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Myelin Water Atlas: A Template for Myelin Distribution in the Brain
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSEMyelin water imaging (MWI) is a magnetic resonance imaging technique that quantifies myelin in-vivo. Although MWI has been extensively applied to study myelin-related diseases in groups, clinical use in individual patients is challenging mainly due to population heterogeneity. The purpose of this study was twofold: (1) create a normative brain myelin water atlas depicting the
Hummersafaris & Hamnhistorier : yrkesfiskares turismentreprenörskap på den svenska västkusten
Filmen handlar om avhandlingen Kustnära yrkesfiske i förändring: Från mångsysslare till entreprenör som prisades med utmärkelsen Årets ciceron i besöksnäringen 2022 av Stiftelsen för kunskapsfrämjande inom turism och BFUF. Det kustnära yrkesfisket är idag en del av besöksnäringen. Malin Anderssons forskning visar hur det här går till. Det värdskap som yrkesfiskarna bedriver i hamnarna blir som lär
The Reasonable Person : A Legal Biography
The rise of feminist governance in foreign policy
'Winning Life' and the Discpline of Death at Iwawa Island
This article analyses Iwawa, a rehabilitation centre for ‘delinquent’ young men in Rwanda. Like prisons, detention centres and refugee camps elsewhere, Iwawa is both a place of nurture and abandonment; of improving life and disallowing it. We argue that in order to grasp these tensions, we might pay attention to the role of death in disciplining those who are confined. A common way for these young
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Ideologikritikens återkomst
The Evaluation of Optic Nerves Using 7 Tesla “Silent” Zero Echo Time Imaging in Patients with Leber’s Hereditary Optic Neuropathy with or without Idebenone Treatment
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of the Optic Nerve is difficult due to the fine extended nature of the structure, strong local magnetic field distortions induced by anatomy, and large motion artefacts associated with eye movement. To address these problems we used a Zero Echo Time (ZTE) MRI sequence with an Adiabatic SPectral Inversion Recovery (ASPIR) fat suppression pulse which also imbues the
Precision medicine in complex diseases - : Molecular subgrouping for improved prediction and treatment stratification
Complex diseases are caused by a combination of genetic, lifestyle, and environmental factors and comprise common noncommunicable diseases, including allergies, cardiovascular disease, and psychiatric and metabolic disorders. More than 25% of Europeans suffer from a complex disease, and together these diseases account for 70% of all deaths. The use of genomic, molecular, or imaging data to develop
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Representing the Past in Exile: The Politics of National History among Burundian Refugees
New Opportunities: Angry Young Men in a Tanzanian Refugee Camp
Hope against Hope: Changing Emotions in the Burundian Crisis
Through the lens of Burundians who have been displaced by the recent crisis in Burundi and their anticipations of possible futures for themselves and their country, expressed in the emotions of hope, anxiety and despair, this paper explores the shift from a situation characterized by upheaval towards the crystallization of authoritarian rule in Burundi. Through ethnographic research amongst Burund
Using an improved approach to investigate peatland carbon dynamics at different temporal scales across the pan-Arctic
The majority of northern peatlands were initiated during the Holocene around8,000 to 12,000 years ago. Owing to their mass imbalance, they have sequestered huge amounts of organic carbon in the terrestrial ecosystem. The distribution of soil organic carbon is widespread and uneven across the pan-Arctic (45-75ºN latitude).Recent syntheses have filled some existing gaps, however, the extent and remo
“Right Now, I Don’t Know What the Future Might Bring” : Hope, Anxiety, and Despair in the Burundian Crisis
‘Winning Life’ and the Discipline of Death at Iwawa Island
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Ekologisk kompensation som verktyg i miljömålsarbetet : Syntes från en forskningssatsning
Denna rapport utgör en syntes av de sju projekt som finansierades inomNaturvårdsverkets och Havs- och vattenmyndighetens forskningssatsning inomområdet ekologisk kompensation som pågick 2018–2021. Syntesprojektet har utgått dels från slutrapporterna från de enskilda projekten, dels från myndigheternas uttryckta önskemål om belysning av vissa specifika aspekter inom tillämpningen av ekologisk kompeThis report represents a synthesis of seven ”environmental compensation1” research projects funded by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management between 2018 and 2021. This synthesis has been built upon the final reports of each individual research project, as well as comments provided by the two funding agencies that emphasized specific aspects
Driven Out
This article is a commentary on Saskia Sassen's recent book, 'Expulsions: Brutality and Complexity in the Global Economy'. in the Book Forum, Sassen responds to this commentary together with two others.