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Distributed optimal equilibrium selection for traffic flow over networks

In this paper, we present two distributed algorithms to compute an equilibrium, that is optimal with respect to strictly convex and separable cost functions, for controlled traffic flow dynamics over networks under constant exogenous inflows. The dynamics is modeled in continuous time by the Cell Transmission Model and a non-FIFO Dynamic Network Loading Model, with traffic control. The two algorit

Probing the gluon density of the proton in the exclusive photoproduction of vector mesons at the LHC : a phenomenological analysis

The current uncertainty on the gluon density extracted from the global parton analysis is large in the kinematical range of small values of the Bjorken-x variable and low values of the hard scale (Formula presented.). An alternative to reduces this uncertainty is the analysis of the exclusive vector meson photoproduction in photon–hadron and hadron–hadron collisions. This process offers a unique o

Cognitive functioning and employment among people with schizophrenia in vocational rehabilitation

BACKGROUND: Employment is central to recovery in schizophrenia, but little attention has been paid to its relationship with cognitive functioning. OBJECTIVE: This cross-sectional study adds to the knowledge base of relationships between cognitive functioning and gaining competitive employment, work hours per week, and monthly income among people with schizophrenia in vocational rehabilitation. It

Dynamic ventilation 3He MRI for the quantification of disease in the rat lung

Pulmonary diseases are known to be largely inhomogeneous. To evaluate such inhomogeneities, we are testing an image-based method to measure gas flow in the lung regionally. Dynamic, spin-density-weighted hyperpolarized (3)He MR images performed during slow inhalation of this gas were analyzed to quantify regional inflation rate. This parameter was measured in regions of interest (ROIs) that were d

Measurement of MR signal and T2* in lung to characterize a tight skin mouse model of emphysema using single-point imaging

PURPOSE: To evaluate whether MRI signal and T2* measurements of lung tissue acquired at ultrashort detection times (tds) can detect emphysematous changes in lungs.MATERIALS AND METHODS: MR signal intensity of in vivo mouse lungs was measured at 4.7 T at tds of 0.2 and 0.4 msec using single-point imaging (SPI). T2* was calculated from the measurements obtained at the two tds. Two groups of 8- and 3

Echo-planar MR imaging of dissolved hyperpolarized 129Xe : Potential for MR angiography

PURPOSE: The feasibility of hyperpolarized 129Xe for fast MR angiography (MRA) was evaluated using the echo-planar imaging (EPI) technique.MATERIAL AND METHODS: Hyperpolarized Xe gas was dissolved in ethanol, a carrier agent with high solubility for Xe (Ostwald solubility coefficient 2.5) and long relaxation times. The dissolved Xe was injected as a bolus into a flow phantom where the mean flow ve

Multiplanar MR temperature-sensitive imaging of cerebral thermal treatment using interstitial ultrasound applicators in a canine model

PURPOSE: To study the feasibility of an interleaved gradient-echo, echo-planar imaging (iGE-EPI) sequence for multiplanar magnetic resonance temperature imaging (MRTI) to monitor intracerebral thermal treatment three-dimensionally using multielement ultrasound applicators.MATERIALS AND METHODS: Transmissible venereal tumor (TVT) fragments were injected into the right cerebral hemisphere of five do

Gd‐DTPA2–‐enhanced MRI of femoral knee cartilage: A dose‐response study in healthy volunteers

The negatively charged contrast agent Gd-DTPA2- distributes inversely to the cartilage fixed charged density. This enables structural cartilage examinations by contrast-enhanced MRI. In line with the development of a clinically applicable protocol for such examinations, this study describes the temporal pattern of Gd-DTPA2- distribution in femoral knee cartilage at three different doses in healthy

Image analysis methods for assessing levels of image plane nonuniformity and stochastic noise in a magnetic resonance image of a homogeneous phantom

Magnetic response image plane nonuniformity and stochastic noise are properties that greatly influence the outcome of quantitative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) evaluations such as gel dosimetry measurements using MRI. To study these properties, robust and accurate image analysis methods are required. New nonuniformity level assessment methods were designed, since previous methods were found to

Dosimeter gel and MR imaging for verification of calculated dose distributions in clinical radiation therapy

A dosimeter gel, based on an agarose gel infused with a ferrous sulphate solution and evaluated in a magnetic resonance scanner, was used for complete verification of calculated dose distributions. Two standard treatment procedures, treatment of cancer in the urinary bladder and treatment of breast cancer after modified radical mastectomy, were examined using pixel-by-pixel and dose volume histogr

Political comedy engagement : Genre work, political identity and cultural citizenship

Politisk komedi är en hybridgenre där politiska nyheter och analyser blandas med komedi och underhållning. Allt eftersom politisk komedi ökar i popularitet – i de flesta medieformer och nationella kontexter – arbetar forskare med att förstå dess roll i relation till medborgarskap, och det kan konstateras att genren utmanar den vetenskapliga förståelsen av politiska medier och medborgarskap. Denna Political comedy is a hybrid genre that mixes political news and analysis with comedy and entertainment. As it becomes more and more popular in most media forms and national contexts, researchers struggle to understand its role in relation to other types of political media, and of citizenship; in this sense, it challenges scholarly conceptualisation of political media and citizenship. Thus, this t

Full-lifetime simulations of multiple unequal-mass planets across all phases of stellar evolution

We know that planetary systems are just as common around white dwarfs as around main-sequence stars. However, self-consistently linking a planetary system across these two phases of stellar evolution through the violent giant branch poses computational challenges, and previous studies restricted architectures to equal-mass planets. Here, we remove this constraint and perform over 450 numerical int

Is there an exoplanet in the Solar system?

We investigate the prospects for the capture of the proposed Planet 9 from other stars in the Sun's birth cluster. Any capture scenario must satisfy three conditions: the encounter must be more distant than ∼150 au to avoid perturbing the Kuiper belt; the other star must have a wide-orbit planet (a ≳ 100 au); the planet must be captured on to an appropriate orbit to sculpt the orbital distribution