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Performing Feminism : Motivations of Young Feminist Activists in China

China’s women’s movement is currently being reignited by diverse groups of young feminist activists. Given China’s authoritarian environment, these activists have condemned institutionalized efforts to achieve gender equality and instead adopted a noninstitutionalized approach through performance art, such as theatre and singing. This year marks the 20th anniversary of the 1995 Beijing Women’s Con

Forming the World Economic Order - A critical discourse analysis of a trade policy paper by IMF, World Bank and WTO

Power dynamics play a significant role in the international institutions and in the global economic order, thus advancing some and disadvantaging others. Trade is a crucial aspect of this order since it is one of the fundamental pillars that constructs the world economic order itself, and international institutions have a dominant position in forming the discourse on global trade through their pol

Diode laser spectroscopy for oxygen detection in the lungs of infants

This thesis work is part of a larger project with final goal to be able to measure the oxygen concentration in the lungs of infants, using non-invasive laser spectroscopy. This thesis is specifically dealing with simulations of light transport through the upper body of infants, as well as constructing a tissue-like model (phantom) that can be used in experiments. The goal is to use these simulatio

På elevens sida? : En kvalitativ studie om skolkuratorers uppfattningar och erfarenheter av deras arbete med elever som mobbar

The aim of this study was to gain knowledge and understanding of the school counsellors’ work with pupils who bully. The analysis is based on semi-structured interviews with six school counsellors who work at elementary schools in Sweden. We applied the social learning theory to analyse our data and to gain a deeper understanding of the subject. However, we only used the concepts from the theory t

Jämförelse av metoder för mätning av metangasutsläpp från vattenreservoarer

Växthusgasutsläpp från vattenreservoarer, hur mäts de? Vattenkraft har länge kritiserats för att påverka ekosystem och förstöra naturliga vattendrag, men ansetts vara en energikälla utan utsläpp av växthusgaser. Forskning har dock visat att så inte är fallet. Vattenreservoarer kopplade till vattenkraftverk har betydliga utsläpp av växthusgaser, framförallt metan. Osäkerheter i mätningar och skillHydropower is developing fast across the globe to accommodate the increasing need for electric energy. It is generally considered to be a close-to-zero emission source of energy, but studies have shown that reservoirs and dams have a substantial emission of greenhouse gas, especially methane. Measurements of methane emissions from different reservoirs have very varying results, partly because of t

Drumlinerna i Löberöd : spår efter flera isrörelseriktningar i mellersta Skåne

Det här arbetet ämnar undersöka strömlinjeformade landformer i Löberöd med Lantmäteriets nya höjdmodell. Målet är att fastställa isens rörelseriktningar i området under den senaste deglaciationen. Med hjälp av höjdmodellen har drumlinernas ryggar markerats för att bestämma deras orientering i landskapet. Resultatet av detta visar tydligt tre olika isrörelseriktningar i området. RörelseriktningarnaThis work aims to investigate streamlined landforms at Löberöd by utilizing the latest elevation model produced by the Swedish national mapping agency (Lantmäteriet). The goal is to establish the ice flow direction in the area during the last deglaciation. Using the height model, the ridges of the drumlins have been marked to determine their orientation in the landscape. The data clearly suggests

IPR - the intangible asset that confuses the European Union

This thesis will be concerned with one of the main concerns and highly discussed topics in the relationship between Article 102 TFEU and Intellectual Property Rights. Predominately, it will focus on the enforcement of IPR(s) as an abusive practise of dominance and whether a dominant undertaking has the ability to protect its IPR by refusing to licence its IPR to a third party. The main purpose wi

Characterisation of Packaging Material Surfaces

As the packaging material (PM) becomes better defined from the results of technical development, its processing stages will be of greater complexity. The nip process is an example of one vital step in the lamination coating of PM, and this process is studied in the present thesis by analysing the surfaces of chill rollers (CR) and PM. Ideally, a laminated PM surface should be the perfect negative

Om den verkställande direktörens löpande förvaltning - en studie om den verkställande direktörens kompetens genom rekvisitet “löpande förvaltning” inom ramen för ABL

