised acoustic field is generated inside a channel. This field can capture and retain particles against a flow, allowing for nanoparticle purification and enrichment without the need for ul

’’Behöver jag något prickigt eller något att dra med?'' - Förskolebarns förmåga att skilja mellan perceptuell och konceptuell verktygsinformation vid analog överföring

I den aktuella studien undersöktes barns förmåga att med hjälp av verktyg använda tidigare kunskaper för att lösa en ny uppgift, genom en så kallad analog överföring. Uppgiften ställde krav barnets förmåga att bortse från vilseledande visuell information, till förmån för verktygets funktionalitet. 90 barn mellan 24 och 55 månader rekryterades från sju förskoleverksamheter i en svensk kommun. BarneChildren’s ability to access previous knowledge and use tools when solving a novel analogical task was examined. When confronted with the task, the children had to ignore misleading visual tool information and attend to its functionality. 90 children between 24 and 55 months from seven preschools were recruited. The study’s design was quasi-experimental and factorial, and the children were confron

Towards a citizen-driven low-carbon energy transition: Exploring the potential for collective investment schemes in community renewable energy in Europe to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

The European Union’s (EU) ‘market-oriented’ approach to renewable energy development risks undermining the ability of individual citizens to meaningfully contribute to, and benefit from, a decentralised, localised, and decarbonised energy system. In spite of the EU’s ambition to involve local communities for co-driving a low-carbon energy transition, there is no comprehensive analysis uncovering t

Standardvillkor - En avtalsrättslig studie med fokus på införlivande och skälighet

Det förekommer kommersiella standardavtal och konsumentstandardavtal. Införlivandet av standardvillkor saknar lagstiftning i både hänseenden. Högsta domstolens avgöranden är därför den primära rättskällan för utvecklingen. Konsumentavtal omfattas däremot av tvingande lagstiftning som har till syfte att skydda konsumenter från oskäliga avtalsvillkor. Standardavtalsrätten är central utgångspunkt förThere are commercial standard contracts and consumer standard agreements. The incorporation of standard terms lacks legislation in both respects. The ruling of the Supreme Court is therefore the primary source of law for development. Consumer contracts, on the other hand, are covered by mandatory legislation whose purpose is to protect consumers from unfair contract terms. The standard contract la

Kärleken är blind : En beskrivning av hur våldet normaliseras av offret och vad som leder till relationens uppbrott

Abstract Author: Chanette Edman Title: Blinded love - a description of how the violence in a relationship is normalized by the victim and what leads to the breakup of the relationship Supervisor: Anna Rypi Assessor: Summary: This is a qualitative text analysis about how women who live in violent relationships describe their experiences in autobiographies. The aim of the study was to find out

Barnets berättelse i olika processer - En jämförelse av bevisvärderingen av barnets berättelse i mål om våldtäkt mot barn respektive i mål gällande omhändertagande enligt LVU

Uppsatsen undersöker om det förekommer skillnader i bevisvärderingen av barnets berättelse i mål som rör våldtäkt mot barn respektive omhändertagande enligt LVU. När barn far illa aktualiseras parallella utredningsprocesser, vilket medför en nödvändig samverkan mellan socialtjänst och rättsväsende. Uppsatsen syftar till att synliggöra eventuella skillnader i processrättsliga utgångspunkter och metThe essay investigates whether there are differences in the evaluation of evidence of the child's statement in cases involving rape against children and care under The Care of Young Persons Act (LVU). When children are mistreated, two different legal processes for the child begins which implies a necessary interaction between social services and the judicial system. The purpose of the essay is

Kvinnorna och terrorismen

What are the primary social motivational factors for women to join a terrorist group? There is a vision that women must be convinced by others to get involved in terrorism. In fact women are both capable and willing to make their own decisions to join. Behind these decisions are a number of motivational factors that governements and organizations need to have knowledge about in order to be able to

Syns det inte, finns det inte

Trots att sexköpslagen och olika hjälpinsatser har bidragit till en minskning av sex mot ersättning på gatan, uppmärksammade #metoo-rörelsen problematiken kring den dolda varianten av sex mot ersättning som främst har sin grund på internet. Detta öppnade upp en värld som få hade insikt i, som det fanns lite information om och som det bedrivits lite forskning kring. Genom att intervjua personer som

Maximum likelihood estimation of a monotone probability mass function with unknown labels

In this paper we discuss methods to estimate a monotone frequency of species in a population when the ordering of species is unknown. The question arises from [5], where the case of known order was taken into account, and the method is inspired by [2]. We discuss first a regression approach that however only leads to the trivial solution, and then a likelihood approach that allows some generali- s

