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A problem shared is a problem halved : How does congruency between languages affect idiom processing in bilingual speakers
Change or Paradigm Shift in the Swedish Preschool?
Natural products as pharmaceutical leads and bioorganic tools.
Border effects on a common market - price differences on food products in the EU
Submodules of F[x]^n and convolutional codes
Actual and estimated change in gross motor function in children with cerebral palsy 5 years after Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy.
Near-yrast spectroscopy of rare-earth nuclei : yrast isomerism and bandcrossings
[abstract missing]
Begreppet sofist inom andra sofistiken
Valleys of Hope and Despair; peace building through independent environmental documentaries
Social and environmental documentaries aim to stress the importance of sustainable development and the need for humanity to take care of our shared planetary ecosystem. Using film as an art form to express ecological peace as a “dreamed-of order” is a way to create understanding between warring parties. Social documentaries are aimed to enlighten and inform on the positive nexus between sustainabl
Rhetorica Rediviva – den återuppståndna retoriken
Pedagogisk utvecklingsplan för kurs i Patobiologi 1, termin 4, Läkarprogrammet
Jag har analyserat grundkursen i Patobiologi på termin 4 inom Läkarprogrammet som grund för pedagogisk utvecklingsplan. Kursen ges i både Lund (LÄLA42) och Malmö (LÄMA42) och har gemensam kursplan, identiska mål och kriterier för examination. Kursens syfte är att ge studenterna goda och relevanta kunskaper samt färdigheter i patobiologi, men ger även undervisning i laboratoriemedicinsk diagnostik
Network South : Swedish Consul George Logie as intermediary of trade, diplomacy and covert associations in North Africa and the Mediterranean, c. 1725-1766
Meaningful Management by Objectives
This article examines management by objectives as practiced in Swedish local government. The point of departure is recent legislation concerning public management in local government. The new law stipulates that all municipalities must have objectives for their operations and measurements that clearly show whether or not the objectives have been met. However, earlier research has found problems wi
High-k oxides on (100), (111)A and (111)B InAs substrates
Building Integration of Solar Energy. A Multifunctional Approach
This thesis consists of two parts. The first part deals with building integrated solar energy, mainly from an architectural point of view. It is based on a literature review and discusses solar energy, the building as a system, the concept building integration (definition, motives, criteria, examples) and the relation between architecture and solar energy. The second part presents a novel design o