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Atomistic studies of the elastic properties of metallic Bcc nanowires and films
In this paper a systematic study of the surface influence on the elastic properties of nanosized iron and tungsten wires and films is performed. Single crystal defect-free nanowires and nanofilms are examined through molecular statics simulations, and the concepts of surface energy and third order elastic constants are used in an attempt to describe the elastic properties. For structures where the re
Ordet/odjuret: teriantropomorfism hos Giorgio Agamben
Den italienske filosofen Giorgio Agamben (f. 1942) reflekterar i sin L'aperto (2002) över människans försök att skilja sig från djuren, att skilja det mänskliga från det djuriska även inom människan. I denna studie placerar jag in denna bok dels i Agambens övergripande biopolitiska projekt, Homo sacer, dels in den filosofiska strömning som kallas posthumanism. Syftet är att analysera distinktionen
Säkerhet vid cytostatikabehandling - från ordination till administrering
Laser-Induced Incandescence for Soot Particle Size Measurements in Premixed Flat Flames
Measurements of soot properties by means of laser-induced incandescence (LII) and combined scattering–extinction were performed in well-characterized premixed ethylene–air flames. In particular, the possibility of using LII as a tool for quantitative particle sizing was investigated. Particle sizes were evaluated from the temporal decay of the LII signal combined with heat balance modeling of lase
Dr. Bergman's Cabinet
Essay on the horror theme in the films of Ingmar Bergman.
The social stance and its relation to intersubjectivity
Observer variation in computed tomography of the sacroiliac joints: a retrospective analysis of 1383 cases.
Beyond the welfare state: Scenarios for the future of psychology and psychological practice.
Membrane Pump System
The present invention relates to a membrane pump and an apparatus comprising such a membrane pump. The membrane pump comprises a pumping chamber and a flexible member separating the pumping chamber into a first accumulation container and a second accumulation container. The flexible member is configured to be movable within the pumping chamber so as to vary a volume relationship between the first
Studies of Nanowire Devices Enabled by Advanced Nanofabrication
This thesis explores the possibility of using advanced device geometries and heterostructure engineering to manipulate, control, and study the electrical and optical properties of semiconductor nanowires. The first part of the thesis investigates the use of different gate-all-around architectures for creating new types of gate-controlled nanowire devices, primarily intended for fundamental studies
Negotiating consensus : how patients and scientists co-produce and seek concordance when new biomedical standards and health practices are targeted
Frimureri i Svenska Pommern (I)
First part of a series of three articles on the history of freemasonry in the Swedish possession Swedish-Pomerania on German soil.
Teknisk utveckling och FoU-insatser: Ett forskningsperspektiv på IT-hjälpmedel och bostadsanpassningar för personer med personlig assistans
Sammanfattningsvis kan vi konstatera att den tekniska utvecklingen avseende IT-hjälpmedel och bostadsanpassningar för de närmaste kommande åren inte främst är en teknisk fråga. Visserligen pågår en utveckling av tekniska tillämpningar med stor potential a
Långt historiskt perspektiv på den hållbara stadens utveckling
The Zimont TFC Model Applied to premixed Bluff Body Stabilized Combustion Using Four Different RANS Turbulence Models
The Volvo Aero Corp. (VAC) Triangular Bluff Body Stabilized Combustion rig VR-1 has been extensively researched both in terms of experiments and theoretical treatment. Previous CFD work has concentrated on Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) models combined with the Level Set Flamelet Library approach. Large Eddy Simulation (LES) has also been applied to the case. In this paper the Zimont Turbu
The EU and Regional Integration in West Africa: Assessing the Effects of Deepening and Enlargement
On leukocyte recruitment in endotoxemic liver injury
Leukocyte recruitment is a key feature of liver injury associated with endotoxemia and systemic inflammation. The aim of this thesis was to define the adhesive mechanisms underlying leukocyte endothelial cell interactions, and the therapeutic potential of interference with specific adhesion molecules in endotoxemic liver damage. Moreover, the causal relationship between leukocyte recruitment on on