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Severity of Airflow Obstruction Based on FEV1/FVC Versus FEV1 Percent Predicted in the General U.S. Population

Rationale: According to the Global Initiative for Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD), the FEV1/FVC ratio is used to confirm the presence of airflow obstruction in the diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), whereas FEV1 percent predicted normal value (FEV1%pred) is used for grading its severity. The STaging of Airflow obstruction by the FEV1/FVC Ratio (STAR), and its prediction of

A Generalized Method for Proving Polynomial Calculus Degree Lower Bounds

We study the problem of obtaining lower bounds for polynomial calculus (PC) and polynomial calculus resolution (PCR) on proof degree, and hence by [Impagliazzo et al.'99] also on proof size. [Alekhnovich and Razborov'03] established that if the clause-variable incidence graph of a conjunctive normal form (CNF) formula F is a good enough expander, then proving that F is unsatisfiable requires high

Semidefinite programming relaxations for quantum correlations

Semidefinite programs are convex optimization problems involving a linear objective function and a domain of positive-semidefinite matrices. Over the past two decades, they have become an indispensable tool in quantum information science. Many otherwise intractable fundamental and applied problems can be successfully approached by means of relaxation to a semidefinite program. This methodology is

Systematic Review of Nevus Counting and Reporting Methodologies in Contemporary Studies of the General Population

Introduction: Having many melanocytic nevi on the skin is a risk factor for melanoma. However, the reproducibility of nevus counts in previous studies is limited due to high inter- and intraobserver variation. Despite the introduction of a protocol for counting and reporting of nevi in 1990 by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), significant variations in nevus counting methods

Antibacterial and Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Apolipoprotein E

Apolipoprotein E (APOE) is a lipid-transport protein that functions as a key mediator of lipid transport and cholesterol metabolism. Recent studies have shown that peptides derived from human APOE display anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. Here, we applied in vitro assays and fluorescent microscopy to investigate the anti-bacterial effects of full-length APOE. The interaction of APOE wit

Label-free quantitative proteomics of the MCF-7 cellular response to a ferritin-metallodrug complex

Auoxo3 is a gold(iii) compound endowed with cytotoxic activity towards a variety of malignant cells. Encapsulation of Auoxo3 within horse spleen ferritin (Ft) improves the selectivity of the gold compound towards cancer cells over normal cells. In the current work, the changes in protein expression are presented in response to MCF-7 stimulation with Auoxo3-encapsulated Ft versus the free Au(iii) c

Isolation of myricitrin and 3,5-di-o-methyl gossypetin from syzygium samarangense and evaluation of their involvement in protecting keratinocytes against oxidative stress via activation of the Nrf-2 pathway

The wax apple (Syzygium samarangense) is traditionally employed as an antibacterial and immunostimulant drug in traditional medicine. This plant is rich in different flavonoids and tannins. In this study, we isolated two compounds from S. samarangense leaves: Myricitrin and 3,5-di-O-methyl gossypetin. Then, we investigated the mechanisms of action of the two compounds against oxidative stress (ind

En resa genom våld, kultur och stöd - en kvalitativ studie om hur professionella uppfattar invandrarkvinnors hjälpsökarbeteende vid våld i nära relationer

Intimate partner violence disproportionately affects immigrant women, who face unique barriers when seeking support. This study explores factors influencing their help-seeking behaviors through semi-structured interviews with professionals in social services. The thematic analysis identified key themes: children’s well-being as a motivator, cultural and social norms as barriers, and opportunities

An ascorbic acid-enriched tomato genotype to fight UVA-induced oxidative stress in normal human keratinocytes

UVA radiations contribute up to 95% of the total UV exposure and are known to induce cell damage, leading to apoptosis. Since the benefic effects of ascorbic acid on human health are well known, a new tomato genotype (named DHO4), highly rich in ascorbic acid, has been recently obtained. Here, we compared the effects of ascorbic acid and hydrophilic DHO4 extracts in protecting human keratinocytes

High resolution UPLC-MS/MS profiling of polyphenolics in the methanol extract of Syzygium samarangense leaves and its hepatoprotective activity in rats with CCl4-induced hepatic damage

Oxidative stress plays a crucial role in the development of several liver diseases. Many natural polyphenols can attenuate oxidative stress and liver injury. In this study, a phytochemical profiling of a methanol extract from leaves of Syzygium samarangense revealed 92 compounds belonging to flavonoids, phenolic acids, condensed tannins, and ellagitannins. The S. samarangense extract exhibited a n

Gold-based drug encapsulation within a ferritin nanocage : X-ray structure and biological evaluation as a potential anticancer agent of the Auoxo3-loaded protein

