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Do heavy metals select for bacterial tolerance to antibiotics in soils?

Due to the public health threat that antibiotic resistance poses to humanity, there is increasing interest for understanding the mechanisms behind the development and transfer of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) in different environments. Soil is one of the largest and most diverse microbial habitats on earth and represents a vast terrestrial reservoir of organisms with tolerance to antibiotics.

Interaktion med klienten : Bemötande, kommunikation och makt.

The purpose with this study was to examine the social interaction between social worker and their clients, with focus on the concept’s treatment, communication and power. The study collected information with help of qualitative interviews, there sex social worker who works with financial aid attended. The empiric of the study present experiences from social workers social interaction with their cl

Sustainability Certification Goes Blockchain

Food production accounts for some of the most significant social and environmental impacts at global scale. Reliable information on who produced a product where and under what conditions is a critical enabler for meaningful action on some of the most pressing challenges. Third party certification and labelling remain widely used tools to identify sustainably produced commodities. Fragmented auditi

Crystal Plasticity Finite Element Modelling of Tin Crystals Using Phase Fields

Tin whiskers have long caused issues to electronic components and made the subject of many articles. According to NASA the oldest reports concerning whiskers date back to the 1940's. The whiskers are single-crystals growing from, for example electronic components. Despite the long history of tin whiskers the actual cause of their growth is still unknown. The hypothesis held by the author is th

Projekteringsledning med stöd av BIM

Titel: Projekteringsledning med stöd av BIM Författare: Caroline Gustafsson, Civilingenjörsutbildning Väg och vattenbyggnad, Lunds Tekniska Högskola Handledare: Stefan Olander, Universitetslektor, Docent, Institutionen för byggvetenskaper, Avdelningen för Byggproduktion, Lunds Tekniska Högskola Examinator: Radhlinah Aulin, Universitetslektor, Docent, Institutionen för byggvetenskaper, AvdelningTitle: Design management with the support by BIM Author: Caroline Gustafsson, Master of Science in Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Lund University Supervisor: Stefan Olander, Associate Professor, Docent, Department of Construction Sciences, division of Building production, Lund University Examiner: Radhlinah Aulin, Associate Professor, Docent, Department of Construction Sciences, div

Construction of Gene Libraries from Environmental Isolates for expression in Pseudomonas putida

Currently most aromatic compounds used in industry are derived from unsustainable petro-chemical feedstock. However the depolymerization of lignocellulosic biomass generates a wide range of aromatic compounds that could be further valued through microbial conversion with microorgansims such as the bacterium Pseudomonas putida. The aim of the present project was to develop a reproducible methodolog

Evaluation of shelf life of packaged salad

Since the demand on ready-to-eat (RTE) and raw, minimally processed products is high and increasing in today´s market, the microbial quality is important. One of these products is RTE salads and salads mixes that are bagged and since it is supposed to be eaten raw without any step to reduce the microbial load, these types of products are considered to be risk foods and that the risk of foodborne oThe all year around available ready-to-eat salad are increasing in popularity, and parallel with this, vegetable-derived foodborne illness outbreaks as well. Can a too long shelf life for these products be part of the problem? During recent years the focus on healthy diets and lifestyles has increased. Vegetables and fruits are important to include in meals and are a part in many modern health die

Rättslig kontroll som konstitutionellt självförsvar - En rättshistorisk analys av den svenska normkontrollen

Normkontroll är ett begrepp som innefattar olika typer av rättslig kontroll gällande lagar och andra normer. Normkontrollens främsta syfte är att säkerställa rättssystemets enhetlighet och skydda grundlagarnas ställning. I Sverige är normkontrollen fördelad mellan en förhandsgranskning utförd av Lagrådet och en efterhandsprövning i form av domstolars möjlighet till normprövning. Sedan införandet This essay concerns the historical development of judicial preview and review in Sweden. It will describe how and why the controlling functions have changed from the 19th century until today. The purpose of the functions is to maintain the hierarchy of norms and to ensure the obedience of the constitution. The judicial preview is practiced by the Council on Legislation and the review is practiced

Circuit QED devices for probing Majorana zero modes

Theoretical understanding indicates that Majorana zero modes in solid-state systems could be utilized for fault-tolerant quantum information processing. The ability to reliably detect these excitations, however, remains a challenge and many of their properties are still unknown. In this Master's project, devices that implement a circuit quantum electrodynamics architecture and are predicted t

An Analysis of Financial Stress in the Chinese Economy: A TVAR Approach

In this paper, we look to develop understanding of the nature and potential impact of financial stress and fiscal shocks in the Chinese economy, examining how such stress spreads through the economy and how monetary policy can exaggerate or mitigate the resultant effects. In order to do so, we construct a TVAR model on Chinese quarterly data. To achieve that we develop a financial stress index com

