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Harnessing Conformational Plasticity to Generate Designer Enzymes

Recent years have witnessed an explosion of interest in understanding the role of conformational dynamics both in the evolution of new enzymatic activities from existing enzymes and in facilitating the emergence of enzymatic activity de novo on scaffolds that were previously non-catalytic. There are also an increasing number of examples in the literature of targeted engineering of conformational d

The role of ligand-gated conformational changes in enzyme catalysis

Structural and biochemical studies on diverse enzymes have highlighted the importance of ligand-gated conformational changes in enzyme catalysis, where the intrinsic binding energy of the common phosphoryl group of their substrates is used to drive energetically unfavorable conformational changes in catalytic loops, from inactive open to catalytically competent closed conformations. However, compu

GTP Hydrolysis Without an Active Site Base : A Unifying Mechanism for Ras and Related GTPases

GTP hydrolysis is a biologically crucial reaction, being involved in regulating almost all cellular processes. As a result, the enzymes that catalyze this reaction are among the most important drug targets. Despite their vital importance and decades of substantial research effort, the fundamental mechanism of enzyme-catalyzed GTP hydrolysis by GTPases remains highly controversial. Specifically, ho

Cryptic genetic variation shapes the adaptive evolutionary potential of enzymes

Genetic variation among orthologous proteins can cause cryptic phenotypic properties that only manifest in changing environments. Such variation may impact the evolvability of proteins, but the underlying molecular basis remains unclear. Here, we performed comparative directed evolution of four orthologous metallo-β-lactamases toward a new function and found that different starting genotypes evolv

Brain change trajectories in healthy adults correlate with Alzheimer’s related genetic variation and memory decline across life

Throughout adulthood and ageing our brains undergo structural loss in an average pattern resembling faster atrophy in Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Using a longitudinal adult lifespan sample (aged 30-89; 2–7 timepoints) and four polygenic scores for AD, we show that change in AD-sensitive brain features correlates with genetic AD-risk and memory decline in healthy adults. We first show genetic risk li

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Abstract in PolishW latach 1945–1946 dziewięcioro byłych polskich więźniów niemieckich obozów koncentracyjnych (jedna osoba pochodzenia żydowskiego i osiem nieżydowskiego) przebywających na prawach uchodźców w Szwecji otrzymało zadanie spisania doświadczeń wojennych i prześladowań innych Polaków pochodzenia żydowskiego i nieżydowskiego dla potrzeb historii i sprawiedliwości. Choć żadna z tych osóbIn 1945–1946, nine Polish former prisoners of Nazi concentration camps (one Jewish and eight non-Jewish) living in Sweden as refugees were employed to record other Jewish and non-Jewish Poles’ experiences of persecution for history and justice. Although none of these individuals were psychologists, they believed recording the psychological aspects of witnessing was essential to their documentation

Effects of psychedelics on neurogenesis and broader neuroplasticity : a systematic review

In the mammalian brain, new neurons continue to be generated throughout life in a process known as adult neurogenesis. The role of adult-generated neurons has been broadly studied across laboratories, and mounting evidence suggests a strong link to the HPA axis and concomitant dysregulations in patients diagnosed with mood disorders. Psychedelic compounds, such as phenethylamines, tryptamines, can

Abstrakt och konkret förvaltning: en undersökning av sekretessbrytande bestämmelser inom personlig assistans

I uppsatsen utreds vad som förutsätts för ett fungerande informationsutbyte mellan myndigheter. Utifrån svaret på det undersöks huruvida befintliga sekretessbrytande bestämmelser är tillräckliga eller om förslaget om en ny sekretessbrytande bestämmelse behövs såsom den presenteras i det första delbetänkandet för ett förbättrat informationsutbyte som meddelades i september 2024. Undersökningen viThe purpose of this thesis is to investigate what aspects that are significant to achieve a well exchange of information between authorities. Based on that answer the paper analyses whether existing articles that permit an exchange of information despite confidentiality are sufficient, or if there is need of an additional article such as the one that has been suggested in an interim report for an

Den stora databasdrabbningen - En utredning av förutsättningarna för företag att tillhandahålla databaser med söktjänster för personuppgifter genom undantaget för journalistiska ändamål i GDPR

Idag finns ett stort antal företag som tillhandahåller digitala databaser med söktjänster där användare enkelt kan söka på personuppgifter som namn, adress eller personnummer och få fram omfattande information om svenska invånare. Uppgifter om civilstånd, bolagsinnehav, fastigheter samt om personen ifråga förekommer i tvistemål eller brottmålsdomar ingår bland sökresultaten. Företagen stödjer sig Today, many Swedish companies provide databases which function as search registers where users easily can search for personal data such as name, ad-dress or social security number and obtain comprehensive information on Swedish residents. Information on marital status, company ownership, real estates as well as whether the person in question is involved in civil or criminal cases are included in t

Att skapa inkluderande kollektivtrafikrum

Kollektivtrafikens bytespunkter och hållplatser än mer än platser för väntan – de utgör en central del av stadens liv och människors vardag. För att dessa kollektivtrafikrum ska bli inbjudande och tillgängliga för alla, är det viktigt att vi noggrant överväger hur de planeras och utformas. I den här boken presenteras de viktigaste aspekterna för att säkerställa att dessa platser fungerar som inklu

Potential of demand responsive transport for young people in Sweden

Demand responsive transport (DRT) is an intermediate form of public transport which is provided based on users’ demand. The study explores the potential of DRT for meeting young people’s travel needs, focusing on school and leisure journeys. Our results, building on a survey study in Sweden, suggest that DRT services offering a door-to-door journey and the flexibility of pick-up times could be com

Unraveling the ancient fungal DNA from the Iceman gut

Background: Fungal DNA is rarely reported in metagenomic studies of ancient samples. Although fungi are essential for their interactions with all kingdoms of life, limited information is available about ancient fungi. Here, we explore the possibility of the presence of ancient fungal species in the gut of Ötzi, the Iceman, a naturally mummified human found in the Tyrolean Alps (border between Ital

Single Residue on the WPD-Loop Affects the pH Dependency of Catalysis in Protein Tyrosine Phosphatases

Catalysis by protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) relies on the motion of a flexible protein loop (the WPD-loop) that carries a residue acting as a general acid/base catalyst during the PTP-catalyzed reaction. The orthogonal substitutions of a noncatalytic residue in the WPD-loops of YopH and PTP1B result in shifted pH-rate profiles from an altered kinetic pK a of the nucleophilic cysteine. Compar

Heme-binding enables allosteric modulation in an ancient TIM-barrel glycosidase

Glycosidases are phylogenetically widely distributed enzymes that are crucial for the cleavage of glycosidic bonds. Here, we present the exceptional properties of a putative ancestor of bacterial and eukaryotic family-1 glycosidases. The ancestral protein shares the TIM-barrel fold with its modern descendants but displays large regions with greatly enhanced conformational flexibility. Yet, the bar