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Factors associated with patient-reported distress in Parkinson’s disease.
Recent evidence on the relationship between the home environment and disability-related outcomes is mixed.
The political in political language: the everyday politics in discourse
Measures for the assessment of itch and their psychological correlates
A Quad-Core 130-nm CMOS 57-64 GHz VCO
What happened with the grandiose plans? Strategic plans and network realities in B2B interaction
Reformismens kris
Det faktum att regeringen och staten har kunnat komplettera den kapitalistiska ekonomin med nya spelregler visar att staten inte är klavbunden av ekonomin. En rad av de reformer som har gjorts i Sverige under efterkrigstiden får sägas ha gått stick i stäv mot den härskande borgarklassens kortsiktiga intressen, medan de på lång sikt visat sig vara positiva för kapitalismens överlevnad som ekonomisk
Production, prices and mortality: Demographic response to economic hardship in rural Sweden
Parton showers in a phenomenological context
[abstract missing]
Efter befrielsen föds dagens moderna Paris
Source reconstruction by far-field data for imaging of defects in frequency selective radomes
In this paper, an inverse source reconstruction method with great potential in radome diagnostics is presented. Defects, e.g. seams in large radomes, and lattice dislocations in frequency selective surface (FSS) radomes, are inevitable, and their electrical effects demand analysis. Here, defects in a frequency selective radome are analyzed with a method based on an integral formulation. Several fa
Is Iran Creating Its Own State Within Iraq?
Given the strength of nationalist sentiment across all Iraqi sects and the broad-based recognition of Sistani as a force for national unity, it will be difficult for Shia PMU groups to form a quasi-state in parallel to the Iraqi government once Isis is dislodged. In the eventuality of such a political outgrowth, the PMUs are bound to lose Sistani’s backing, and with it their legitimacy in the eyes
An intonational typology of Swedish
Urban sustainable development from a place-based and a system-based approach: Case study Malmö
This paper discusses urban sustainable development by comparing two approaches: a place-based sustainability approach which focuses the direct and often production based impacts on a region, and a system-based approach which reveals the indirect and consumption based effects of globalised patterns of production, consumption and trade. Malmö, a small/middle-sized city in Sweden, is used as a case s
Balancing value creating logics in construction
Construction companies apply different logics to create value. Some companies are organized according to one primary logic, while others are based on multiple logics. Different value creating logics have different cost and value drivers according to the type of activities involved and the interdependencies between them. Where multiple logics coexist, the different cost and value drivers may genera
On LTE channel estimation architectures
Maktutredningen - Från klasskamp till lojalitet
I want one too! Domestication of Assistive Robots
Abstract in UndeterminedThe aim of the PhD project is to understand and learn about the characteristics that influence old adults’ acceptance of assistive robots and of robots as social companions. It is also to explore participatory design methods in order to involve old adults in the design process of new technologies. The goal is to apply/implement the results in two robotics systems developed