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Your search for "*" yielded 531864 hits

Certified Professional in Configuration Management - Glossary of terms used in Configuration Management

Much time and effort is wasted both within and between industry, commerce, government and professional and academic institutions when ambiguities arise as a result of the inability to differentiate adequately between such terms as 'change control' and 'change management'; 'configuration management policy' and 'configuration management plan' and similar terms which form an interface between various

The Capacity of Binders for MIMO Digital Subscriber Lines

Crosstalk is one of the main limiting factors in the data rates achievable by digital subscriber line (DSL) systems, and several algorithms have been proposed to mitigate this impairment. In this paper, we compare the capacity of binders under different crosstalk-mitigating techniques. When computing capacity, we also compare two different power constraints: either on the total power in the binder

Fat digestion and its role in appetite regulation and energy balance - the importance of enterostatin and tetrahydrolipstatin.

A high fat intake, together with an inability to match lipid utilization of a high-fat intake, is correlated with obesity in man. In this review enterostatin, a peptide, which specifically reduces fat intake, is described. Enterostatin is formed in the intestine by the cleavage of pancreatic procolipase, the remaining colipase serving as an obligatory cofactor for pancreatic lipase during fat dige

Från ord till handling. Individuella möjligheter och samhälleliga restriktioner

I dagens läge finns en hel del kunskap om olika aspekter av miljöanpassade handlingssätt. Samtidigt har forskningen givit upphov till insikter om nya, ofta komplicerade frågor om förhållandet mellan människors värderingar, attityder i miljöfrågor och omställning till mera miljöanpassat beteende. I det här kapitlet kommer den kunskap om människors miljöhandlingar som finns i dag att diskuteras och

A framework for organization and representation on concept knowledge in autonomous agents

In this paper the problems of organization and representation of concept knowledge are addressed from an autonomous agent perspective. The first part of the paper discusses the question of why an autonomous agent needs concepts at all and what other uses it can make of them. After the necessary and/or desirable functions of concepts have been identified, previous attempts to represent concepts are

Partially quenched chiral perturbation theory to NNLO

This paper summarizes the recent calculations of the masses and decay constants of the pseudoscalar mesons at the two-loop level, or NNLO, in Partially Quenched Chiral Perturbation Theory (PQxPT). Possible applications include chiral extrapolations of Lattice QCD, as well as the determination of the low-energy constants (LEC:s) of QCD

Surface proteins of pathogenic streptococci

Popular Abstract in Swedish Grupp B streptokocker (GBS; Streptococcus agalactiae) är den vanligaste orsaken till livs-hotande infektioner hos nyfödda barn. Enbart i USA orsakar GBS ~10 000 fall av meningit (hjärnhinneinflammation), pneumoni (lunginflammation) och sepsis (blodförgiftning) varje år. Infektionerna har hög dödlighet och en stor del av de barn som överlever infektionerna får bestående Streptococcus pyogenes (group A streptococcus) and the group B streptococcus (GBS) are two important human pathogens that cause different types of diseases and express different surface structures implicated in virulence. This thesis focuses on several surface proteins expressed by these pathogens, analyzing the biological function of these proteins and their ability to elicit protective immunity.