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Svenska som främmande språk: Nybörjarkurs 1

The course Swedish as a Foreign Language: Beginner's course 1 (7.5 credits) is designed for those who are interested in acquiring and developing Swedish language skills and are interested in taking a language course with a rapid progression. By the end of the course you will be able to: Ask and respond to simple, routine and predictable questions Write short sentences with simple phrases about The course Swedish as a Foreign Language: Beginner's course 1 (7.5 credits) is designed for those who are interested in acquiring and developing Swedish language skills and are interested in taking a language course with a rapid progression. By the end of the course you will be able to: Ask and respond to simple, routine and predictable questions Write short sentences with simple phrases about

Det samtida Ukraina: Perspektiv på politik, samhälle, kultur och historia

Kursen behandlar dagens ukrainska samhälle utifrån politiska, kulturella och identitetsmässiga perspektiv, mot en gedigen historisk bakgrund som belyser hur ukrainsk kultur, identitet och subjektskap vuxit fram i de ryska, habsburgska och osmanska imperiernas språkliga och religiösa gränsland. Kursen fokuserar särskilt på stats- och nationsbygge i det postsovjetiska Ukraina från 1991, i ett störreThe course covers the Ukrainian society of today from political, cultural and identity-related perspectives against a solid historical background that illuminates how Ukrainian culture, identity and agency have emerged in the linguistic and religious borderlands of the Russian, Hapsburg and Ottoman empires. The course focuses particularly on state and nation-building in post-Soviet Ukraine since 1

Sociologi: Kandidatuppsats i utvecklingsstudier

Kursen är obligatorisk inom Kandidatprogrammet i utvecklingsstudier (BIDS) med inriktning sociologi. UTVK03, Sociologi: Kandidatuppsats i utvecklingsstudier. Ges vårttermin. Undervisningsspråk: Engelska Examensarbetet är ett självständigt arbete som behandlar frågeställningar inom utvecklingsstudier. Med hjälp, konstruktiva råd och vägledning av en handledare kommer du att genomföra en självständiThis course is a compulsory course within the Bachelor of Science Programme in Development Studies with a major in Sociology. Course name: UTVK03, Sociology: Bachelor's Thesis in Development Studies. Spring semester. Language of instruction: English. The bachelor thesis is an independent study that addresses issues in the field of Development Studies. The writing of the thesis is guided by a super

Ukrainian for Beginners

Kursen bygger på ett studium av enklare dialoger och texter på ukrainska med elementär vokabulär och grundläggande grammatik. Särskild vikt läggs vid den kommunikativa färdigheten. Den studerande övas i muntliga och skriftliga språkfärdigheter med övningar i hörförståelse, läsning, skrivande och konversation. Kursen ges på distans med stöd av den nätbaserade lärplattformen Canvas. Kursen innehållThe course is based on the study of simple dialogues and texts in Ukrainian using basic vocabulary and grammar. Strong emphasis is placed on communication skills. The student practices oral and written language skills in exercises for listening comprehension, reading, writing and conversation.

Multidisciplinära perspektiv på global hälsa

The course is conveyed through recorded lectures and instructed self-studies, as well as written discussions where your participation is expected. During the course we will cover five areas:  Introduction to global health. Global health and sustainable development. Perspectives on global health. Working with global health. Collaboration for global health. As a student on this course yoThe course is conveyed through recorded lectures and instructed self-studies, as well as written discussions where your participation is expected. During the course we will cover five areas:  Introduction to global health. Global health and sustainable development. Perspectives on global health. Working with global health. Collaboration for global health. As a student on this course yo

Religious Roots of Europe: The Emergence of Judaism, Christianity and Islam

The course covers the emergence of Christianity, rabbinic Judaism and Islam, focusing in particular on the role that interaction between them has played for their respective formation and development. We will study the major developments and concepts within each tradition during its formative period, addressing in particular the complex identity formation processes—from the “partings of the ways” The course covers the emergence of Christianity, rabbinic Judaism and Islam, focusing in particular on the role that interaction between them has played for their respective formation and development. We will study the major developments and concepts within each tradition during its formative period, addressing in particular the complex identity formation processes—from the “partings of the ways”

Ukrainska: Nybörjarkurs I

Kursen bygger på ett studium av förenklade dialoger och texter på ukrainska med elementär vokabulär och grundläggande grammatiska strukturer. Kursen innehåller också enkla skrivövningar av vardagskaraktär. Vidare tränas ukrainskt uttal och muntlig färdighet i samband med övningar i hörförståelse, uttal och konversation. Möjligheter efter avslutad kurs Efter avklarad kurs har du behörigheThe course is based on a study of simplified dialogues and texts in Ukrainian with elementary vocabulary and basic grammatical structures. The course also includes simple written exercises of everyday situations. Furthermore, students practise Ukrainian pronunciation and oral proficiency in connection with exercises in listening comprehension, pronunciation and conversation.

