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Effect of levodopa-carbidopa intestinal gel on resting tremors in patients with advanced Parkinson's disease
Resting tremors occur in more than 70% of patients with advanced Parkinson's disease (PD). PD patients with resting tremors are typically treated with oral dopaminergic therapy or non-dopaminergic agents. However, treatment response with these medications is inconsistent and often unsatisfactory. Levodopa-carbidopa intestinal gel (LCIG, also known in the United States as carbidopa-levodopa enteral
Distribution and impact on quality of life of the pain modalities assessed by the King's Parkinson's disease pain scale
In Parkinson's disease, pain is a prevalent and complex symptom of diverse origin. King's Parkinson's disease pain scale, assesses different pain syndromes, thus allowing exploration of its differential prevalence and influence on the health-related quality of life of patients. Post hoc study 178 patients and 83 matched controls participating in the King's Parkinson's disease pain scale validation
Miriam Aida Quatro Janelas
Egenkomponerad musik i samarbete med brasilianska textförfattare
Progression of retinopathy is related to glycaemic control even in patients with mild diabetes mellitus
To study the progression of retinopathy in patients with mild diabetes mellitus, we examined, in a cohort study, 347 patients treated with diet alone at baseline. The patients participated in an ophthalmological screening and control programme, and diet-treated patients who were examined between January 1990 and July 1992 were included in the study and followed until October 1995. Mean follow-up t
Sensitivity and specificity of structural optic disc parameters in chronic glaucoma
We studied different structural optic disc parameters and their ability to discriminate between normal and glaucoma eyes using computerized raster tomography. Two hundred and seventy-six eyes of 138 normal subjects and 146 eyes of 102 glaucoma patients were examined with a raster tomographic imaging system (The Glaucoma-Scope®, Ophthalmic Imaging Systems, Sacramento, CA). Glaucoma eyes were classi
Shape Synthesis Based on Topology Sensitivity
A method evaluating the sensitivity of a given parameter to topological changes is proposed within the method of moments paradigm. The basis functions are used as degrees of freedom which, when compared to the classical pixeling technique, provide important advantages, one of them being impedance matrix inversion free evaluation of the sensitivity. The devised procedure utilizes port modes and the
Aryl ether-free hydroxide ion exchange membranes carrying alicyclic quaternary ammonium cations
Universal conductance fluctuations and phase-coherent transport in a semiconductor Bi2O2Se nanoplate with strong spin-orbit interaction
We report on phase-coherent transport studies of a Bi2O2Se nanoplate and on observation of universal conductance fluctuations and spin-orbit interaction induced reduction in fluctuation amplitude in the nanoplate. Thin-layered Bi2O2Se nanoplates are grown by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) and transport measurements are made on a Hall-bar device fabricated from a CVD-grown nanoplate. The measureme
Laparoscopic versus open distal pancreatectomy (LAPOP) : Study protocol for a single center, nonblinded, randomized controlled trial
Background: Earlier nonrandomized studies have suggested that laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy (LDP) is advantageous compared with open distal pancreatectomy (ODP) regarding hospital stay, blood loss, and recovery. Only one randomized study has been conducted showing reduced time to functional recovery after LDP compared with ODP. Methods: LAPOP is a prospective randomized, nonblinded, parallel-
On the origin and evolution of germline chromosomes in songbirds
Patient-Reported Outcomes but not Demographic Factors Predict Normal Muscle Function 2-5 Years After ACL Injury: A Cross-Sectional Study
Patient-reported outcomes but not Demographic Factors Predict Normal Muscle Function 2-5 Years After ACL Injury: A Cross-Sectional StudyNiklas Cederström1, Ewa Roos2, Eva Ageberg1(1)Musculoskeletal Function Research Group, Department of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Lund University(2)Institute of Sport Science and Clinical Biomechanics, Musculoskeletal Function and Physiotherapy, Universit
Factors affectinsg the utilization of Xpert MTB/RIF assay among TB clinic health workers in Addis Ababa.
Tracking in object action space
In this paper we focus on the joint problem of tracking humans and recognizing human action in scenarios such as a kitchen scenario or a scenario where a robot cooperates with a human, e.g., for a manufacturing task. In these scenarios, the human directly interacts with objects physically by using/manipulating them or by, e.g., pointing at them such as in "Give me that...", 10 recognize these type
Enhanced Radiative Recombination of Excitons and Free Charges Due to Local Deformations in the Band Structure of MAPbBr3 Perovskite Crystals
We have imaged the emissions from excitons and free charges in a methylammonium lead bromide perovskite (MAPbBr3) crystal. In a direct band gap semiconductor, dynamics of excited electrons and holes in hybrid lead-halide perovskites is rather complex because of the formation of excitons and the presence of traps and structural inhomogeneities. A recent report by Nah et al. (Nah, S.; Spokoyny, B.;
Preventiva insatser för att förebygga och minska sjukskrivning på grund av psykisk ohälsa – en litteraturöversikt av svensk forskning och förändringar i svensk lagstiftning
Psykisk ohälsa utgör idag det främsta skälet till sjukskrivning i Sverige och involverar i hög grad arbetsplatser. I denna litteraturöversikt har vi mellan 2000−2016 undersökt dels svenska primär- och sekundärpreventiva insatser som inkluderar arbetsplatsen för att förhindra eller minska sjukskrivning på grund av vanlig psykisk sjukdom dels kartlagt hur svensk lagstiftning och policy inom rehabili
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Lighting retrofit in current practice : Evaluation of an IEA survey
Landscape offices at high latitude : Daylight autonomy and electric lighting savings in relation to key design features
Establishment success of experimentally delayed juvenile marsh tits (Parus palustris)
By experimentally manipulating the time when young marsh tits, Parus palustris, could become established, I tested the influence of size, hatching date, social dominance in caged situations, and time of season on establishment success. Individuals that managed to become established were divided into two groups: those that became established in new territories and those that were found in the same