ÄTA - orsaker, effekter och förslag på åtgärder

Sammanfattning Titel: ÄTA - orsaker, effekter och förslag på åtgärder Författare: Helena Casspe Nyman och Kenneth Johnsson Handledare: Bengt Hansson Avdelningen för byggproduktion vid institutionen för bygg- och miljöteknologi, Lunds Tekniska Högskola Ulf Larsson och Fredric Ståhl Qb3 projekt AB Examinator: Stefan Olander Avdelningen för byggproduktion vid institutionen för bygg- och miljötek

Problem solving among pre-schoolers: The contribution of Hot and Cool executive function and the moderating role of shyness

Problem solving skills are highly related to later life success. Several factors can influence these skills and their development, for example the level of executive function (EF) as well as individual temperamental features. This study examined problem solving performance among young (22-60 months old) children in a cross sectional design. The aim of the study was to explore how different compone

Empowered Women - Empowered Sales? The Effect of Femvertising on Consumers’ Attitudes towards the Ad, Brand Gender Perception, and Purchase Intention

The purpose of this study is (1) to investigate the direct influence of femvertising on female consumers’ attitudes towards the ad, brand gender perception as well as purchase intention and (2) to test the indirect effect of femvertising through attitudes towards the ad and brand gender perception on purchase intention. This study used a random independent group design, assigning the survey respon

Att använda marxism? Marx i den introducerande sociologilitteraturen

Studien granskar de kontrasterande bilder av Karl Marx teorier och marxismen som ges av sociologiutbildningar på svenska universitet. Genom intervjuer med undervisande sociologer och en litteraturstudie över den vanligaste introduktionslitteraturen visar jag några centrala skiljelinjer inom sociologin. En riktning främst representerad av Anthony Giddens & Philip W. Suttons bok Sociologi (2014)This study reviews the contrasting images of Karl Marx theoretical output and of Marxism offered by sociology courses at Swedish universities. By means of interviews with lecturing sociologists and a literature review covering the most common introductory textbooks I demonstrate some central dividing lines within sociology. One tendency is foremost represented by Anthony Giddens’ & Philip W. S

Addressing Urban Food Security: Rural Bias and Food System Governance in Kenya and Tanzania

The rapid urbanization of sub-Saharan countries such as Kenya and Tanzania poses new challenges for policy makers. Increasing rates of urban food insecurity are one of these challenges. This thesis investigates how the governments of Kenya and Tanzania address food security in relation to urban areas. It especially scrutinizes the role of a rural bias at the expense of urban policies that address

Transport- and Construction Equipment Theft in Sweden

Purpose: The purpose of this thesis, is to relate the areas of crime theory and supply chain to the transport- and construction industry, by exploring factors that influence the occurrence of theft as well as factors that influence the police reporting tendency in the same industry. The thesis intends to support decision making in the transport- and construction industry. Design/methodology/approa

Cruising away from strong sustainability? A case-study of the social and environmental trade-offs of cruise tourism in Flåm, Norway

Cruise tourism is the fastest growing segment within the global tourism industry, allowing tourists to visit spectacular coastal destinations all over the world. Due to its pristine fjord landscapes, Norway is a popular cruise destination. Over the past decades, cruise tourism has increased in the country, both in terms of cruise calls and passengers. Yet, cruise tourism is a source of local air p

Visitationszoner - geografiskt avgränsade integritetsintrång? - Om kriminalpolitik, integritetsskydd och brottsbekämpningseffektivitet

En visitationszon är ett tillfälligt geografiskt avgränsat område, inom vilket kroppsvisitation och husrannsakan av fordon får företas utan att någon konkret misstanke om brott föreligger. Syftet med visitationszoner är framförallt att ge polisen möjlighet att söka efter vapen och andra farliga föremål. Det mest detaljerade förslaget på visitationszoner som straffprocessuellt tvångsmedel som återfA stop and search zone is a temporary and geographically demarcated area, within which frisking and search of vehicles may be carried out without any concrete suspicion of a crime. The purpose of stop and search zones is primarily to give the police the opportunity to search for weapons and other dangerous objects. The most detailed proposal for stop and search zone as a coercive measure that is f

A Study and Modelling of Chaff Clouds Affected by Wing-Tip Vortices

Chaff are thin strips of either metal or metal coated fibres used as countermeasures against radar. When deployed from an airplane, the turbulence and wing-tip vortices from the airplane disperse the chaff into a chaff cloud, which may appear as a false target and jam the radar. A Doppler radar is able to discriminate between chaff and targets by using the Doppler spectra. Such signal processing method