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Att utveckla arbetsidentitet hos unga vuxna med psykisk ohälsa

Bakgrund: Hur vi identifierar oss är starkt kopplat till arbete. Unga vuxna är en känslig grupp när det gäller inträde på arbetsmarknaden. Om de också har psykisk ohälsa blir det ännu svårare och risken för marginalisering ökar. Likväl har arbete visat väsentlig betydelse för en personlig återhämtning. Syftet med studien var att utforska erfarenheter bland unga vuxna med psykisk ohälsa som börjar

TFAP2B-Dietary protein and glycemic index interactions and weight maintenance after weight loss in the diogenes trial

Background:TFAP2B rs987237 is associated with obesity and has shown interaction with the dietary fat-to-carbohydrate ratio, which has an effect on weight loss. We investigated interactions between rs987237 and protein-to-carbohydrate ratio or glycemic index (GI) in relation to weight maintenance after weight loss. Methods: This study included 742 obese individuals from 8 European countries who par

Endogenous sex hormones and prostate cancer : A collaborative analysis of 18 prospective studies

Background: Sex hormones in serum have been hypothesized to influence the risk of prostate cancer. We performed a collaborative analysis of the existing worldwide epidemiologic data to examine these associations in a uniform manner and to provide more precise estimates of risks. Methods: Data on serum concentrations of sex hormones from 18 prospective studies that included 3886 men with incident p

The Gaia-ESO survey: Calibration strategy

The Gaia-ESO survey (GES) is now in its fifth and last year of observations and has produced tens of thousands of high-quality spectra of stars in all Milky Way components. This paper presents the strategy behind the selection of astrophysical calibration targets, ensuring that all GES results on radial velocities, atmospheric parameters, and chemical abundance ratios will be both internally consi

Purification of streptococcal protein G expressed by Escherichia coli by high performance liquid affinity chromatography using immobilized immunoglobulin G and albumin

A one-step HPLC method was developed for the purification of protein G, a cell wall molecule from group C and G streptococci with immunoglobulin G- and albumin-binding properties. Lysed Escherichia coli bacteria infected with lambda-phages containing the protein G gene from group G streptococci were used as a starting material for the preparations. The lysate was applied to a column with immobiliz

Hadoop-based distributed system for online prediction of air pollution based on Support Vector Machine

The critical impact of air pollution on human health and environment in one hand and the complexity of pollutant concentration behavior in the other hand lead the scientists to look for advance techniques for monitoring and predicting the urban air quality. Additionally, recent developments in data measurement techniques have led to collection of various types of data about air quality. Such data

Injuries to the Immature Optic Radiation Show Correlated Thinning of the Macular Ganglion Cell Layer

Injuries to the immature optic radiation (OR) are associated with thinning of the retinal nerve fiber layer and corresponding visual field (VF) defects. The aim of the current study was to seek evidence for causal retrograde trans-synaptic degeneration by exploring the correspondence between the localization and extension of the injury to the OR and the structure of the macular ganglion cell compl

Local characteristics of crystal electronic structure in the Hartree-Fock method

The formalism developed in molecular theory for calculation of local electronic-structure characteristics in a nonorthogonal atomic basis is generalized to systems with translational symmetry. Expressions have been derived to describe the bond orders, covalency, and valence in a crystal for restricted and unrestricted Hartree-Fock methods. Nonempirical electronic-structure calculations and an anal

Preserving Preclinical PET Quality During Intratherapeutic Imaging in Radionuclide Therapy with Rose Metal Shielding Reducing Photon Flux

Performing PET imaging during ongoing radionuclide therapy can be a promising method to follow tumor response in vivo. However, the high therapeutic activity can interfere with the PET camera performance and degrade both image quality and quantitative capabilities. As a solution, low-energy photon emissions from the therapeutic radionuclide can be highly attenuated, still allowing sufficient detec

Many-body approach to two- and three-photon double ionization and excitation of xenon

We investigate different processes which may be responsible for ejection of two electrons from the external shell of xenon through the absorption of two and three photons, namely two-photon direct double ionization and three-photon sequential double ionization via the ion in an excited state or in the ground state. We calculate the cross sections of the ionization processes involved, using many-bo

Beyond dispersal : the roles of animal movement in modern agricultural landscapes

In this chapter three major concepts relating animal population dynamics to landscape change mediated by animal mobility are outlined: meta-population/community dynamics (affecting many habitat specialists), spillover (affecting e.g. ground-living predators), and landscape complementation (affecting e.g. central-place foragers). It is shown that all three concepts contribute to current understandi

Landscape-Scale Variability of Organic Carbon Burial by SW Greenland Lakes

Lakes are a key feature of arctic landscapes and can be an important component of regional organic carbon (OC) budgets, but C burial rates are not well estimated. 210 Pb-dated sediment cores and carbon and organic matter (as loss-on-ignition) content were used to estimate OC burial for 16 lakes in SW Greenland. Burial rates were corrected for sediment focusing using the 210 Pb flux method. The