Kvinnorna i Stockholm under reglementeringstiden

Uppsatsen avhandlar den s.k. reglementeringstiden (år 1812-1918) då regleringar infördes för att hindra spridningen av veneriska sjukdomar. Den fokuserar på Stockholm och på hur dessa regleringar drabbade kvinnor under denna tid samt belyser detta ur ett genusperspektiv. Den ger en kort bakgrund till Sverige samt kvinnornas situation under 1800-talet. Sedan avhandlas regleringarna under denna tid The thesis deals with the so-called regulation time (“reglementeringstiden)(in 1812-1918) when regulations were introduced to prevent the spread of venereal diseases. It focuses on Stockholm and how these regulations affected women during this time and highlights this from a gender perspective. It gives a brief background to Sweden and the situation of women in the 19th century. The thesis continu

Det (a)politiska könet - En kritisk diskursanalys om asylsökande kvinnor i relation till politisk flyktinggrund

Politiken har genom i historien ansetts vara manligt territorium. Fenomenet är även idag påtagligt i många delar av världen. När kvinnor därmed inte ges tillträde till det offentliga rummet tar sig deras samhällspåverkan till största del uttryck i den privata sfären. Synen på kvinnan som politisk har däremot lett till att dessa handlingar inte erkänts till fullo. Det finns även dem som menar att sThroughout history, politics has been dominated by men and the phenomenon still exists today in many parts of the world. When women are not given access to the public sphere, their social impact inevitably takes place in the private. Nevertheless, the view of the woman as non-political has led to these actions not being entirely recognized. There are also those who argue that this approach also ex

Wild Architecture

Architecture is undoubtedly an international profession, with practices undertaking projects far away from their home territories. In such a world, it is important that architects are able to design in a way that is responsive to the project’s setting and situation, refraining from unrooted architecture transposed from place to place. Through the examination of seminal texts in architectural theo

Kan vår tids nya företag vara med och rädda världen?

Title: Can new companies be in a position to save the world? A qualitative study in how small, newly started companies, with an expressed focus on sustainability, work operatively in their supply chain. Seminar date: 31st of May 2018 Course: FEKH99, Degree Project Undergraduate level, Business Administration, Undergraduate level, 15 University Credits Points (UPC) or ECTS Authors: Alexandra Karas

En äldre efterlevande sambo - En studie av sambors efterlevnadsskydd ur ett äldrerättsligt perspektiv

I denna uppsats utreds de arvsrättsliga skillnaderna mellan efterlevande make respektive sambo och problematiserar dessa utifrån ett äldrerättsligt perspektiv. Förutom att medellivslängden har ökat i Sverige så har dessutom antalet samboförhållanden sedan 1960-talet ökat. 1,5 miljoner svenskar i blandade åldrar antas idag leva som sambo. Oavsett om man valt att leva som gift eller sambo så blir reThe purpose of this thesis is to, from an elder law perspective, study the differences in inheritance law between the surviving spouse and the surviving cohabitant. Apart from the fact that the average life expectancy has increased in Sweden, the number of relationships of unmarried cohabitants has also increased since the 1960s. Approximately 1.5 million Swedish couples in miscellaneous ages are

Non refoulement-principen och statligt ansvar. En argumentationsanalys av non refoulement-principen i EU-Turkiet-avtalet

Europa överrumplades av en stor flyktingström 2016, med resultat av detta så skrev Europas medlemsstater ett avtal med Turkiet den 18 mars samma år. Avtalet och dess legalitet debatteras och otydlighet genomsyrar debatten. Det finns många åsikter och argument kring avtalets giltighet samt huruvida non refoulement-principen följs. Då stater har tagit sig rätten att självständigt tolka om ett tredje

Sakkunnigbeviset - är kunskap makt? - En rättsfallsstudie av sakkunnigbevisning i mål med sexsomniinvändningar

Det senaste årtiondet har ett nytt försvar gjort entré i svenska våldtäktsmål; den tilltalade påstås ha utfört den åtalade gärningen sovandes och således utan uppsåt. Inom medicinen benämns utförandet av sexuella handlingar i sömnen sexsomni och är en form av sömngång. I många sexsomnimål åberopas en sakkunnig på ämnet för att berätta hur en bedömning av sexsomni görs och för att bedöma sannolikheDuring the last decade a new defense has emerged in rape cases in Sweden; the defendant claims to have carried out the sexual act while sleeping and consequently to have acted without intent. The medical term for performing sexual acts while sleeping is sexsomnia, a subcategory to sleepwalking. In sexsomnia cases it is common to call an expert witness to describe the phenomenon and assess the like

Sustainable fishing - How and why to change the industry

This thesis aims to investigate what kind of policy measure – financial or informative that can be used to push the market towards a more sustainable fishing industry. Consumer reactions and behavior towards these instruments are of great interest in this study. Financial instruments include taxes, subsides, quotas and grants and the informative instruments include the use of information campaigns

Establishment and Optimisation of Small and Large Intestinal Organoid Cultures for in vitro Studies on Murine Rotavirus

Despite available vaccines, rotavirus (RV) gastroenteritis remains to be an alarming cause of under-five mortality, especially in developing countries. Research on RV has been limited by the lack of faithful in vitro models that mimic virus-host interaction and RV pathogenesis in the intestine. Most recently, adult stem cell-derived organoids have advanced the understanding of the cellular mechani