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Adaptive Blood Velocity Estimation in Medical Ultrasound

This paper investigates the use of data-adaptive spectral estimation techniques for blood velocity estimation in medical ultrasound. Current commercial systems are based on the averaged periodogram, which requires a large observation window to give sufficient spectral resolution. Herein, we propose a novel data-adaptive method to form the blood velocity spectral estimate. The method is evaluated u

Nordic Reference Interval Project Bio-bank and Database (NOBIDA): a source for future estimation and retrospective evaluation of reference intervals

In the Nordic Reference Interval Project 2000 (NORIP) serum, Li-heparin plasma and EDTA buffy coat were collected at 102 laboratories in 5 Nordic countries from healthy individuals aged 18 years or more and evenly distributed for laboratory, gender and age. Multiple aliquots of these samples from each of about 3000 persons are now stored at the Nordic Reference Interval Project Bio-bank and Databa

Indoor Environmental Factors and its Associations with Asthma and Allergy Among Swedish Pre-School Children

Popular Abstract in Swedish En mängd epidemiologiska studier har visat att fuktskador i bostaden eller på arbetsplatsen ökar risken för olika typer av hälsobesvär, t.ex. astmatiska och allergiska besvär. Exakt vad som emitteras och orsakar dessa symptom i fuktskadade byggnader är inte känt, men både kemiska och mikrobiologiska agens är misstänkta. Vidare finns behov av bättre metoder för att identIt has been shown in a large number of scientific studies that living or working in a building with mould and moisture damage increases the risk for asthmatic and allergic symptoms. However, there is a need to establish more valid methods to obtain a more nuanced picture of the wide range of different types of moisture related problems. Furthermore, the causal relationships and the biological mech

Molecular mapping of epitopes involved in ligand activation of the human receptor for the neuropeptide, VIP, based on hybrids with the human secretin receptor

Receptors for the neurotransmitter and neuroendocrine peptides, vasoactive intesinal peptide (VIP) and secretin, both belong to the Type B subfamily of G-protein-coupled receptors. This group is evolutionally as well as structurally distinct from the much larger Type A, or rhodopsin-type, subfamily. We have mapped the ligand-activating epitopes of the human VIP1 receptor by the use of hybrid recep

Assimilation or coarticulation? Evidence from the coordination of tongue gestures for the palatalization of Bulgarian alveolar stops.

Three issues are considered in this report —are assimilation and coarticulation the same process or different, are they achieved by feature spreading or by coproduction, and what level or levels of neuromotor planning or production do they represent? Tongue gestures analysed from an X-ray motion film of Bulgarian speech are presented as examples of what the tongue is made to do in speech and of ho

Trichloroethylene: Effects on body and organ weights in mice, rats and gerbils

The influence of continuous inhalation of 150 ppm trichloroethylene (TCE) on body, liver, spleen, and kidney weights in rats, mice, and mongolian gerbils was tested. An age dependent decrease in body weight gain was observed in female rats exposed to TCE. All 3 spcies showed liver enlargement caused by the exposure. The effect was much more pronounced in mice, in which the increase was 60–80%, th

Ute och inne : Kritisk dialog mellan personalkollektiv inom psykiatrin

Popular Abstract in Swedish Behandlingsideologier och arbetsmodeller avlöser varandra snabbt i dagens samhälle. Att hänga med i det nya och samtidigt försvara det arbete som man gör eller tidigare gjort är en problematik som allt fler ställs inför. I spelet mellan olika inriktningar byggs det upp en argumentation. I denna avhandling analyseras hur anställda vid en psykiatrisk vårdinstitution, specTreatment ideologies and working models replace each other quickly in today's society. During the 1980s a dramatic dismantling of the psychiatric institutions occurred. The health care system was supposed to be transferred to non-institutional care. This was, however, not possible for all groups of patients. At an institution, specialized in so called demanding patients and patients who received c

Clinical case seminar - Insufficient ketone body use is the cause of ketotic Hypoglycemia in one of a pair of homozygotic twins

Context: Childhood ketotic hypoglycemia ( KH) is a disease characterized by fasting hypoglycemia and increased levels of ketone bodies. The cause is unknown. Objective: The objective of the study was to study a pair of homozygotic twin boys, one of whom had severe KH from the age of 14 months, whereas the other boy was apparently healthy. Design and Results: At the age of 6 yr, the boys were thoro

Measurement of the Lambda(0)(b) decay form factor

The form factor of A(o)(b) baryons is estimated using 3.46 x 10(6) hadronic Z decays collected by the DELPM experiment between 1992 and 1995. Charmed A(c)(+) baryons fully reconstructed in the pK(-)pi(+), pK(o)(s), and Api(+)pi(+)pi(-) modes, are associated to a c S lepton with opposite charge in order to select A(o)(b) --> A(c)(+)l(-)v(l) decays. From a combined likelihood and event rate fit to t

