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Institutions and Regulations in Innovation Systems: Effects, Problems and Innovation Policy Design

Institutions (including regulations) are constitutive elements of innovation systems, and therefore cornerstones of innovation policy. Focusing on (soft and hard) regulation, the paper identifies the most salient regulatory areas from the perspective of the innovation system. When asking about the effects of regulation on innovation, the paper argues that there are three key issues that need caref

Creating knowledge of end users' requirements: the interface between firm and project

In order to stay competitive and meet the changing needs of the market, construction firms must develop efficient means of gathering and using knowledge of end-users requirements. This study uses two case studies, to explore the knowledge creation of end-users requirements in project driven firms. The focus of the study is the interface between firm and project. The interface is analyzed from both

Development and Application of Enzyme- and Antibody-based Assays with Emphasis on Selectivity, Sensitivity and Stability

Popular Abstract in Swedish Utveckling och tillämpning av enzym- och antikroppsbaserade analysmetoder med tyngpunkt på selektivitet, sensitivitet och stabilitet Molekylär igenkänning är fundamental för funktioner ho's biologiska system. Biologisk aktiva substanser med specifik igenkänning för en målmolekyl tillämpa's mer och mer inom olika användningsområden, där de efterliknar dera's naturliga fThis thesis presents the development, optimisation, and various applications of enzyme-based biosensors and immunoassays, mainly with relevance to environmental analysis. the thesis discusses problems and possible solutions associated with selectivity, sensitivity and robustness of such bioassays with emphasis on various immunoasssay configurations for determination of surfactants, phenols, or dru

Fractional moving blood volume in fetal organs estimated using power Doppler ultrasound.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Energidoppler (eller power Doppler som det populärt brukar kallas) är en metod att mäta blodflöde. Över en ”normal” ultraljudsbild som visar anatomin, kan man skriva över områden där blod rör sig med en avvikande färg, vanligtvis för energidoppler en skala mellan svart-rött-orange till gult. I den föreliggande avhandlingen har lungor hos foster undersökts, och en energiPower Doppler ultrasound (PDU) is a sensitive technique to detect slow blood movement. The aim of the present study was to develop a standardized method for quantification of the PDU signals recorded from a specific region of interest (ROI) within fetal organs. The quantification method - fractional moving blood volume (FMBV) - compensating for factors potentially affecting the final results, e.g.

The affects towards and perceptions of the self and significant others in hemophiliacs and diabetics

Popular Abstract in Swedish Hur upplever och ser personer med blödarsjuka eller sockersjuka sig själva och närstående andra. I den första delen av denna avhandling studeras 27 patienter, 16 till 39 år gamla, med blödarsjuka. Av primärt intresse var från början frågan hur sjukdomen kunde tänkas påverka deras känsloliv och i synnerhet deras syn på sig själva och betydelsefulla medmänniskor. DärutöveThe Affects Towards And Perceptions Of The Self And Significant Others in Hemophiliacs and Diabetics The studies in this dissertation investigated the feelings towards and ways of perceiving the self and significant others in twenty-seven patients with hemophilia between the ages of 16-39 to discern how their perceptual-affect states are organized. Secondly, the relationship between bleeds and aff

Implementing microinstruction folding on the BlueJ Java optimized processor

This paper present the work on implementing microinstruction folding on the BlueJEP. The BlueJep is a Java Embedded Processor written entirely in Bluespec SystemVerilog. The folding model is introduced and how it is implemented. The implementation was tested on a Xilinx FPGA and measurements were taken through simulation.

Minimum-energy sub-threshold self-timed circuits: design methodology and a case study

This paper addresses the design of self-timed energy minimum circuits, operating in the sub-VT domain. The paper presents a generic implementation template using bundled-data circuitry and current sensing completion detection. To support this, a fully-decoupled latch controller has been developed, which integrates the current sensing circuitry. The paper outlines a corresponding design flow, which

"The Catholic Danger”: The Changing Patterns of Swedish Anti-Catholicism 1850-1965

In the 1860s, Sweden’s harsh religious legislation was liberalised. The Dissenter Act legalised conversions to other Christian denominations, but it put in place many obstacles to leaving the established church, and many of the legal restrictions were obviously anti-Catholic in intent. Anti-Catholic sentiment was also expressed in conjunction with the legislative proposals and parliamentary debate

The Metal Beaker with Embossed Foil Bands

The metal beaker that was found in the house is a unique object. The shape arouses associations with late antique glasses. The beaker is covered with embossed gold bands with figure representations carried out in early Style I. The bands were probably produced around 500 AD. The body of the beaker might be contemporaneous or possibly also older, with the bands as a later addition. The beaker is co

AF:s Arkiv & Studentmuseum

Presentation av samlingarna i Akademiska Föreningens arkiv och museum med tonvikt på ett antal föremål knutna till utställningen "Mellan liv och död" på Lunds Konsthall 31 augusti - 27 oktober 2002.

Selenium Compounds in Milk. Studies of Selenoproteins, Selenium Enrichment and Oxidative Stability of Food

Popular Abstract in Swedish Selen är ett essentiellt näringsämne som har många viktiga fysiologiska funktioner. Hos människor och djur utövar selen sin funktion bara om elementet är specifikt bundet i selenoproteiner som aminosyran selenocystein. Viktiga funktioner hos selenoproteiner är att verka som antioxidanter, upprätthålla redox-balansen i cellerna och reglera sköldkörtelhormonernas aktiviteSelenium is an essential nutrient and in animals and humans it can either be specifically incorporated into proteins as selenocysteine or randomly as selenomethionine. It can also occur as low-molecular-weight compounds and the form of selenium in foods may also influence food quality. The aims of the present studies were: to study selenium and other trace element compounds in milk and whey; to el