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Mechanisms of P fimbriae cell activation

Popular Abstract in Swedish De allra flesta mikrobiella infektioner börjar på slemhinnan och en gemensam nämnare för patogena mikroberna är deras förmåga att stimulera ett immunsvar på just den plats som de infekterat. De patogena bakteriernas kommer först i kontakt med epitelcellerna, som bildar kroppens barriär mot omgivningen. Interaktionen mellan patogener och dessa celler leder till ett inflaMicrobial attachment to host cells plays a central role in the induction of inflammatory responses and the production of the disease. Uropathogenic Gram negative bacteria carry surface lectins that specifically recognize oligosaccharide receptor epitopes expressed on glycolipids or glycoproteins. The resulting attachment may facilitate the action of other virulence factors, but may also activate t

Statistical analysis of measured short-term impulse response functions of 1.88 GHz radio channels in Stockholm with corresponding channel model

A statistical analysis of amplitudes corresponding to multipath components in outdoor (urban/suburban) channels is presented. The study is based on short-term complex impulse response measurements conducted in Stockholm at 1.88 GHz carrier frequency with 5 MHz bandwidth. The actual investigations show that the Rice distribution gives the best fitting in the Kramer-von-Mises sense. Further it is sh

The Origins (or Evolution) of Organizational Capabilities

The purpose of this proposed symposium is to bring scholars together to discuss and debate the origins of organizational capabilities. The question of origins has been a sticky one to resolve, specifically due to the problem of infinite regress and the multi-level nature of capabilities. For example, should explanation of capabilities be reduced to, say, genes? What is the appropriate level of ana

Compound Formation in Model Catalysts

In this thesis we have performed a systematic atomic scale characterization of model catalysts under pressures ranging from UHV to atmospheric ambient. By using a unique approach, linking UHV and high pressures studies by combining traditional electron based techniques with novel high pressure in situ probes and ab initio calculations, the surface structure of the different model catalysts could b