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Teaching sex, queering 'youth'? Thinking about education through sexularism and homonationalism. Lecture series of the Centre for Women’s and Gender Studies, University of British Columbia, Canada. 2010-10-13
In political debates, ‘children’ and notions of ‘the best interest of the child’ are used to dramatize and limit societal negotiations of sexuality and sexualities (Pellegrini, 2009). At the same time, “There has been a tendency amongst those who research marginalized youth to view social groups or identities as fixed units of analysis” (Loutzenheiser, 2007). With my presentation, I will engage no
The Politics of Spent Nuclear Fuel in Historical Perspective: An International Comparison
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Abraham D. Sofaer's 1980s Counter-terrorism Law and The Office of the Legal Adviser
The Mediterranean region
Analysis of the mechanisms to control the fulfillment of the EU sustainability criteria for biofuels in Directive 2009/28/EC
The article analyzes mechanisms established to control the fulfillment of the EU sustainability criteria for biofuels that were presented in Directive 2009/28/EC. The article is the continuation of the research started in the work Pavlovskaia, E. (2013) “Controlling the Fulfillment of the EU Sustainability Criteria for Transport Biofuels”, which was published in RELP 4/2013. The conducted analysis
Targeted killing and the case for critical histories of international legal pratices
Observed pronunciation features in Swedish L2 produced by L1-speakers of Albanian
The number of immigrants with Albanian L1 has increased in Sweden during the last two decades. This particular group is also present in the SFI-classroom. This contribution aims to present typical pronunciation features in L2-Swedish produced by Albanian L1-speakers, based on recordings of two Albanian speakers living in Sweden.
M. Comme Mondialisation
Swedish Justice in English
Production of positrons with low transverse momentum and low-mass electron-positron pairs in proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 63 GEV
[abstract missing]
Kampen om tiden. Tommy Isidorsson, Striden om tiden, anm av fakultetsopponent Christer Lundh
Simulating intonational varieties of Swedish
On the Architecture of CACE Environments
När Du också är Jag: Förfrämligande- och igenkänningstekniker i mötet mellan svensk rätt och Islam
The Intermedial and the Transmedial across Samuel Beckett’s Artistic Practices
Calibration methods for wideband forward RCS measurements
Calibration is an important part in all radar cross section measurements. Two different approaches to the calibration of forward and extinction cross section measurements are therefore evaluated and discussed in this paper. The first method is the commonly used calibration method employing a calibration target with a known cross section while the second calibration method does not require a calibr