Variation in interlanguage syntax
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Heavy quarks are copiously produced in ultraperipheral heavy ion collisions. In the strong electromagnetic fields, c (c) over bar and b (b) over bar are produced by photonuclear and two-photon interactions. Hadroproduction can also occur in grazing interactions. We calculate the total cross sections and the quark transverse momentum and rapidity distributions, as well as the Q (Q) over bar invaria
We investigate the performance of overload control through queue length for two different web server architectures. Both of them use finite queue lengths to prevent servers from being overloaded. One architecture prioritizes requests from established sessions while the other treats all requests equally. First, we introduce queueing models for these two systems. Then, we define and explain a new we
Bacillus subtilis can synthesise cytochromes containing a-, b-, c- and d-type heme. The biosynthetic pathways of these heme prosthetic groups were investigated by using strains blocked in uroporphyrinogen III synthesis from porphobilinogen or in heme b (protoheme IX) synthesis from uroporphyrinogen III. The results strongly suggest that heme a and heme d are both synthesised from heme b (protoheme
Popular Abstract in Swedish En av hjärnans mest fascinerande egenskaper är dess förmåga att ständigt anpassa sig till nya utmaningar och förändringar i den yttre eller inre miljön. Denna formbarhet, eller plasticitet, sker på olika nivåer från små förändringar på molekylnivå till antalet av eller styrkan i förbindelser mellan nervceller och mängden transmittorsubstans de utsöndrar. De senaste deceNew neurons are spontaneously generated in two regions of the adult brain, the hippocampus and the subventricular zone/olfactory bulb. The objective of this thesis was to study potential implications for adult neurogenesis in Alzheimer's (AD) and Parkinson's diseases (PD). PD is characterized by degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra. It has been suggested that new dopaminer
Concerns over the threats of terrorism, piracy, and armed robbery against ships resulted in a number of International Maritime Organization (IMO) initiatives in the 1980s and 1990s including, inter alia, the establishment of an anti-piracy program, the development of guidelines for ship security, and the adoption of the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts Against the Safety of Maritime
Dextran-conjugated EGF (EGF-dextran) has a potential use for targeted radionuclide therapy of tumors that overexpress the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR). There are plans to treat both bladder carcinomas and malignant gliomas with local injections of radiolabeled EGF-dextran since these tumors often express high levels of EGFR. In this report we show that EGF and EGF-dextran differentially
An international collaboration was organized to undertake a dosimetry exchange to enable the future combination of clinical data from different centers conducting neutron capture therapy trials. As a first step (Part I) the dosimetry group from the Americas, represented by MIT, visited the clinical centers at Studsvik (Sweden), VTT Espoo (Finland), and the Nuclear Research Institute (NRI) at Rez (
A gastrostomy device is removed from the gastrostoma when no longer needed. The aim of the study was to test the hypothesis of whether it is possible for the surgeon to decide which stoma has to be closed with a gastroraphy and which to leave for a spontaneous closure within a reasonable period of time. Out of a cohort of 321 patients, who had been operated with a video-assisted gastrostomy, we in
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Rapporten bygger på examinationspaper från en påbyggnadsutbildning för 29 praktiker inom Barn- och ungdomshabiliteringen i Sverige, som genomfördes under 2001–2002 av en nationell arbetsgrupp från aktörer inom barnhabiliteringsfältet. Som examination på kursen skrev deltagarna en reflektion över en aspekt av sin praktiska vardag, där denna problematiserades i termer av sin relationella, sociala, o
BEAST is a Bidirectional Efficient Algorithm for Searching code Trees. In this paper, it is used for decoding block codes over a binary-input memoryless channel. If no constraints are imposed on the decoding complexity (in terms of the number of visited nodes during the search), BEAST performs maximum-likelihood (ML) decoding. At the cost of a negligible performance degradation, BEAST can be const