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Your search for "*" yielded 526624 hits

Lake-level records and palaeoclimates of northern Eurasia

This thesis documented lake-level changes across Eurasia and made reconstructions of regional climates and atmospheric circulation patterns during the late Quaternary; analysed temporal signals in lake record; used lake data to improve pollen-based quantitative recostructions of climate; and compared lake data with simulated P-E fields from Atmospheric General Circulation (AGC) models. Lake record

Two previously proposed P-1/P-2-differentiating and nine novel polymorphisms at the A4GALT (P-k) locus do not correlate with the presence of the P1 blood group antigen

Background: The molecular genetics of the P blood group system and the absence of P1 antigen in the p phenotype are still enigmatic. One theory proposes that the same gene encodes for both the P1 and P-k glycosyltransferases, but no polymorphisms in the coding region of the P-k gene explain the P-1/P-2 phenotypes. We investigated the potential regulatory regions up- and downstream of the A4GALT (P

Explaining Research Utilization: Beyond 'Functions'

With material from a Swedish study of the utilization of social research in city welfare agencies, the authors advocate a sociological analysis of the utilization contexts where use of research takes place. The bases of compliance in the organization and the position of the agencies in regard to conflicts in social welfare politics are shown to have great importance for the way organizations use a

Regional differences in bladder enlargement and in vitro contractility after outlet obstruction in the rabbit

Purpose: Bladder outlet obstruction leads to bladder enlargement and subsequent decreases in contractile function in vivo and in vitro. We determined whether there were regional differences in bladder wall properties and in vitro contractile responses after 2 weeks of bladder outlet obstruction. Materials and Methods: Male rabbits underwent cystometry. The bladder was then filled to 40 ml. and the

Effect of near-infrared radiation and jet impingement heat transfer on crust formation of bread

Rapid heat transfer methods can be used to speed up the baking, process and create new product properties. This study investigates the effect of air jet impingement and infrared radiation (alone or in combination) on crust formation of par-baked baguettes during post-baking. The parameters investigated are crust color; crust thickness, total water loss, and heating time. The results show that infr

Effects of calcium, dairy product, and vitamin D supplementation on bone mass accrual and body composition in 10-12-y-old girls: a 2-y randomized trial

BACKGROUND: Little is known about the relative effectiveness of calcium supplementation from food or pills with or without vitamin D supplementation for bone mass accrual during the rapid growth period. OBJECTIVE: The purpose was to examine the effects of both food-based and pill supplements of calcium and vitamin D on bone mass and body composition in girls aged 10-12 y. DESIGN: This placebo-cont

Ur Hysteran

Om kvinnlighet och hysteri utifrån den franske psykoanalytikern Luce Irigarays teorier.

Hidden Markov models - Traffic modeling and subspace methods

The main motivation for this thesis, however not the only one, is the search for models for traffic in telecommunication networks. Traffic characterization and modeling are of great importance in the analysis and dimensioning of communication systems. During the last decades we have experienced an explosive growth of our telecommunication networks. New important properties, both on macroscopic and

Infected teratoma of lower posterior mediastinum in a six-year-old boy

A six-year old boy presented with prolonged unexplained fever caused by an infected teratoma of the lower posterior mediastinum. Modern imaging, combining ultrasonography with computed tomography, enabled the correct diagnosis of topography, extension and nature of this rare lesion to be made and explained the clinical features. Follow-up CT showed regression of the abscess after antibiotics thus

Målgruppen och budskapet : En modell för målgruppsanpassning av trafiksäkerhetsbudskap till unga manliga trafikanter

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen behandlar målgruppsanalysens betydelse för budskapsformning och planering av informationskampanjer. Boken innehåller en genomgång av teorier som kan ligga till grund för målgruppsanalys samt för attityd- och beteendeförändring. Teorierna tillämpas så långt det varit möjligt i en målgruppsanalys av unga trafikanter i åldern 18-24 år. Målgruppsanalysen beståThe empirical work rests on two separate theoretical foundations: theories that form the basis for analyzing the different target groups and theories dealing with persuasion. Theories of the first sort concern life-style, individual values, perceived risk, individual characteristics and self-image. Earlier research on young car drivers is also relevant in this context. Theories on attitudes and at

Hyperfine structure and isotope shift in Tl II with astrophysical applications

Fourier transform (FT) spectra of Tl II with resolved hyperfine structure (hfs) have been analyzed in the region 1790-3400 Angstrom. Measured isotope shifts (IS) for two transitions, including the S-1-P-3 intercombination line to the ground state at 1908.6 Angstrom are reported. Accurate Ritz wavelengths for isotope and hyperfine components of the S-1-P-1 resonance line at 1321.6 Angstrom are give