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MR Imaging of Congenital Heart Disease at 0.3 T.

The aim of this study was to systematically evaluate the potential of static MR Imaging in congenital heart disease. As low field equlpment was first avaliable, and contlnues to be used, the experienee with this type of imager is reported. Accurate parameter setting is of the greatest importance for efficient cardiac scanning. In small experimental animals, ECG gating and number of excitations we

Soft-x-ray polarimeter with multilayer optics : Complete analysis of the polarization state of light

The design of a versatile high-precision eight-axis ultrahigh-vacuum-compatible polarimeter is presented. This multipurpose instrument can be used as a self-calibrating polarization detector for linearly and circularly polarized UV and soft-x-ray light. It can also be used for the characterization of reflection or transmission properties (reflectometer) or polarizing and phase-retarding properties