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Energy availability and agricultural productivity- a new comparison, paper
A 1200-year multiproxy record of tree growth and summer temperature at the northern pine forest limit of Europe
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A Matlab Toolbox for Real-Time and Control Systems Co-Design
The paper presents a Matlab toolbox for simulation of real-time control systems. The basic idea is to simulate a real-time kernel in parallel with continuous plant dynamics. The toolbox allows the user to explore the timely behavior of control algorithms, and to study the interaction between the control tasks and the scheduler. From a research perspective, it also becomes possible to experiment wi
Trust, Coordination and Knowledge Flows in R&D Projects. Paper
The use of quite
Changes in European Welfare: New Forms of Citizenship in Europe
Människan, litteraturen och det onda. Föreläsning bland annat i Filosoficirkeln, Lund den 10 november 1998 och vid firandet av Bengt Pohjanens 60-årsdag i Överkalix midsommardagen 2004
Abstract not available.
Assessing the role of of IPRs to foster R&D: The Case of Vaccines and Drugs for Neglected Disease.
Lantbruket & konkurrenskraften
Akademin är alls inte fri
Modelling of Jet impingement Heat Transfer for Cooling of Cylindrical Foods
Cooling is an energy consuming operation in the food industry. Rapid cooling reduces the risk of growth of micro-organisms, improves the quality of the food product and increase the production rate.
Arbetsplatsintervention vid utmattning-Dialog hjälper!
Skolans problem är ledarskap och styrdokument snarare än pengar
Localization of an RF source inside the Human body for Wireless Capsule Endoscopy
This paper presents a method based on the phase dierence of arrival and the non-linear least square estimation to lo- calize a radio-frequency (RF) source, e.g a wireless capsule endoscope, inside the human body. The phase dierence of arrival at multiple frequencies of a signal is used to estimate the distance of the source to a receiver. The linear least square estimation is used to estimate the