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A 15 GHz and a 20 GHz low noise amplifier in 90 nm RF CMOS

The design and measured performance of two low-noise amplifiers at 15 GHz and 20 GHz realized in a 90 nm RF-CMOS process are presented in this work. The 15 GHz LNA achieves a power gain of 12.9 dB, a noise figure of 2.0 dB and an input referred third-order intercept point (IIP3) of -2.3 dBm. The 20 GHz LNA has a power gain of 8.6 dB, a noise figure of 3.0 dB and an IIP3 of 5.6 dBm. Compared to pre

Krig och brott. Definitioner av kriminalitet i ett bosniskt efterkrigssamhälle

Syftet med rapporten är identifiera och analysera uppfattningar om brott i Bosnien under och efter kriget samt beskriva i vilken mån inblandande parter i en konflikt kan förlåta varandra eller försonas. Den empiriska delen av uppsatsen bygger på observationer i Ljubija, tidningsartiklar från området samt fjorton intervjuer. I analysdelen diskuteras det empiriska materialet med utgångspunkt från DuWhat is percieved as a crime in war time varies depending on the war at issue, the eventual peace, the victors and the victims. This study focuses on the resolution of rules that occured in Ljubija, a town in the north-western part of Bosnia-Herzegovina, during the the war 1992-1995, and how it created new conflicts and group formations that live on after the war. After the war a competition for t

Physical and radiopaque characterisation of acrylic bone cements containing an organobismuth compound as a radiopacifier

The water sorption and desorption characteristics of triphenyl bismuth (TPB)-cements were studied. The radiopacity of TPB was evaluated in order to assess its contrast in comparison to BaSO4-containing cements. It was observed that TPB-cements absorb/ desorp less water than BaSO4 cements (BS) due to the hydrophobic nature of TPB. It was shown that the addition of TPB to acrylic cements results in

A pilot study of problem solving in vector calculus using eye-tracking

Abstract in UndeterminedEye movements provide an online measure of the strategies students use to solve a problem. Such strategies are difficult to investigate with traditional methods of assessment. In this paper, we present some background and highlights of work in progress, aiming at a largerstudy where we will investigate how engineering students solve problems in vector calculus.

Theoretical study of electronic structure and optical properties of semiconductor nanostructures

In this thesis, the electronic structure and optical properties of semiconductor nanostructures are studied theoretically. Three types of nanostructures have been studied, silicon nanocrystals, free-standing III-V nanowires and free-standing GaAs/AlGaAs nanowire superlattices. The calculations have been carried out using an atomistic, empirical tight-binding approach. Silicon nanocrystals have at

Competition law in technology transfer under the Trips agreement

The TRIPS Agreement allows WTO members to appropriately enact and apply national competition law to address IPR-related anti-competitive practices. However, application of national competition law to anti-competitive restraints in technology transfer agreements and to abuses of refusal to transfer technology varies from developed countries to developing countries and even between developed countri