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Money and Motivation - A study about monetary incentives and their effect on motivation and performance

This essay examines how eight identified negative effects influence the perceived motivation and performance of employees as a result of the current efficacious monetary incentive system. Through a multiple case study based on a qualitative research method, eight semi-structured were conducted. Afterwards the interviews were compiled in a database and analyzed. Both an inductive and deductive ap

Differentiation and classification of different materials on a touch-screen using a piezoelectric contact microphone

Klassificering av pennor av olika material till touch-skärm Genom att koppla en kontaktmikrofon till en touchskärm och undersöka de vibrationsmönster som uppstår då olika objekt rör vid skärmen har en dator tränats till att känna igen olika typer av material. Om en filt och en träpenna användes kunde datorn känna skillnad på vilket material som användes i mer än 99,5% av fallen. Resultatet av proIn this report, a potential improvement of an optical touch screen solution by means of acoustic sensing is presented. The goal is to utilize the different vibration patterns that arise when different materials touch the screen to be able to identify them. This identification of different materials opens up new opportunities to give input to the touch-device which could potentially replace menu ba

Energy losses in hydraulic systems of water treatment plants: An application to Vombverket in south Sweden

Sydvatten AB is a municipally owned company producing and supplying drinking water to about 900,000 inhabitants in southern Sweden through two water treatment plants (WTP), Ringsjöverket and Vombverket. At Vombverket, the present capacity is somewhat reduced because of pressure losses in the pipe systems of the WTP. Parts of the WTP was built already in the 1950’s and it was significantly expande

Singing as a tool for English pronunciation improvement - an experimental study

This experimental study was conducted in an upper secondary school in the south of Sweden. The aim was to examine whether singing could act as a tool for improving English pronunciation among Swedish learners in the ages 16-17. The experiment consisted of three parts: a pre-test, a singing session and a post-test. There were one experiment group and one control group in order to compare and analyz

Validitet i den svenska versionen av New Reynell Developmental Language Scales, med fokus på ordförråd och tillägnandeålder

Syfte: Denna studie undersöker begrepps- och samtidig validitet, med fokus på ordförråd och tillägnandeålder, i den nyligen översatta svenska versionen av det ursprungligen brittiska språkscreeningverktyget New Reynell Developmental Language Scales (NRDLS). Metod: Blivande normeringsdata från 177 svenskspråkiga barn i åldrarna 30 - 48 månader, indelade i tre åldersgrupper, användes. Begreppsvalidi

Utveckling och validering av ett frågeformulär för utvärdering av effekten av en kurs i Aktiv Kommunikation

Syfte: Att utveckla och validera ett kliniskt användbart frågeformulär för utvärdering av effekten av en kurs i Aktiv Kommunikation (AK). Metod: Ett frågeformulär utvecklades och reviderades utifrån kommentarer sprungna ur granskning genomförd av en grupp tidigare kursdeltagare och av ett antal kursledare i Aktiv Kommunikation. Formuläret fylldes sedan i av 61 andra, tidigare kursdeltagare. Ytterl

Jag skiter fullständigt i fruktkorgen : En kvalitativ studie om mäns uppfattningar av att arbeta inom ett kvinnodominerat yrke

About 80% of all Swedish social workers are women, which makes male social workers a minority in the Swedish social workers labour force. Research shows that men in women dominated professions get benefits in relation to women. One of the benefits that men possess is that they become more sought after in the women dominated labour market. Our purpose with this study was to examine how male social

Rollspelet mellan medlem och kund

Vad: Kandidatuppsats VT 2016. Lunds universitet, Campus Helsingborg, institutionen för Service Management. Titel: Rollspelet mellan medlem och kund - En studie om hur tjänstekvalitet upplevs i en ideell förening som säljer tjänster. Syfte: Syftet är att mäta upplevd tjänstekvalitet i en ideell förening som säljer tjänster genom att prova mätinstrument skapade för service management perspektivet. F

On the Link Between Innovation, Markups and Exporting

The relationship between innovation, markup and exporting is complex and any empirical analysis is likely to contain both self-selection and simultaneity biases. I use recently developed GMM estimation techniques to recover time-varying markups at the firm level. I then cast these into a simultaneous-equation framework to estimate the influence of R\&D investments on markups and export behavio

Eye to eye : A contrastive view on the metaphorical use of the eye in English and Japanese

The present thesis deals with the metaphorical role of the eye in the Japanese language and how it compares to English. Metaphorical concepts provided by Lakoff and Johnson are explained in the context of English, then translated and tested with native Japanese people to see if the same concepts are apparent in the Japanese language. A number of other aspects were also put into contrast to each la