Representationskompetensen hos den verkställande direktören i svenska aktiebolag regleras genom 8 kap. 36 § ABL och därigenom rekvisitet ”löpande förvaltning” i 8 kap. 29 § ABL. Vad denna löpande förvaltning omfattar är dock inte helt tydligt och kan variera kraftigt mellan olika typer av bolag och situationer. Detta kan skapa såväl praktiska som juridiska problem för både bolag och den verkställaThe legal capacity for Chief Executive Officers (CEO) in Swedish corporations is regulated through the legal condition “everyday operations” in Chapter 8, 36 § of the Swedish Companies Act of 2005. What is meant with “everyday operations” is not completely clear and can vary massively between different kinds of companies and situations. This may cause problems from both a practical and a jurisdict

Material or Metaphorical? - An Inquiry into the Spatialities of Actor-Network Theory

Since Actor-Network Theory emerged in the mid-1980s, the approach has transcended disciplinary boundaries and has similarly gained prominence within geography. Moreover, also the main proponents of the approach have endeavoured in linking Actor-Network Theory to geographical lines of inquiry and sought to develop a spatial vocabulary that matches its distinctive thought system. However, few attemp

Business Intelligence Systems: Assessing the benefits of business intelligence use within an organization

The Business Intelligence (BI) systems are increasingly becoming an important piece of the puzzle for the success of organizations. That being so, it is important to acknowledge the benefits that can be obtained from the use of such systems. Furthermore, for those who hesitate in investing in BI systems this research presents how the organizations operating in different business fields are using t

Lokala omförhandlanden av öppenhets- respektive utvärderingstrenden i vetenskaplig publicering : en lingvistisk forskargrupps navigering i ett föränderligt publiceringslandskap

Two major trends in scholarly publishing to have emerged in recent years are the increased demands on the availability of scientific publications (Open Access) and the evaluation of scholarly publishing by quantitative measures. On the one hand, scholars today have to conform to demands from funding agencies as well as other institutions to publish their findings Open Access. On the other hand, th

Succeeding with Smart People Initiatives: Difficulties and Preconditions for Smart City Initiatives that Target Citizens

Smart City is a paradigm for the development of urban spaces through the implementation of state-of-the-art ICT. There are two main approaches when developing Smart Cities: top-down and bottom-up. Based on the bottom-up approach, the concepts of Smart People and Smart Communities have emerged as dimensions of the Smart City, advocating for the engagement of citizens in Smart People initiatives. Th

Web-Interface to browse, filter and visualize plant genotyping data

The BRIDGE project is an initiative by the German Federal ex situ Genebank of Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK) Gatersleben which aims to make the information stored in the genebank available in a one stop shop fashion for plant breeders and researchers. IPK hosts the biggest genebank in EU-27 and is undertaking a proof-of-concept study based on genotyping-by-sequen

Migration and health – an issue dominated by human rights or security? A discourse analysis of the World Health Organization and Swedish media

The health effects of migration receive increased attention in Sweden and internationally, and involves both the effects on the health of migrants and the society. The field encompasses issues such as how migrants’ health is affected by the hazardous journey, if the health needs differ from the host population and if migration have any consequences for public health in the recipient country. These

DIGITAL MONSTERS: An empirical analysis of the effect of increasing e-commerce on firms and markets in Sweden

The aim of this thesis is to develop an understanding of how Swedish retailers selling goods on the consumer market and the competition among them have been affected by the growth of e-commerce between the years 2007-2015. Firm specific data from 133 firms have been used together with market specific data estimated from 6850 firms to analyse why some firms do better than others, and which decision

What's in it for me? A qualitative study of consumers’ sensemaking and value creation using mobile location-based service retail applications

The research on digitalisation has experienced a shift in the last decade, and animportant facilitator of the effects of business World digitalisation is the increased use of mobile devices. Furthermore, research on value creation has also gone through changes recently. Although much value research has been conducted, there is a gap in retail digitalisation research and the consumers’ interaction

Hackning utan knackning - En studie om medvetenhet kring Social Engineering

Social Engineering (SE) ses som ett stort hot mot organisationers IT-säkerhet. SE är en typ av icke-teknisk hackning som används för att manipulera individer att avslöja konfidentiell in-formation eller utföra handlingar som äventyrar person- eller organisationssäkerhet. En orga-nisation kan således inte skydda sig mot SE med enbart fysiska och tekniska skydd eftersom det är användaren som redan ä