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The reaction of hyperforin with hydride reducing agents.

As part of a study aimed at generating analogues of hyperforin (1), the reaction of this prenylated phloroglucinol with various hydride reducing agents was investigated. Hyperforin contains two beta-dicarbonyl systems, one of which is non-enolizable, and it was interesting to assess the relative reactivity of these structural elements in the highly compact framework of the natural product. Dependi

Mass media: Introduction and schools of thought

This short encyclopedia article looks at the nomenclature and organizing logics of the field of mass media research. Four 'schools' of research are highlighted: the mainstream social science legacy, the various critical traditions, the culturalist perspective, and policy horizons.

On information rates for faster than Nyquist signaling

In this paper we consider the information rates of faster than Nyquist (FTN) signaling schemes. We consider binary, quaternary and octal schemes that use root raised cosine pulses. Lower and upper bounds to the information rates are given. The main result is that the lower bounds are often above the information rates for standard Nyquist signaling schemes. This implies that FTN must be superior to

Train drivers and fatal accidents on the rail: Psychological aspects and safety. Final report.

Detta är slutrapporten från vår undersökning av psykiska konsekvenser för lokförare av de påkörningar de varit med om på järnvägsspåren. Tidigare har det publicerats tre delrapporter i projektet (Briem, de Lima & Siotis, 2004; Briem, Siotis & de Lima, 2007a, 2007b), och resultaten pekar entydigt i samma riktning. De indikerar att dödsolyckorna på järnvägsspåren har långvariga och ofta svår

Krigen som inte blev av : Sveriges fredliga officerskår vid 1800-talets mitt

Abstract Sweden has experienced a dramatic change from being a belligerent greatpower in the 17th and 18th centuries to becoming a peaceful small nation in the 19th and 20th centuries. The country has not been involved in war for over 180 years. Modern Sweden has established more or less peaceful relations with other countries. This thesis focuses on the 19th century as beeing an important period


The aim of this thesis is to map the paradoxical limit of the in-between. In its most basic form the thesis is a paradox in itself, for how am I to comprehend and communicate the ever-changing world in a language which is characterised by fixed points and stable relations? The thesis consists of three main parts: a prologue, six chapters and an epilogue. Each of these parts can be read separatly,