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"Här finns ingen tid att förlora" : professionellas tankar kring gravida missbrukare

The purpose of this paper has been to examine the ways in which professionals describe their work with pregnant drug-addicts. The paper raises the following questions; · How does the deviant behavior, that using drugs during pregnancy can be described as, affect the professionals in their work with pregnant drug-addicts? · How do the professionals experience their own role, and the roles of othe

Mental arbetsbelastning : jämförelse av flygning under enmotorskedet med flygning under tvåmotorskedet

Som grund för denna uppsats ligger en tidigare undersökning med titeln Undersökning av mental arbetsbelastning under instrumentflygövningar (Andreas Johnsson, 2004). Denna uppsats utgör en fortsättning på ovan nämnda undersökning. Liksom i Johnssons (2004) undersökning har en subjektiv mätmetod baserad på en niogradig skala använts för att utvärdera svaren på den enkät som använts för att få fram

Development With Neo-Liberal Policy - Is Income Inequality a Negative Societal Outcome?

Neo-liberal policy as a means for development has been present in our society since the first experiment in Chile during the 1970s. This experience came to be known as an economic ?miracle? and the model was soon imitated by surrounding countries. In these countries income inequality has been a well-known feature and the Gini Coefficient in all Latin American countries exceeds the world average. T

"Man kan väl typ dö" : Ungdomars föreställningar om narkotika

The purpose of this essay was to investigate the opinions of young people, age 14-16, at a school in a middle-sized city in Sweden, concerning narcotics. The questions we asked ourselves were; -What are young peoples' ideas of narcotics? -What do young people imagine when they think of a drug addict? -What reasons do young people give to start using narcotics? -What gender-related opinions

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It is claimed by several Western experts that the citizens are loosing confidence in their politicians. If true, it poses a serious threat to the legitimacy of the decisions made by politicians. The answer to this claimed lack of trust could be found in the politician role, because this role is the link between the mass and the political institutions. Politicians act as the representatives of the

En ledarfunktionell roll inför förändring : uppfattningar om den framtida rollen

Uppsatsen syftar till att analysera tänkbara konsekvenser av rödakorskonsulenters uppfattningar om en framtida rollförändring, samt diskutera lämpliga strategier för rödakorskonsulenten gentemot arbetsområdet. Uppsatsen är av kvalitativ art och baseras på sju stycken intervjuer med rödakorskonsulenter inom Röda Korset. För att kunna besvara vårt syfte har intervjuerna analyserats utifrån följande

Debatten om det kommunala självstyret 1978 och 1998. En analys av en tillsynes odödlig debatt.

In this essay I will look at the independence of the Swedish municipalities. By looking at articles for the biggest journal in Sweden on this subject Kommun aktuellt I will look at the discussion for the years of 1978 and 1998 to see if one can draw some parallels in the debate and see if some subjects are always returning in the agenda for the independence. The autonomy of the Swedish municipalit

China and the International Human Rights Regime - struggling for hegemony

Although the Chinese government claims respect of human rights, it seems that the official Chinese conception of these rights is not only different from but also challenges the dominant international conception - this Chinese challenge of the international human rights regime constitutes the problem area of this thesis. Using a Laclau and Mouffe inspired discourse analysis strategy to deconstruct

Hör du dåligt : En litteraturstudie om hörselskadade, stigma och socialpolitik

The purpose of this paper was to discuss stigma and stigmatisation in relation to social policy and social work. By discussing welfare systems in social policy I wanted to see if there could be any connection between social policy and stigma. I used case studies of hearing impaired adults to give examples of how the stigma processes work. By connecting the stigma and the social policy theories wit

American Empire : Past, Present, and Future

This essay examines the past, present, and future of the American Empire. America is an empire, and its actions during the last half century have been indicative of such. Like all great empires, America seems set to decline due to a multitude of factors. I will find the reasons for this decline by examing the course of events from the end of World War II up until the present day. By taking these f

Så lika men ändå så olika

Before 1944 homosexuality was an act of crime and you could be sentenced to prison for up to 2 years. This law only included men, women where not thought having homosexual activities. Although homosexuality was not a criminal act after 1944 it was still on the list over Swedish diseases, a list maid by the Swedish board of social affairs. The years between 1978 and 1984 a study of the homosexual