Auoxo3, a cytotoxic gold(iii) compound, was encapsulated within a ferritin nanocage. Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, circular dichroism, UV-Vis absorption spectroscopy and X-ray crystallography confirm the potential-drug encapsulation. The structure shows that naked Au(i) ions bind to the side chains of Cys48, His49, His114, His114 and Cys126, Cys126, His132, His147. The gold-encapsu

Malvidin and cyanidin derivatives from açai fruit (Euterpe oleracea Mart.) counteract UV-A-induced oxidative stress in immortalized fibroblasts

UV-A radiations are known to induce cellular oxidative stress, leading to premature skin aging. Consumption of açai fruit (Euterpe oleracea Martius) is known to have many health benefits due to its high level of antioxidants. Herein, we analyzed the ability of phenolic compounds extracted from this fruit to attenuate UV-A-induced oxidative stress in immortalized fibroblast. A methanol/water açai e

Protein conformational perturbations in hereditary amyloidosis : Differential impact of single point mutations in ApoAI amyloidogenic variants

Amyloidoses are devastating diseases characterized by accumulation of misfolded proteins which aggregate in fibrils. Specific gene mutations in Apolipoprotein A I (ApoAI) are associated with systemic amyloidoses. Little is known on the effect of mutations on ApoAI structure and amyloid properties. Here we performed a physicochemical characterization of L75P- and L174S-amyloidogenic ApoAI (AApoAI)

On Some Weighted Mixed Ridge Regression Estimators : Theory, Simulation and Application

Comparisons among some new types of weighted mixed regression estimators for the linear regression model under the stochastic linear restrictions have been made in this paper. The mean squared error criterion is used to examine the superiority of different weighted mixed regression estimators. A Monte Carlo simulation study and real-life application are carried out to compare the performance of th

Vitamin K1 Administration Increases the Level of Circulating Carboxylated Osteocalcin in Critically Ill Patients

Abstract: Background/Objectives: Vitamin K-dependent proteins (VKDPs) all commonlypossess specially modified γ-carboxyglutamic acid residues created in a vitaminK-dependent manner. Several liver-derived coagulation factors are well characterisedVKDPs. However, much less is known about extrahepatic VKDPs, which are more diversein their molecular structures and functions, and some of which have beenBackground/Objectives: Vitamin K-dependent proteins (VKDPs) all commonly possess specially modified γ-carboxyglutamic acid residues created in a vitamin K-dependent manner. Several liver-derived coagulation factors are well characterised VKDPs. However, much less is known about extrahepatic VKDPs, which are more diverse in their molecular structures and functions, and some of which have been impli

Body dysmorphic disorder

Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is an obsessive–compulsive disorder-related psychiatric condition characterized by an intense preoccupation with perceived physical flaws that are not observable by others. BDD affects ~2% of the adult population but is underdiagnosed, partly owing to limited clinician awareness, and undertreated, partly due to limited access to treatment. Research on the aetiology o

Conceptualization of Supplier Involvement in Product Development Based on a Systematic Review of 47 Definitions

Background: Supplier involvement in product development has proven beneficial for companies and is a phenomenon researched in various domains. The definitions of supplier involvement represent points of origin and dimensions addressed in research. Still, there is no overview of these definitions and dimensions. This study reviews current definitions of the phenomenon of supplier involvement in pro

Hydrogeological Dynamics of the Dalköpinge River: Investigating the Dry Spell Anomaly in a Hydrogeological Context

Dalköpingeån, en icke-perenn å med ett avrinningsområde på 66 km² beläget i Söderslätt, södra Skåne, upplever en säsongsbunden torka längs en 3 km lång sträcka av dess totala längd på 15,4 km under sommaren. På den plats där ån torkar ut observerades ett slukhål 1976, vilket tros bidra till torrperioden. För att undersöka detta fenomen och få insikter i det hydrogeologiska systemet genomfördes en The Dalköpinge River, a non-perennial river with a 66 km² catchment area located in Söderslätt, southern Scania, Sweden, experiences a seasonal dry phase along a 3 km stretch of its 15.4 km length during summer. At the location where it runs dry a sinkhole was observed in 1976, believed to contribute to the dry spell. To investigate this phenomenon and gain insights into the hydrogeological system

Towards enhanced cancer therapy; Leveraging bioresorbable optical fibers for improved treatment outcomes

Bioresorbable photonic implants are emerging as potential material choice for interstitial theranostic and monitoring applications. They gradually dissolve within the physiological environment in a clinically relevant period, eliminating the need for extraction surgeries. In the present study, we tested the suitability of in-house fabricated bioresorbable optical fibres based on calcium phosphate