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Mind Aestheticised : Samuel Beckett's Television Plays and the Deleuzian Image
This master thesis explores four television plays written and directed by Samuel Beckett: Eh Joe, Ghost Trio, ...but the clouds..., and Night and Dreams. The plays are read in accordance with the film-philosophical approach to cinema outlined in Gilles Deleuze's books on cinema. The master thesis attempts to position these plays as images in relation to the movement- and time-image as well as to t
A comparison of DFT and SVD based channel estimation in MIMO OFDM systems
In this paper two simplified transform based estimators for MIMO OFDM systems using the DFT and an SVD based transform are compared over a tapped delay line channel model. In the resulting symbol error rate plots, it is seen that the DFT based estimator experiences an error floor caused by the mismatch between the discrete time model and a continuous time reality. This error floor becomes a proble
Understanding dependencies: Why safety, security and sustainability are increasingly challenging for cities and regions
Abstract in UndeterminedThe increasing effectiveness and efficiency of modern society is not only beneficial, but also liable for new or increased vulnerabilities. The seemingly ever-increasing complexity of modern society is in other words bringing new challenges for safety, security and sustainability. At the heart of these challenges lay an incremental increase in dependencies between sectors,
Cross-Linguistic Word Order Variation at the Left Periphery: the Case of Object First Main Clauses
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Studies of molecular events during peripheral B cell differentiation
Popular Abstract in Swedish Immunsystemet skyddar oss mot de patogener (t ex bakterier eller virus) som vi dagligen utsätts för. Det består av flera olika samtidigt verkande system. De enklare består av vår hud och de olika slemhinnor som finns till exempel i halsen och i tarmsystemet. Vidare finns det olika typer av celler och blodproteiner som kan skydda oss mot många infektioner. Det mest utvecThis thesis focuses on molecular changes occuring during terminal B cell differentiation as well as on somatic hypermutation and the generation and maintenance of B cell memory. During T cell dependent immune responses the average affinity for the eliciting antigen increases with time. This affinity maturation is generated by somatic hypermutation and selection for B cells carrying a high-affinty
Gait re-education in transfemoral amputees The training programme, gait analysis, oxygen consumption and coping
Popular Abstract in Swedish Syftet med avhandlingen är att beskriva och utvärdera en behandlingsmetod, som avser att öka gångförmågan hos lårbensamputerade. Metoden, vilken tidigare inte är prövad för den här gruppen patienter, kombinerar sjukgymnastiska metoder, huvudsakligen använda inom psykiatrin, med vedertagna ortopediska och biomekaniska behandlingsprinciper. Den syftar till att öka kroppsmA gait re-education programme, combining physiotherapy with a psychologically conscious therapeutic approach, was applied to nine unilateral transfemoral amputees, whose amputation was caused by trauma or tumour. The participants trained once a week for a mean 10 months. The median age was 33 years (range 16– 51). They had worn a prosthesis for more than 18 months and had completed conventional re
Application of the material force method to thermo-hyperelasticity
IEA-HIA Task 23 Small Scale Reformers for On-site Hydrogen Supply
The main objective of Task 23 Small Scale Reformers for On-site Hydrogen Supply has been to provide a basis for harmonization of technology for on-site hydrogen production from hydrocarbon s– fossil and renewable. The four sub-objectives were to: • Develop a basis for harmonized capacities for the on-site hydrogen reformer unit • Identify and examine issues related to the promotion of widespread u
The Roman Iron Age in perspectives and perceptions
Det Blänkande Eländet. En bok om Kronprinsens husarer i sekelskiftets Malmö
"The Glittering Misery" has treated certain aspects of Swedish society during the decades around the turn of the 19th Century. The enlisted men of the Crown Prince´s Hussar Regiment in Malmö have been utilised as a means by which to analyse society at this point in time. Questions which have been answered are: who the hussars were and what sort of life did they lead? What form did the relationship
Foraging and resource allocation strategies of mycorrhizal fungi in a patchy environment
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Designing Rites to Re-Enchant Secularised Society: Cases from Contemporary Sweden
Detraditionalization in late modernity has both affected traditional religion and the domain of clinical therapy. New varieties of spiritualized therapy are rapidly increasing in contemporary Sweden, typical of which is to have added healing rhetoric to their agenda, such as "find your inner self" or "develop your inner potential". Four common denominators seem to guide these practices: self-made
The Use of 3D Models for Intra-Site Investigation in Archaeology
In recent decades, the development of technology that aids in documenting, analysing and communicating information regarding archaeological sites has affected the way that historical information is transmitted and perceived by the community. Digital technologies have affected archaeology at all levels; for example, novel investigation methods have highlighted new and unknown aspects of archaeologi
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This is a sketch of the history of conservative thought from the days of the revolutions in France and the US.