The New Public Management Reform in Municipal Governments as Crucial Catalyst for Transition to Grassroots Electoral Democracy in China

This research approaches public administration reform in China from a domestic perspective. Whereas recognizing that the mechanisms behind the nature differ from the principle of New Public Management (NPM) of Anglo-Saxon tradition, the reform initiatives are similar. Municipal governments were encouraged to carry out NPM Reform towards governance model since 1998 to serve dual-purpose. That is st

Graffitifrågan i Sverige - Två städers förhållningssätt

The chosen task in this thesis is to compare two projects of importance on the impact on the approach to graffiti in Norrköping and Göteborg. My main source for empirical findings was interviews. I have examined the Norrköping project Canslit including legal graffiti walls and a graffiti school and the political process around it. This was compared to the Göteborg project kulturprojekt Röda Sten,

Organisationskultur i en processorganistion

At the beginning of the nineties, a new form of organisation, the process organisation, was about to be born. The features of the process organisation were a flexible organisational that works in a world where the pace of development is increasing all the time. Today there are many organisations that have mapped their processes, but in order to truly become a process organisation, the processes am

Piska och morot : om straff, vård och ordning inom svensk kriminalvård

Generellt kan sägas att det alltid finns ett spel och en relation mellan vårdgivare och vårdtagare, respektive bestraffare och den straffade. Detta framkommer tydligt i fängelsemiljö. Två centrala begrepp i diskussionen om kriminalvård är vård och straff. Ofta framställs dessa två som varandras motsats och som existerande oberoende av varandra. Man talar ofta om att döma någon till det ena eller d

Barn som far illa : Hur BVC-sjuksköterskor definierar begreppet "barn som far illa" samt hur de förhåller sig till anmälningsskyldigheten

The purpose of this work was to research how baby nurses define the concept child maltreatment and how they conduct themselves to mandatory reporting. The central questions were; How do the baby nurses interpret the concept child maltreatment and which children do they consider comprehending the concept? What are the reasons that children are maltreated according to the baby nurses opinions? Do

Om samspel och gruppklimat i arbetsgruppen : En kvalitativ studie om samspelets och gruppklimatets betydelse för arbetsgruppens gemensamma psykosociala arbetsmiljö

The purpose of this paper is to identify significant factors of influence for the co-existence and team climate within working groups, and to examine their impact on the psychosocial work environment within a group. Team climate and interaction affect every individual in a group. The manager, however, is the one formally accountable for the psychosocial climate in a working group, which is the rea

Kulturarv, efterfrågan och musikalisk mångfald En fallstudie kring bibliotekariers och användares uppfattningar om musikbibliotekets uppdrag och roll

The main purpose with this Master's thesis has been to through a case study investigate and analyze the music library activity at the Public Library in Lund, in order to find out according to which ideas and principals this activity is run by. It also discusses how you at the music department handle your task as intermediary of music and how well this coincides with the users expectations. To

Barsebäck återigen på agendan - En komparativ argumentationsanalys av debatten i danska och svenska medier kring stängningen av Barsebäck

Den 4 oktober 2004 beslutade socialdemokraterna i Sverige och dess samarbets-partier i kärnkraftsfrågan att Barsebäck skulle stängas under 2005. Beslutet startade en mediedebatt i både Danmark och Sverige kring kärnkraften som tidigare varit död. Med en komparativ argumentationsanalys har vi studerat två danska respektive två svenska dagstidningar för att jämföra debatten mellan länderna. Sverige

Bland glastak och läckande rör Jämställdhet inom högskolan, en komparativ studie mellan två institutioner vid Lunds universitet

Abstract Varför ser det ut som det gör inom den svenska akademin? Vilka är orsakerna till att män och kvinnor väljer olika utbildningar och karriärvägar inom högskolan? Inom området jämställdhet och högskolan finns många olika teorier kring de faktorer som påverkar könsfördelningen. De vanligaste metaforerna som används är den läckande pipelinen och glastaket som båda beskriver olika typer av jäm