The Origins of the Synagogue : A Socio-Historical Study

In the first century CE, synagogues existed not only in the land of Israel but in all parts of the Roman Empire where Jews lived. Although incorporating a number of activities, the most characteristic features of this institution were the public reading and teaching of torah, making the synagogue an unparalleled institution in the ancient world. But how, when, where, and why did this unique instit

Strategic alliances and trust processes - a study of strategic collaborations between high-technology companies.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Strategiska allianser utgör en tillväxtstrategi som har blivit ett allt vanligare inslag i näringslivet. Även forskningsbidragen kring strategiska allianser har vuxit i omfattning. Dessa forskningsbidrag har i stor utsträckning utgått från ett ekonomiskt/rationellt perspektiv samt fokuserat på de inledande faserna i samarbetet, med inriktning på motiv och val av samarbeThe purpose of this thesis is to develop an increased understanding of strategic alliance processes. A specific aim has been to explore the trust processes involved, and to better understand the dynamics of the strategic alliance processes. The study includes socio-cultural elements and captures both the manager´s and the employee´s perspectives in everyday life. The theoretical discussions were b

Surface characteristics of group A streptococci with and without M-protein

Twenty M protein-positive and eight M protein-negative strains of group A streptococci were investigated with respect to surface hydrophobicity and amount of lipoteichoic acid (LTA). Surface hydrophobicity as determined in polymer two-phase systems varied substantially between individual strains and there was no correlation to the presence of antiphagocytic M protein. The amount of LTA on the surf

Tectonic implications of ca. 1.45 Ga granitoid magmatism at the southwestern margin of the East European Craton

Popular Abstract in Swedish Planeten Jordens yttersta lager består av fast berg och kallas jordskorpan. Det finns två olika typer.av jordskorpa. Den ena är ocean, den andra kontinental. Den oceana jordskorpan är relativt tunn och uppbyggs av tunga, basaltiska bergarter. Den nybildas ständigt vid de s.k. mittoceana ryggarna ur smältor som där uppstiger ur Jordens mantel. Efter detta förstörs den doBetween ca 1.53 and 1.40 Ga, the southwestern margin of the East European Craton was subjected to extensive magmatism and deformation. While various suites of anorthositic, mangeritic and charnockitic-granitic rocks were emplaced between ca. 1.53 and 1.50 Ga, a major event of A-type granitic magmatism took place around 1.45 Ga. During that event, numerous voluminous plutons were intruded in a wide

Brandingenjörer i arbetslivet - en undersökning av dem som genomgått brandingenjörsutbildningen och några av deras arbetsgivare

Rapporten behandlar alumners och arbetsgivares erfarenheter av brandingenjörsutbildningen vid Lunds universitet. Undersökningen genomfördes som en nätenkät riktad till samtliga som avlagt brandingenjörsexamen vid Lunds universitet samt en skriftlig enkät till tio av deras arbetsgivare. Resultaten visade att alumnerna var mycket nöjda med utbildningen som helhet, men kritiska till att viss färdighe

Gas6 and protein S. Vitamin K-dependent ligands for the Axl receptor tyrosine kinase subfamily.

Gas6 and protein S are two homologous secreted proteins that depend on vitamin K for their execution of a range of biological functions. A discrete subset of these functions is mediated through their binding to and activation of the receptor tyrosine kinases Axl, Sky and Mer. Furthermore, a hallmark of the Gas6-Axl system is the unique ability of Gas6 and protein S to tether their non receptor-bin

Some ecophysiological and historical approaches to species richness and calcicole/calcifuge behaviour - Contribution to a debate

Species richness in vascular plants was related to the plants' calcifuge or calcicole behaviour using documentation from forests and open-land vegetation at about one thousand sites in the southern parts of Sweden. It is concluded that vegetation of strongly acid soils (pH-KCl < 4.5) have fewer vascular plant species than comparable vegetation of other soils, whereas there are no consistent differ

Islet antibodies and remaining beta-cell function 8 years after diagnosis of diabetes in young adults: a prospective follow-up of the nationwide Diabetes Incidence Study in Sweden.

Objectives. To establish the prevalence of remaining beta-cell function 8 years after diagnosis of diabetes in young adults and relate the findings to islet antibodies at diagnosis and 8 years later. Design. Population-based cohort study. Setting. Nationwide from all Departments of Medicine and Endocrinology in Sweden. Subjects. A total of 312 young (15-34 years old) adults diagnosed with diabe