Språket i svensk ishockeys beslutstexter : en studie om mottagaranpassning

I detta examensarbete undersöker vi beslutstexter skrivna av Svenska ishockeyförbundets disciplinnämnd. Texterna granskas utifrån innehåll, språklig struktur och ordval och undersökningens fokus ligger på hur texterna mottagaranpassas utifrån dessa aspekter. Undersökningen genomförs med hjälp av textanalys och en enkätundersökning om läsarnas attityder till texterna. Utifrån enkätundersökningens

Fingerprint Sensor Testing Using Force Feedback Control

Testing and validation of fingerprint sensors with human labor is time consuming, costly and lacks the speed, accuracy and repeatability required for sufficient results. The thesis investigates the possibility of an automated solution using an industrial robot with force feedback control. Several force feedback controllers are implemented and evaluated. The best controller is implemented together

Optimization of Electromechanical Slip Ring

Today's network cameras are constantly evolving, giving us higher resolution and higher quality video streams which demands higher capacity data links. In Pan, Tilt, Zoom (rotating) cameras the Slip Ring acts as the single communication link between the stationary and rotating parts of the camera and at the same time enables unrestricted rotation. It is therefore a key component within the cam

Barack Obama’s identity-building in the health care debate: A corpus-assisted discourse study

In this study, I demonstrate that identity-building is an important discursive strategy for President Barack Obama in the seven-year long debate surrounding the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The data for the study comes from a 6-million word corpus of speeches that were held by Obama between January 2009 and January 2016, all published by the White House. The speeches are classified according to genr

Navigating Protracted Liminality - An anthropological study of the experiences of Syrian refugees in Istanbul in re-establishing livelihoods after displacement

On the basis of ethnographic fieldwork, this thesis sheds light on the experiences of urban Syrian refugees in re-establishing livelihoods in Istanbul after displacement. The first part of the thesis identifies social exclusion mechanisms, including lack of access to a stable legal status, education and permission to work legally, as well as extensive discrimination and harassment as constituting

Vertical heterostructure III-V nanowire MOSFETs

Om bilar hade utvecklats så snabbt som processorer skulle de färdas i en hastighet på 760,000 km/h, gå 42 000 km per liter och kosta 25 öre" hävdar Paul Ottelini, Intel VD mellan 2005-2013. Detta påminner oss om vilken rasande fart utvecklingen har inom nanoelektronik branschen där elektroniska kretsar ständigt blivit billigare samt mindre under det senaste halvseklet. Miniatyriseringen har fIf cars had developed as fast as processors they would go at 470,000 mph, get 100,000 miles to the gallon, and cost 3 cents" claims Paul Ottelini, Intel CEO 2005-2013. This serves as a reminder of how fast the field of nanoelectronics is developing due to constant demand for faster and more energy efficient integrated circuits. The still ongoing electronics revolution was accelerated by the i

Vem äger bilden av Migrationsverket?

Mediernas framställning av Migrationsverket Denna uppsats undersöker och analyserar hur svenska dags- och kvällstidningar, inom ämnet strategisk kommunikation, porträtterar den svenska myndigheten Mi-grationsverket i media under en av myndighetens mest krävande perioder, under pågående flyktingkris hösten 2015. Idag fungerar dags- och kvällstidningar som en brygga mellan myndighetens information oExposition of the Swedish Migration Agency through media This paper analyze how Swedish newspaper, within the subject of strategic com-munication, present and portray the Swedish administrative authority, the Migra-tion Agency, during one of its most critical and crucial time. Today newspaper work as a bridge between the authority and their final receivers which give them large power and ability t

Digital Ethnic Media : Integrating Minorities and Connecting Diversities - Digital Diaspora, Virtual Diaspora Community

The thesis explores the implications of digital ethnic media for International diaspora through an empirical analysis of virtual Chinese diaspora spaces. The analysis shows that the Chinese cultural sphere is a heterogeneous and pluralistic space which is diverse, segmented but connected. The multicultural sphere fosters the complexity of interactions within digital ethnic community, by means of t

Vem tycker vad om självskadebeteende ? : En enkätundersökning om allmänhetens attityder

Syfte: Att undersöka de psykometriska egenskaperna hos instrumentet Lund Attitudes Towards Self Harm (LASH) och använda den bästa lämpade versionen, sex items eller kortare, för att undersöka allmänhetens attityder till självskadebeteende. Metod: En enkät med frågor om demografiska variabler, erfarenhet av självskadebeteende i nära relationer samt skalorna LASH, Community Attittudes towards the MeObjective: To examine the psychometric properties of the instrument Lund Attitudes Towards Self Harm (LASH) and use the best-suited version, six items or less, to investigate public attitudes to self-harm. Method: A questionnaire about demographic variables, the experience of self-harm in close relationships and the following scales; LASH, Community attittudes towards the Mentally Ill (CAMI-S), Re