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Your search for "*" yielded 532297 hits
A bargaining model where parties make errors
Installation of a New Injector at the Lund Pelletron
Justification and Theosis (deification). The Joint Declaration on Justification and the Dialogue between East and West.
Engineering in nanoscience and nanotechnology - a new master of science education
Enka, kayokyoku och pop
99 frågor om islam
Nanoeducation in Lund
On computing logarithms over GF(2^p) or an attempt to swindle MITRE Corporation
MR Imaging of Congenital Heart Disease at 0.3 T.
The aim of this study was to systematically evaluate the potential of static MR Imaging in congenital heart disease. As low field equlpment was first avaliable, and contlnues to be used, the experienee with this type of imager is reported. Accurate parameter setting is of the greatest importance for efficient cardiac scanning. In small experimental animals, ECG gating and number of excitations we
Fluorescence LIDAR Monitoring of the Arno River
Self-assembly of nanowires using lithographic control of nucleation processes
On Efficient Implementation of a Search Strategy for Rotation Symmetric Boolean Functions
Metapragmatic and Laughter in Institutional Talk
al-Mu'aladjat al-Buqratiyya: en arabisk medicinsk encyklopedi från 900-talet
Stay at home aphids: comparative spatial and seasonal metapopulation structure and dynamics of two specialist tansy aphid species studied using microsatellite markers.
Med passion för ordet
Going organic: a comparative study of environmental product development strategies along two Swedish bread supply chains
No abstract available.
Soft-x-ray polarimeter with multilayer optics : Complete analysis of the polarization state of light
The design of a versatile high-precision eight-axis ultrahigh-vacuum-compatible polarimeter is presented. This multipurpose instrument can be used as a self-calibrating polarization detector for linearly and circularly polarized UV and soft-x-ray light. It can also be used for the characterization of reflection or transmission properties (reflectometer) or polarizing and phase-retarding properties