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Immunity to Salmonella infection

Popular Abstract in Swedish Salmonella infektion drabbar ca 16 miljoner människor i världen per år. Salmonella sprids genom mat och vatten och fšrekommer främst i länder där god hygien är ett problem. Beroende på vilken typ av Salmonella som man infekteras av, kan man drabbas av magsjuka eller en allvarlig systemisk infektion som i värsta fall kan leda till döden (tyfoid feber). Salmonella tar sigThe immune system has several strategies to combat infections. The present study investigates various aspects of the interaction between Gram negative bacteria, particularly Salmonella, and antigen presenting cells (APC). Salmonella is an intracellular bacterium infecting mice and man. Salmonella typhimurium infection in mice is a frequently used model for studying systemic Salmonella infection. O

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Popular Abstract in French n/a[abstract missing]

On the Performance of IEEE 802.11 QoS Mechanisms under Spectrum Competition

WLANs based on IEEE 802.11 are becoming more and more popular both in commercial and residential settings. However, the very success of 802.11 may become a threat to the technology itself. Since there are only a limited number of non-overlapping channels available in the IEEE 802.11 WLAN standards, this can lead to interference among WLANs in dense areas. In this paper, we investigate the effects

A Probing Approach for Detection of Acetate Formation

Many pharmaceuticals are today produced using genetically modified microorganisms. A typical problem in monitoring and control of biotechnical processes is that many important process variables cannot be measured on-line. This has triggered much research and development concerning new sensors. Another way of addressing the problem is to improve and to extend the use of existing sensors.

Production scheduling in the process industry

The purpose of this paper is to formulate an optimization model for the production scheduling problem at continuous production sites. The production scheduling activity should produce a monthly schedule that accounts for orders and forecasts of all products. The plan should be updated every day, with feedback on the actual production the previous day. The actual daily production may be lower than

Human vascular alpha-adrenoceptors. A study of peripheral arteries and veins in vitro and in vivo.

By means of a sensitive myograph and alpha-receptor subtype selective agonists and antagonists the postjunctional alpha-adrenoceptors were characterized in small omental and groin arteries and veins and in long saphenous veins obtained from 52 "healthy" adults during surgery. These vessels were found to have a mixed population of contraction mediating postjunctional alpha-receptors with a predomin

The effect of country level factors on the trade-off between cost and flexibility in mass customization

Insufficient attention has been paid to both the relationship between mass customization capability and operational performance and the contingency factors affecting this relationship. We propose a model that conceptualizes the relationship between mass customization capability, flexibility performance, and cost performance. The hypotheses are empirically tested using data collected from 5th round