Global hälsa och mänskliga rättigheter

How can a global health program apply a right based approach? Is health a necessity for the enjoyment of human rights? These are some of the questions that you will have the opportunity to explore through web-based lectures, seminars and self-studies in the course. The course welcomes students from different disciplines. Maybe you are working with public or global health and would like to learn moHow can a global health program apply a right based approach? Is health a necessity for the enjoyment of human rights? These are some of the questions that you will have the opportunity to explore through web-based lectures, seminars and self-studies in the course. The course welcomes students from different disciplines. Maybe you are working with public or global health and would like to learn mo

Krisens estetik: Hälsa och välbefinnande

Filmerna och de frågor de väcker diskuteras tvärvetenskapligt med föreläsare från Filmvetenskap och från de Juridiska och Medicinska fakulteterna. Det unika i kursen är att se hur olika discipliners synsätt kompletterar och berikar varandra - hur olika synsätt är nödvändiga för en nyanserad förståelse för hur hälsa och välbefinnande framställs inom film och medier, samt hur dessa skThe films and the questions they raise are studied from an interdisciplinary point of view—aside from teachers from Film Studies/the Faculty of Humanities, the course features teachers from the faculties of Law, Medicine, and Fine and Performing Arts. Indeed, a crucial point of the course is to show how perspectives and approaches from different disciplines complement and enrich each other, and ho

Ukrainska: Nybörjarkurs II

Kursen bygger på ett studium av förenklade texter och dialoger på ukrainska med påbyggnad av vokabulär och grundläggande grammatiska strukturer. Kursen innehåller kommunikativa övningar och enkla skrivövningar av vardagskaraktär. Kursens syfte är att ge dels språkfärdighetsträning, dels fördjupade kunskaper om det ukrainska språket, samhället och vardagslivet. Kunskapsprov Om du har förkunskaper iThe course is based on a study of simplified texts and dialogues in Ukrainian with a further study of vocabulary and basic grammatical structures. The course contains communicative and simple written exercises based on everyday situations. The course aims to provide both language proficiency training and advanced knowledge of the Ukrainian language, society and everyday life. Proficiency test If y

Religious Roots of Europe: Rabbinic Texts and Theology

The course includes an overview of the emergence of rabbinic Judaism and the most important texts from classical rabbinic literature. The political, cultural and linguistic environments in which rabbinic texts emerged are also discussed as well as their historical origins, contents and characteristics. A large part of the course is devoted to the reading of a selection of texts in Hebrew with traThe course includes an overview of the emergence of rabbinic Judaism and the most important texts from classical rabbinic literature. The political, cultural and linguistic environments in which rabbinic texts emerged are also discussed as well as their historical origins, contents and characteristics. A large part of the course is devoted to the reading of a selection of texts in Hebrew with tra

Neurovetenskap för framtidens ledare

After taking this course you will: Gain an understanding of the structure and functions of the brain. Learn about the principles of nerve cell structure and communication. Acquire knowledge about the methods used to study the nervous system. Understand how the brain processes and responds to information from the environment. Develop the ability to identify and debunk common myths about the bAfter taking this course you will: Gain an understanding of the structure and functions of the brain. Learn about the principles of nerve cell structure and communication. Acquire knowledge about the methods used to study the nervous system. Understand how the brain processes and responds to information from the environment. Develop the ability to identify and debunk common myths about the b

Religious Roots of Europe: Thesis Colloquium

The course consists of supervised study and group discussion of selected texts, independent study and oral presentation of selected primary texts and a detailed outline of the projected master’s thesis.The course consists of supervised study and group discussion of selected texts, independent study and oral presentation of selected primary texts and a detailed outline of the projected master’s thesis.

