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The Dead Sea Future Elevation Based on Water and Salt Mass Balances

Water and salt mass balances for the Dead Sea were modeled. Precipitation, evaporation, river discharges, ground water flows, input/output from potash companies and salt production, and brine discharge were included in the models. The mixing time in the Dead Sea was modeled using a single-layer (well-mixed) a two-layer (stratified) system. Using the single-layer approach the water level was predi

A Microcalorimetric Study of Resting and Activated Cellular Systems

Several cell types and nerve tissue have been studied using a combination of microcalorimetry and other methods. The heat production rate and its pH dependence of normal and transformed 3T3 cells were studied. The transformed cells manifested a higher heat production rate and a larger anaerobic contribution to the total catabolism than did the non-transformed cells. Moreover, the transformed cell

CHRONIC MUSCULOSKELETAL PAIN. Population studies of pain-experience with special focus on the Total Body Pain and aspects of adaptation in a cognitive-behavior psychological frame of reference

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen utgörs av studier av smärtupplevelse i olika befolkningsgrupper. I fokus för analyserna står smärtans totala utbredning. Ett beteendepsykolo-giskt perspektiv har applicerats på psykosociala aspekter av betydelse för att hantera den kroniska smärtan. Alla studier har genomförts på urval av Malmöbefolkningen. Bakgrund. Smärtrelaterad arbetsoförmåga är ett foMusculoskeletal pain-related vocational dysfunction is a major public health problem. The solution is beyond the scope of biomedicine, but the problem could well be analyzed in the complementary, cognitive-behavior psychological frame of reference. In order to better prevent the development of pain-related dysfunction: The sociodemographic milieu of dysfunctional chronic pain patients was examined

Syntolkning : forskning och praktik

Bokens första del består av tio längre artiklar, skrivna av forskare och utbildare från olika discipliner. De baseras på forsknings- och utvecklingsprojekt som pågått under de gångna fem åren. I bokens andra del har vi samlat några röster från syntolkningsområdet i stort, framför allt från aktörer utanför den akademiska sfären. Vår ambition är att genom forskning öka förståelsen för syntolkning oc

A new circumscription of the genus Xanthodactylon (Teloschistaceae, lichenized Ascomycetes).

The African genus Xanthodactylon is circumscribed and compared with the cosmopolitan genus Xanthoria. The two genera are best distinguished by their ascospores. The South African species Xanthodactylon turbinatum is shown to be heterogeneous. A new species Xanthodactylon wirthii is segregated and the new combination X. alexanderbaai is proposed. Four species are thus included in Xanthodactylon. In

Simulation methods

This chapter aims to raise awareness about the usefulness and importance of simulation in support of software engineering. Simulation is applied in many critical engineering areas and enables one to address issues before they become problems. Simulation – in particular process simulation – is a state of the art technology to analyze process behaviour, risks and complex systems with their inherent

Utilization of Wild Fruit in Mozambique – Drying of Vangueria infausta (African medlar)

Popular Abstract in English In Mozambique, many wild fruit species occur naturally in forest environments. Most of the wild fruits are consumed fresh because of their short shelf-life when ripe. Forests play an important role in rural communities as a source of food and medicinal and social/cultural services and also provide a source of income when fruits are sold at local markets. Some parts of MVangueria infausta (African medlar) is a wild fruit found in southern and central Mozambique. The ripe fruit has a leathery skin enclosing three to five seeds embedded in a soft pulp that tastes like apple. It plays an important role in the diet of the rural population and has the potential for commercial use. The fruit is mostly eaten fresh, and sometimes mixed with porridges, but in some parts

Triader och typifieringar - Anhöriga som sociala verktyg, kunskapskällor, medbehandlare och "extra-patienter"

I sjukvårdssammanhang har anhöriga ofta givits roller som tolkar eller talesmän för patienterna visavi personalen. Under senare tid tycks förhållandena mellan dessa tre parter alltmer tagit formen av en mer aktiv triad. I en studie av hjärnskadevård visas hur en sådan förändring ägt rum varvid de anhöriga gavs nya sociala betydelser. I denna process skedde såväl en integrering som en aktiv distans

Pulsar Binaries as Gravitational-Wave Sources: Rate predictions

Pulsar binaries are important targets for ground-based and future space-borne gravitational-wave (GW) detectors. In order for improving detector design and assessing detector performances, it is a prerequisite to understand the astrophysics of GW sources such as the population size or merger rates. Here, we summarize recent results for Galactic merger rates of two known types of pulsar binaries: (