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En vår i Lund, en karneval.
Optical spectrometer for a confocal scanning laser microscope with applications in porphyrin-containing specimens
The Role of Energy in the Industrial Revolution and Modern Economic Growth
The expansion in the supply of energy services over the last couple of centuries has reduced the apparent importance of energy in economic growth despite energy being an essential production input. We demonstrate this by developing a simple extension of the Solow growth model, which we use to investigate 200 years of Swedish data. We find that the elasticity of substitution between a capital-labor
Kommentar till Lag (1969:200) om uttagande av utländsk tull, annan skatt, avgift eller pålaga
Capital Movements, Exchange Rates and Market Integration: The Baltic Area 1870-1913
Channel capacity performance of multi-band dual antenna in proximity of a user
This paper presents an evaluation of single input single output (SISO), single input multiple output (SIMO) and multiple input multiple output (MIMO) channel capacities for a dual antenna prototype in proximity of a user. The dual antenna prototype mimics today’s small mobile phone design in size and in comprising internal, compact, multi-band antennas. Four different user cases are evaluated by m
The Linnaeus-Palme Exchange program — A program evaluation report for the period 2006-2012
Abstract in UndeterminedThe report is an evaluation of five years of Linnaeus-Palme exchange programme between the chemistry departments at University of Gothenburg, Sweden and University of the West Indies, Jamaica. The exchange programme gives students and teachers at the two universities the possibility to study and teach at the partner university to better understand the international implicat
Second Generation Mothers. Do the children of immigrants adjust their fertility to host country norms?
"Mänsklighetens största problem genom alla tider" : en receptionsstudie av elevers miljöberättelser och historiska meningsskapande 1969
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Interim Report: Flashing Lights for Road Tunnel Emergency Exit Portals - A Virtual Reality Experiment
A virtual reality (VR) experiment with 96 participants was carried out to provide recommendations on the design of flashing lights on emergency exit portals for road tunnel emergency evacuation. The experiment was carried out in a Cave Automatic Virtual Environment (CAVE) laboratory at Lund University. A set of variables has been investigated, namely 1) Colour of flashing lights, 2) Flashing rate,
Östergötland. Studiehandledning till Svenska Turistföreningens årsbok år 2000
Nätkränkningar: en studie av svenska ungdomars normer och beteenden
Den här rapporten utgår från empirisk data som samlats in inom ramen för det rättssociologiska forskningsprojektet Kränkningar i en digital kontext som finansieras av Brottsofferfonden. Bearbetningen har genomförts av Måns Svensson (projektansvarig) och Karl Dahlstrand, båda verksamma vid Rättssociologiska institutionen vid Lunds universitet. Rapporten har sammanställts på uppdrag av Ungdomsstyrel
The impact of work on the night blood pressure dipping profile.
Objective. The purpose of this study was to elucidate whether ambulatory blood pressure (ABPM) performed during a work day and a non-work day had any impact on the night dipping profile. Study design. A crossover randomized ABPM study in primary healthcare was retrospectively analysed for the occurrence of non-dipping (ND), dipping (D) or extreme (XD) nightly dipping. Non-dippers were defined as s
Quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical (QM/MM) methods and applications in bioinorganic chemistry
Skatter - teori och praktik
Normer som rättsregler
The Extended Television: Using tangible computing to meet the needs of older persons at a nursing home.
This paper presents a person-centred model and a tangible computing approach to better adapt television media to meet two important needs of older people: social inclusion in their immediate surroundings and better support for one’s own reflections. Method The research project was carried out as a part of the construction, planning and implementation of a new nursing home. The implemented infrastr