Jiddisch: Kandidatkurs

Kursen ger fördjupade språkkunskaper i jiddisch och i dess kultur och litteratur. Den innehåller ett vetenskapligt fokus på litteratur och kultur och uppmärksammar särskilt vetenskaplig metod och teori i relation till texter och andra medier på jiddisch. I kursen ingår en examensuppsats, som ventileras vid ett seminarium. Under hela kursen tränas språkfärdighet i jiddisch, både i tal och skrift. The course provides in-depth language skills in Yiddish and in its culture and literature. It contains a scholarly focus on literature and culture and pays particular attention to scholarly method and theory in relation to texts and other media in Yiddish. The course includes a degree thesis, which is presented at a seminar. Throughout the course, language skills in Yiddish are trained, both in sp

Öst- och centraleuropakunskap: Centraleuropa efter järnridåns fall (Polen, Tjeckien, Slovakien, Ungern)

Kursen ger dig en översikt i fråga om Polens, Tjeckiens, Slovakiens och Ungerns postkommunistiska samhällsutveckling. De viktigaste politiska och kulturella tendenserna som genomsyrade Centraleuropa efter järnridåns fall kommer att problematiseras och diskuteras. Du får möjlighet att fördjupa dig i specifika frågor rörande nationella och etniska identiteter, demokratiseringsprocess och övergång tiThe course provides an overview of the post-communist development of the societies of Central Europe, i.e. Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and the Czech Republic. The key political and cultural tendencies permeating Central Europe after the fall of the Berlin Wall are problematised and discussed, as is the question of the region's role as a potential bridge between East and West and North and South. A s

Central and Eastern European Studies: Understanding Belarus and Ukraine

The course critically reflects on theoretical approaches and concepts applied in studies of Belarus and Ukraine, such as postsocialism, postcolonial space, democratisation,and neoliberal transformations. It looks at how events and processes in Belarus and Ukraine are shaped by tensions between “the West” and “the East”, while also focusing on the local, regional and national subjectivities. It alsThe course critically reflects on theoretical approaches and concepts applied in studies of Belarus and Ukraine, such as postsocialism, postcolonial space, democratisation,and neoliberal transformations. It looks at how events and processes in Belarus and Ukraine are shaped by tensions between “the West” and “the East”, while also focusing on the local, regional and national subjectivities. It als

Biologi: Bearbetning och analys av biologiska data

Innehåll: Introduktion till R, binomial-, poisson- och normal distribution, beskrivande statistik och grafer, testande av hypoteser, t-test, ANOVA, korrelation, regression, multipla och icke-linjära regressioner, chi-två, G-tester, log-linjär modellering, logistisk regression och överlevnad, diskriminant, PCA- och klusteranalyser. Kursen kan med fördel läsas samtidigt som BIOS13 Modellering av bioContent: Introduction to R, binomial-, poisson- and normal distribution, descriptive statistics and graphs, hypotheses testing, t-test, ANOVAs, correlation, regression, multiple and non-linear regression, chi-square, G-tests, log-linear modelling, logistic regression and survival, discriminant, PCA and cluster analyses. This course can be taken in parallel with BIOS13 Modelling Biological Sys

Säkerhetspolitiska aspekter av medicinsk vetenskap: risker och möjligheter med framtida bioteknik

Interdisciplinary understanding of security policy and medical science The course will give you an interdisciplinary understanding of the interplay between security policy and medical science, particularly in the light of contemporary challenges, such as the Covid pandemic and conflicts in Europe where healthcare has become a target for disinformation and direct attacks. How to deal with data prInterdisciplinary understanding of security policy and medical science The course will give you an interdisciplinary understanding of the interplay between security policy and medical science, particularly in the light of contemporary challenges, such as the Covid pandemic and conflicts in Europe where healthcare has become a target for disinformation and direct attacks. How to deal with data pr

GIS: Pythonprogrammering i GIS

Efter introduktion och grundläggande Python-programmering lär sig studenten att programmera och visualisera såväl vektor- som rasterexempel i GIS-miljö. Olika moment, från input, via algoritmprogrammering, till debuggning tas upp i kursen. Kursens innehåll Följande moment ingår i kursen: Introduktion till Python Grundläggande Python –inbyggda datatyper samt exekveringsflöde Objektsorienterad progrAfter introduction and basic Python programming the student learns to program and visualize vector- as well as raster-based examples in a GIS environment. Many different components in Python programming, from input, via algorithm programming, to debugging, are discussed within the course. Course content The following modules are included in the course: Introduction to Python  Basic Python emb