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Male aggression in the banded demoiselle damselfly Calopteryx splendens

Popular science summary As the climate warms and species move northwards, some species encounter populations of a similar species. In this case, the banded demoiselle damselfly Calopteryx splendens is moving north, further into Fennoscandia than it has been known to go before, and is meeting populations of the beautiful demoiselle damselfly Calopteryx virgo. Males of both species set up and defen

Professionstillhörighetens påverkan. En studie om olika professioners syn på roller i behandling av ångest

Abstract Author: Sükran Sönmez Title: The professional affiliations impact– a study on how different professionals view roles in treatment of anxiety [translated title] Anxiety disorder is characterized by constant and overwhelming worry and fear which can be paralyzing. The aim of this study was to explore how professionals perceive the different roles in treatment of anxiety based on the profes

Missbruk av kollektiv dominans - Särskilt om tyst samordning på oligopolmarknader

En oligopolistisk marknad kännetecknas ofta av att det föreligger ett ömsesidigt beroendeförhållande mellan företagen som är verksamma på marknaden. Detta innebär att ett företags uppträdande på marknaden får effekter också för de övriga företagen och att varje enskilt företag måste beakta de andra företagens förväntade reaktion innan det beslutar hur det ska agera på marknaden. Som en konsekvens An oligopolistic market is often characterized by the fact that there is a relationship of interdependence existing between the oligopolists. This means that the market behavior of an undertaking affects the other undertakings as well and that each undertaking has to take the other undertakings anticipated reaction into account before deciding its own course of action on the market. As a consequen

Änglar, Fresterskor och Älskarinnor - Kvinnobilder i Ulf Lundells rocklyrik

Kvinnobilderna i Ulf Lundells rocklyrik undersöks ur ett litteraturvetenskapligt perspektiv. Hur presenteras kvinnlig närvaro i texterna? Närmare 500 av Lundells rocktexter ligger till grund för undersökningen som tolkar skildringen av främst Änglar, Fresterskor och Älskarinnors förekomst i texterna.

Vårdslös rådgivning – Vad innebär vårdslös rådgivning vid finansiell rådgivning samt investeringsrådgivning?

Till följd av finanskrisen förlorade konsumenter genom placeringar i riskfyllda finansiella instrument stora delar av sina investeringar. Under åren 2008 och 2009 inkom fler klagomål till Finansinspektionen och Konsumentverket jämfört med tidigare år om att många konsumenter via rådgivning rekommenderats produkter som inte motsvarat den risk de varit beredda att ta eller att information om risken The aftermath of the financial crisis meant that many consumers lost parts of their investments because they had invested their savings in risky financial instruments. Between the years of 2008 and 2009, the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority, Finansinspektionen, and the Swedish Consumer Agency, Konsumentverket, received more complaints, compared to previous years, regarding financial advisor

“Go Green, Clean and Healthy” (and please stay committed) -A case study of the implementation of the FRESH school health policy in Lombok, Indonesia

By addressing an absence of implementation studies, this master thesis aims to examine the implementation of the FRESH health policy in schools in Lombok, Indonesia. The method used is a qualitative field study based on empirical material consisting of interviews with representatives from implementing organizations and teachers designated to be “FRESH coordinators” in schools. By utilizing dimensi

Primärkommunal påverkan på regional utvecklingspolitik - en utvärderingsanalys

My thesis focuses on the relationship between the local and regional level of Swedish public governance. Since decentralisation has been an ongoing trend in the public sector for at least two decades I assess this subject to be of importance for further discussion and analysis. The dissertation is meant to evaluate a few of the original purposes of decentralisation pronounced by the national admin

Vietnamkriget – ett rättfärdigt krig? En normativ studie om USA:s krigsföring i Vietnamkriget

Vietnamkriget är ett omdebatterat krig. Det som framförallt har diskuterats är USA:s krigsföring. Uppsatsen behandlar huruvida USA:s krigsföring i Vietnam kan rättfärdigas eller inte utifrån Walzers Just War Theory med fokus på Jus in Bello. Jus in Bello behandlar två olika kriterier. Det första är om de medel som används är i proportion till de mål man har (Proportionalitetsprincipen). Det andra

The Whaling Conflict Between Japan and Australia

In this study, the conflict between pro-whaling Japan and anti-whaling Australia is scrutinised. The political structure system, the political economics and the cultural explanatory factors are examined from how the conflict has emerged out of the 1986 International Whaling Commission’s moratorium (Baylis et al, 2008: 308). Further to this, the different state views of Japan and Australia are exam

Al-Qaidas fiendebild

Al-Qaidas fientlighet mot västvärlden, och främst USA, har nog ingen undgått de senaste tio åren. Efter attackerna mot USA den 11 september och det deklarerade ”War on Terror”, uppträder al-Qaida fortfarande aktivt som ett oförminskat hot mot de som faller inom organisationens fiendebild, en fiendebild som karakteriseras av att vara så komplex och djup att den är svår att förklara med linjära redu

EU-medborgarskapet på gott och ont?

EU-citizenship as it can be interpreted today was established within the EU-member states in Maastricht in 1993, as a result of the signature of the EU-treaty. It was a new form of citizenship where people now could move freely beyond the state borders working, studying and settle down wherever they pleased as long as they where a national to a member state. The state borders started loosen up ins

World of Warcraft - en kvalitativ studie av spelets betydelse för unga vuxna användare

MMORPGs has become a growing phenomena in our society today. Many people interact online in virtual communities such as World of Warcraft. In this study, the goal was to explore the game's significance for young adults and the relationship these people have to the game. This thesis is based on five interviews with young adult users and their life around WoW. The reason for the study was to obt

Industribrand vid Eka Chemicals - fallstudie av primära sekundära och tertiära konsekvenser

Studies of consequences due to two different fire scenarios in the plant area. Calculations on heat flux towards LPG storage vessel, distribution line, steel vessel and finally a storage tank containing peracetic acid. Design of calculation models. Time aspects to explosion, burst of vessel and failure. Loss of goodwill due to pollution and environmental damage. (Swedish)

Konsekvensanalys av Akzon Nobel - Segeanläggningen

A risk analysis of the coatings manufacturer Akzo Nobel in Sege, Malmö, was carried out in 1996. This consequence analysis has been made from the resulting seven worst case scenarios in the risk analysis. The scenarios have been analyzed regarding temperature, smoke layer height, RHR, and oxygen concentration. Comparison has been made with the industrial fire department’s and Malmö fire department

Ekonomisk riskanalys av Iggesunds bruks kartongfabrik

The aim of this report has been to perform a risk analysis of Iggesund Paperboards paperboard factory in Iggesund and from the result draw conclusions on how to develop the methodology of economical risk analysis. The risk analysis consequences are expressed in economical terms and the measurement of the risk is presented as the expected annual cost due to fire. The model which is used is based on

Gränssnittet mellan insatsstöd och dess användare

This report looks at the interface between pre-planned operational/contingency plans and their users. It takes in concern the importance of keeping plans up to date, the value of a uniform design of the plans and the need for continuous education and training of personnel among other things.

Pyrotekniskt genererade aerosoler - experimentella studier med avseende på funktion och risker rörande människa och teknik

This report is a study on the effects pyrotechnically generated aerosols, PGA, has on electrical components and our health. Experiments were conducted in small and full scale at Lunds tekniska högskola and the Swedish rescue service’s school at Revinge. The experiments were conducted using only one type of PGA with exception for the full scale experiments in wich two types were used. The experimen