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Dynamic relationship between Stock and Bond returns : A GAS MIDAS copula approach
Stock and bond are the two most crucial assets for portfolio allocation and risk management. This study proposes generalized autoregressive score mixed frequency data sampling (GAS MIDAS) copula models to analyze the dynamic dependence between stock returns and bond returns. A GAS MIDAS copula decomposes their relationship into a short-term dependence and a long-term dependence. While the long-ter
Perforation Potential in Life Cycle Assessment: a Method for the Identification of Land Use Activities in Remote Areas
Anthropogenically land cover modifications and human presence in natural environments are not without consequences to ecological processes. From a conservation perspective, these consequences are worrisome specially when considering the human domination of terrestrial ecosystems worldwide. The recent loss of wilderness areas has been described as catastrophic despite pro-active conservation scheme
The role of work and social protection systems in social-ecological transformations: Insights from deliberative citizen forums in Sweden
To avoid catastrophic consequences of impending ecological crises our socio-economic systems need to be transformed in rapid and radical manners. Focusing on working life and Sweden as an example for countries of the Global North with a social-democratic welfare tradition, we ask how social protection systems may be reorganised according to the concept of ‘sustainable welfare’, the satisfaction of
The influence of methylphenidate on auditory brainstem response patients with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; an exploratory study
Background:Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), characterized by periods of inattention, overactivity, and impulsiveness, is the most prevalent neurodevelopmental disorder among children. Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) is a technique in which clickshaped sounds elicit potentials that are recorded from electrodes placed on a patient’s skull. Extant research indicates that ABR is freq
Food sovereignty: Empowering Indigenous peoples in the face of globalisation and climate change. A case-based research study from Oaxaca, Mexico
Worldwide, Indigenous peoples have played a critical role in preserving ecosystems and biodiversity. Historically oppressed by colonial institutions, they are today confronted with detrimental effects of the global food system and increasingly pronounced changes in climate that jeopardise their ability to produce food. In reaction to globalisation, food sovereignty advocates the right of peoples t
Restoring antitumor immunity with dendritic cell reprogramming strategies. Reprogramming cancer cells to antigen-presenting cells.
For the past two decades, immunotherapy revolutionized cancer treatment. However, responses vary significantly among eligible patients and some cancer types are not yet open to immunotherapy. Several mechanisms contribute to immunotherapy resistance, including loss of antigen presentation machinery and immunosuppression. Conventional dendritic cells type 1 (cDC1) are a rare population of professio
A Simple Test Case for Convergence Order in Time and Energy Conservation of Black-Box Coupling Schemes
The most commonly used coupling schemes in partitioned multiphysics simulations suffer from a decrease in the order of convergence, specifically in the time domain; a phenomenon we call order degradation. This paper discusses when this issue arises and how it can be studied with a simple example. We present a simple mass-spring system of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) to analyze accuracy a
Childhood neighborhoods and cause-specific adult mortality in Sweden 1939–2015
The socioeconomic health gradient has widened in recent decades. We study how childhood socioeconomic neighborhood conditions influence gender- and cause-specific adult mortality. Using uniquely detailed geocoded longitudinal microdata for a Swedish town (1939–1967), with a follow-up in national registers (1968–2015), we apply Cox proportional hazards models and estimate individual neighborhoods a
Small-scale freshwater aquaculture, income generation and food security in rural Madagascar
Small-scale production has come to the forefront of debates on just and sustainable transformations of food systems because of their potential contributions to communities’ livelihoods and food security. Small-scale freshwater aquaculture holds the promise to positively contribute to income generation and food security [1]. Yet, the evidence of the relationship between them is scarce, particularly
Effects of stochastic vestibular stimulation on cognitive performance in children with ADHD
Previous work has shown that exposure to auditory white noise (WN) can improve cognitive performance in children with ADHD, but it is unknown whether this improvement generalizes to other sensory modalities. To address this knowledge gap, we tested the effect of Stochastic Vestibular Stimulation (SVS) on cognitive performance and reaction time (RT) variability in two groups: children with ADHD and
Getting Personal : The Intuition of Neutrality Reinterpreted
According to the Intuition of Neutrality, there is a range of well-being levels such that adding people with lives at these levels doesn’t make the world either better or worse. As lives in the neutral range can be good for those who live them, this intuition is in conflict with one of the main tenets of welfarism; it creates a disparity between what is good for a person and what is impersonally g
Iterative and Geometric Methods for State Estimation in Non-linear Models
Many problems in science and engineering involve estimating a dynamic signal from indirect measurements subject to noise, where points can either evolve in continuous time or in discrete time. These problems are often formalised as inference in probabilistic state-space models, which are also frequently assumed to be Markovian. For inferring the value of the signal at a particular point in time, m
Event boundary perception among the visually impaired in audio described films
Audio description (AD) serves a critical role in making film narratives accessible to visually impaired audiences, aiming to enhance their viewing experience and comprehension. One method to assess the comprehension of film narratives, is through an event segmentation task, wherein participants delineate the narrative unfolding into distinct meaningful events. In the present study, both sighted anAudio description (AD) serves a critical role in making film narratives accessible to visually impaired audiences, aiming to enhance their viewing experience and comprehension. One method to assess the comprehension of film narratives, is through an event segmentation task, wherein participants delineate the narrative unfolding into distinct meaningful events. In the present study, both sighted an
Orchestrating an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem in an emerging country : The lead actor’s role from a social capital perspective
During the recent years, the question of whether an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem emerges organically or is man-made has been disputed. This paper explores the case of an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem in a developing country. We argue that in the context of lagging industrial development and weak institutions, a lead actor needs to step in to aid the emergence of an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem. We argue tha
Legal Tech, the Law Firm and the Imagination of the Right Legal Answer
Legal tech is growing, and its growth provokes anxieties about the future of the legal profession as such. In this article, we examine the impact of legal tech on the central role of lawyers at law firms in crafting an imagined ‘right legal answer’ by drawing on Duncan Kennedy’s suggestion that a claim to the rightness of one’s legal propositions is a central characteristic of the legal profession
Iterated Extended Kalman Smoother-Based Variable Splitting for L1-Regularized State Estimation
In this paper, we propose a new framework for solving state estimation problems with an additional sparsity-promoting $L-1$-regularizer term. We first formulate such problems as minimization of the sum of linear or nonlinear quadratic error terms and an extra regularizer, and then present novel algorithms which solve the linear and nonlinear cases. The methods are based on a combination of the ite
Cities, Climate and Change: Pathways and Opportunities
We are facing a climate and ecological emergency. On all levels in society and the economy, there is a need to work towards climate neutrality and sustainable development. A key way to address global and local complex challenges is through cities. But how can we design, create and achieve climate neutral and sustainable cities? This compendium focuses on how to support individuals and organisation
Variation in Polycyclic Aromatic Compound (PAC) Concentrations in a Norway Spruce Stand Close to a Major Traffic Route—Influence of Distance and Season
Air concentrations of polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs) were measured in a Norway spruce (Picea abies) stand at four different distances from a major traffic route near Gothenburg, Sweden, during summer and winter 2019, using passive samplers. In total, the concentrations of 32 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and six dibenzothiophenes (DBTs) and NO2 were analysed. PAC air concentrations
Product repair in a circular economy: Exploring public repair behavior from a systems perspective
Repair practices are driven not only by consumers’ internal motivation, but also by external infrastructural, social including cultural, financial, and political factors. We explore these factors with the goal of understanding the public repair of electrical and electronic products (e-products) from a systems perspective to help devise appropriate change interventions. We document (a) behavioral a